
Author Topic: How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?  (Read 91 times)


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« on: February 27, 2005, 05:29:00 PM »

I recently heard about halo modding, so i went to and downloaded some of the maps the people played, i have the game backuped on my HD, and now i want to know how to run their maps. The file i download from them is .pff file. and i download PFF-o-matic. What do i do now?


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2005, 02:57:00 PM »

I'm having the same problem as you.  I downloaded the Silent Cartographer MP with all those new weapons and junk, but I have no idea how to patch Halo's default.xbe file.  I tried using the default.xbe as an image file and the forerunner conversion as the ppf, but it didn't work.  I thought maybe it was because my Halo default.xbe file has already been patched because I have NMP1.1, NMP2, and CXE.  You would think they would have a tutorial on this.  Sorry I'm not answering your question, but I was going to post a new topic before I saw yours and figured I'd throw mine in here.  Hopefully we can get some help.  At least you're not the only one who doesn't know what you're doing.


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2005, 06:55:00 PM »

Guess what?
I finally figured it out with no help from anybody.  First off, make sure you have not tried to patch the map or the default.xbe, because I had accidentally patched the map instead of the xbe and it screwed up the whole process.  I decided to start from scratch and it worked?  First, transfer the Halo default.xbe over to your PC (you may want to do this twice, in case you screw up the first one, you'll have a backup).  I just made two folders containing the default.xbe.  Put the default.xbe into the ISO image file box and the ppf file into the ppf file box.  Then hit Patch.  Transfer the default.xbe over to the xbox, and overwrite your old one.  Then, replace the old map with the new (downloaded) map.  You should make a backup of your old one first.  Then, go into your xbox X, Y, and Z partitions and clear them out.  Don't worry, this is just the cache (temporary files that the xbox will eventually delete anyway).  I also transferred the ppf file into my F/Games/Halo directory, but I don't think it does anything.  This should all work, so just go into split screen and play the map.  (For example, the Silent Cartographer map is, so go play prisoner)  This all worked for me.


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 06:57:00 PM »

By the way, the map description says that you have to solve a puzzle to find the nuke launcher, railgun, and sungun.  Does anybody have any idea how to solve this puzzle?


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2005, 10:12:00 PM »

Thanks alot man


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2005, 10:35:00 PM »

ok so i patched the default.xbe and now i copied the default.xbe into Halo. But now how do i play the game. what is the map file called


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2005, 10:00:00 AM »

Well, it depends on what map it is you downloaded.  If you still have this map on your PC, you should use Sparkedit to figure out if it was a cache map or compressed map.  Most likely, it is a compressed map, because that is what is found in F:/Games/Halo/Maps or whatever.  When I downloaded the Silent Cartographer Multiplayer, it was already compressed and it was called and it was a 67mb file.  So I just transferred the old from the original Halo to my PC (backup).  Then I transferred the new, downloaded map ( over to the F:/Games/Halo/Maps directory and overwrote the old one.  By the way, make sure you delete your cache (X,Y,and Z) before you play.  Then just hook up two controllers and go into split screen and play the map prisoner.  Even though it looks like you are going to play prisoner, when the map loads and the match starts, you will be on the silent cartographer.  To make it clearer, tell me what maps you downloaded and what the filenames are.  Just to let you know, I downloaded the Two Betrayals map and still haven't gotten it to work, just the Silent Cartographer and The Hangar.


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 08:08:00 PM »

alrite i got it down thanks a lot


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2005, 10:02:00 AM »

you have to patch the default.xbe and clear x/y/z ?? oh... can you tell me why or how or what with?
i tried taking a map, applying the patch to it, putting it back and playing but i got the disc read error...

anyone listened to the cool chill out track hidden in one of the foldes with all the preview  movies?


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2005, 01:56:00 PM »

Hey guys,
      I'm glad you finally got it to work volcomboy.  Have fun playing everything.  If you downloaded the Silent Cartographer, tell me if you solve the puzzle on how to get the nuke launcher, railgun, and sungun.  On to Raa, you did the same thing that I did.  You aren't suppossed to patch the map, you are suppossed to patch the default.xbe file with the ppf file.  Well, I had to start brand new.  Hopefully, you have a backup of all the Halo files or you have the original game.  If not, you will have to borrow it from somebody or rent it.  You have to transfer the original default.xbe over to your pc using a program called FlashFXP or a different FTP program.  You should have the patch on your computer and a program called PPF-Omatic.  I think version 3 is the latest version.  A freeware program, too!  Anyway, once you get ppfomatic, put the default.xbe into the iso box and the ppf file into the ppf box.  Then, hit patch.  Transfer over the default.xbe to your xbox using FlashFXP and transfer over the compressed .map file.  Make sure you backup both of the originals before you overwrite them.  On to your question of the x,y,z partitions.  The x,y,and z partitions are called the cache partitions.  Cache is basically temporary files.  Whenever you play Halo on your xbox, or any other game, it decompresses the maps that you play.  This lets your xbox run smoother and load this map a lot faster in the future.  That is why if you load a single player map, it takes a long time.  But, if you save and quit right after the map is loaded, and then you play that single player map again, it doesn't even have to load the map because it doesn't have to decompress it.  The reason why it is compressed in the first place is to save space on the XBOX Game Disc.  This way the companies can produce games on a single-layer DVD instead of a double-layer DVD, saving them $ :huh:   Sorry if I lost you.  All you need to know is that you have to delete the cache partitions or else your XBOX will play off them instead of decompressing the downloaded and transferred map.  Besides, the xbox will automatically delete these files later on.  You can use FlashFXP to delete these files, or you can use Boxplorer (xbox homebrew software).  It is just a lot easier to use FlashFXP.  Then, once that is done, you can go into split screen, play the map, and have fun.  The map that you download has to have a correct filename.  For example, your map has to be named after one of the original Halo map filenames ( / / / etc.)  If your map that you downloaded was called then overwrite the original and play prisoner.  If you have problems, write em up here, I might be able to help u out.  Just remember to be SPECIFIC!  General questions are harder to answer because of the different kinds of maps and stuff.  If you read this, good job.  It's pretty long.  Sorry.  Like to type.  Read this and my other posts.  Reply if you need more help.  Have fun! B)


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2005, 07:15:00 PM »

nah you didn't lose me, thx, mmn... thats annoying - i've only dl'd a .ppf of a bloodgulch mod...

if its not a whole new mod, do i just apply the ppf to the .xbe, clear the x/y/z and go?

can u link or pm me a link to a map pack? thx


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How Do I Play A Downloaded Map?
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2005, 04:10:00 PM »


This is a link to the Xbox-Scene, Tools, Game Editors page.  This is where you will be provided with a link to where you can download Halo NMP 2.0 + Halo CXE.  This is really easy to install, because it is all automatic.  You will download one file, which is actually a program.  All you have to do is network your Xbox to your PC, and the program will automatically install everything.

As for the patching, you are absolutely right.  Just clear the cache, patch the xbe, overwrite the original, and then play it.  Good luck!