
Author Topic: 3 Rrod, Killing Me, Heatgun Question  (Read 65 times)


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3 Rrod, Killing Me, Heatgun Question
« on: February 03, 2020, 03:35:00 PM »

Ok, so my friend wanted me to try and fix his 3rrod problem, so i did xclamp replace fix, it worked for about an hour then gave crazy graphical error.  Then it changed from 3rrod to just the bottom right light and gave me (e74 error) on the screen.  I figured out that it was the gpu heatsink (not sure if thats right, it was the silver thin one) but i would unscrew the bolts and just put a little pressure on the heatsink and it would work, so i fixed that.  NOW, i'm gettin the same 3rrod but its right off the bat when i turn it on.  If i screw down the heatsink too much, no power will go to the fan or dvd drive, but they work when its barely screwed down. i just want this p.o.s. fixed so my friend will stop bitching. please help!

p.s. its the elite style mobo with the extra mini heatsink, if that has anything to do with it.

edit: guess i kind of left out the heatgun question, is it alright to use a hairdryer instead so i dont have to dish out a lot of money?

This post has been edited by idr4life7: Yesterday, 11:53 PM


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3 Rrod, Killing Me, Heatgun Question
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 04:30:00 PM »

A hairdryer does not put out enough heat to melt the solder under the GPU.  Heat guns are not very expensive. I paid less than 30 bucks for mine.  Tell you buddy to buy it, after all it is to fix his xbox.  But remember there is no perminate fix for the 3RLOD.  Sometimes it will work for quite a while after the fix has been applied sometimes not.  Once it starts with the 3RLOD its pretty much on its way out.  

There are plenty of posts out there were people have gotten the 3RLOD and it worked for a while but keeps coming back.  Just thought i would warn you.  Never tell anyone that this is a perminate fix.

This post has been edited by gabe681: Today, 12:31 AM


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3 Rrod, Killing Me, Heatgun Question
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 04:37:00 PM »

ya my own xbox got 3rrod a long time ago, so i fixed it with just the xclamp fix and it gets 3rrod every once and awhile still but its just another xclamp and itll work for a while again, but this one is pissin me off. i think im just gonna tell my friend to buy a new one and ill eventually get a heatgun and fix it and keep it for myself (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif).