
Author Topic: Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?  (Read 132 times)


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« on: February 02, 2020, 08:39:00 PM »

OK so I hvae a Hitachi drive that is unmodded at the moment. seems like support has died for the Hitachi's and samsungs, what options do I have if any if I want to play backups /


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2020, 08:46:00 PM »

QUOTE(ahmerkhan83 @ Nov 28 2010, 09:39 PM) *

OK so I hvae a Hitachi drive that is unmodded at the moment. seems like support has died for the Hitachi's and samsungs, what options do I have if any if I want to play backups /

well, you can use the existing IX 1.51 which is not live safe for playing offline.  there really are no live options for the hitachi drives though.


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2020, 08:55:00 PM »

But with 1.51 play ap25 games ?


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 02:16:00 AM »

Depends on your Hitachi version.  Pre 78 is meant to be fine but there have been mixed reports of AP25 working on 78 and 79 models


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2020, 04:14:00 AM »

QUOTE(Buzzcut @ Nov 29 2010, 09:16 AM) *

Depends on your Hitachi version.  Pre 78 is meant to be fine but there have been mixed reports of AP25 working on 78 and 79 models

This is a somewhat educated guess from what I have seen here/elsewhere, but a guess all the same...

All the Hitachi users I have seen with problems with the 78/79 and AP2.5 have either:

1) Been using a banned console.
- OR -
2) Updated direct from an AP2.5 game, rather than via USB stick etc.

There seems to be a known issue with updating direct from updates via games (some people are saying they are incomplete? seems odd, but I suppose it is possible).
It seems if you update from a game you get the dirty disk error, yet if you update using a USB stick you do not.


Personally, my 360 Elite with Hitachi 79 plays AP2.5 games just fine.
I flashed my drive back to stock, updated via XBox live, then flashed back to iXtreme 1.51.

This post has been edited by iGuru: Yesterday, 12:15 PM


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2020, 09:49:00 AM »

Got a 78 in with the same problem. Dirty disk on the AP25 games but works for everything else. This was updated from a game disk as far as i know.ed.


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2020, 08:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(iGuru @ Nov 29 2010, 06:14 AM) *

This is a somewhat educated guess from what I have seen here/elsewhere, but a guess all the same...

All the Hitachi users I have seen with problems with the 78/79 and AP2.5 have either:

1) Been using a banned console.
- OR -
2) Updated direct from an AP2.5 game, rather than via USB stick etc.

There seems to be a known issue with updating direct from updates via games (some people are saying they are incomplete? seems odd, but I suppose it is possible).
It seems if you update from a game you get the dirty disk error, yet if you update using a USB stick you do not.


Personally, my 360 Elite with Hitachi 79 plays AP2.5 games just fine.
I flashed my drive back to stock, updated via XBox live, then flashed back to iXtreme 1.51.

this is so true i did a 78 the other day and updates with a game and i just did a 79 and updated with usb and ap2.5 games boot fine

so People update with usb if u want to play ap2.5 games

only did 2 so far but will be doing more and i will update when i do


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2020, 11:22:00 PM »

I have a banned 360 with a hitachi 78 spoofed as a liteon.

Am I shit out of luck? The impression I'm getting is that it will expect AP25 info from what it thinks is a Liteon drive, but since it's a Hitachi, the drive will not be able to supply it and thus games like Assassin's Creed -- and every game from here on out -- will not run.

Are there or will there be any options? Patches, etc? It seems ridiculous that Microsoft will prevent me from playing retail games on my system, banned or not.

This post has been edited by jubilex: Today, 07:28 AM


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Hitachi Drive... What Are My Options ? If Any ?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2020, 01:44:00 AM »

QUOTE(jubilex @ Nov 30 2010, 02:22 AM) *

I have a banned 360 with a hitachi 78 spoofed as a liteon.

Am I shit out of luck? The impression I'm getting is that it will expect AP25 info from what it thinks is a Liteon drive, but since it's a Hitachi, the drive will not be able to supply it and thus games like Assassin's Creed -- and every game from here on out -- will not run.

Are there or will there be any options? Patches, etc? It seems ridiculous that Microsoft will prevent me from playing retail games on my system, banned or not.

You need to put the original drive type in there and go from there.  Originally Lite-on, Lite-on then put LT+ on it.  They're making it hard on modders, not ridiculous at all.  You may have to end up getting a new system, money in their pocket.  

Hitachi drives work best if they were originally in the system.  My 79 worked from the get go with no trouble.  It plays anything.  Spoofed drives usually are made not to work anyway through the dash not the drive, if you are on the Kinect dash.