
Author Topic: Exclusive And Brand New Hacks.  (Read 117 times)

Unholy Doom

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Exclusive And Brand New Hacks.
« on: November 17, 2005, 11:33:00 AM »

My dedication to a friend that deserves all of the attention of xbox-scene

There is a person out there that continues to help me with modding and hacking.  I want to say that I appreciate that person for all of their hard work.  Thank You.  You know who you are.  The person I'm talking about found a lot of new hacks and mods.  He selflessly helped me and continues to be a good friend.  I would not be where I'm at today in my gaming experience had he not helped me.  To this peson goes all of the glory.  Thank you for helping and showing me things that no one has ever seen.  You are a true hacker.  

If anybody has any new Hacks for rainbow six 3 ba send me a personal message and I can consult my friend and tell you if you are the true maker of the hack.  If we find you worthy, I will ask my friend to show you everything he can.  He is considered, at the least, to be a genious with skills that would make a women melt in his arm.  Skills like:  nunchuck skills, magic skills, and computer hacking skills.  LOL!