
Author Topic: Xbox 360 :@  (Read 81 times)


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Xbox 360 :@
« on: March 08, 2010, 05:21:00 AM »

Ok firstly i would like to say hello
now my problem is this..... afew months ago i was using my xbox 360 and a power surge came through the house went through my UPS protecting the xbox n my computer the UPS shut off power to the surge part of the ups for a split second my xbox didnt know what was going on so it red ringed 1,2,4 so i restarted it n it worked fine, a week l8r it had trouble reading a disk it ended up being fine again
a week after that it started locking up on me did it about 4 times then it was fine
2 weeks after that it red ringed (3 lights) never worked after that till last week started it up it red ringed like normal left it running 30 mins as it was then i turned it off n back on it worked fine for afew days then i started it up afew days l8r n it red ringed so i left it n it worked again next day didnt start so i covered all the holes on it with a shirt left it for about 10 mins n it worked again had to do that every day till this morning
it worked for about 5 minutes then locked up the past 5 startups that i had to overheat it for it started up with a green tinge to the screen it would get better as i played a game halo wars
now when it didnt start today i decided to pull it apart i removed the x-clamps n acdently scratched the board along those wire looking things in the motherboard while i had the heatsinks off i found that there was no kind of thermal paste or anything on the gpu or cpu also under the gpu there are to tiny chip looking things labled C4T3 and C4T9 now C4T3 appears to have melted out of place its still in one peace but one end has moved closer to the next chip thing n C4T9 is missing but it was there cause it appears there was something there anyways i put the 360 back togeather n insted of the 3 red lights i got only 2 so it was thinking it was overheating but the thing is the whole 360 was cold when i turned it on so that has confused me any ideas? could the chip things be the cause of the 3 red lights?