
Author Topic: Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq  (Read 31 times)


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Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq
« on: August 15, 2010, 08:06:00 PM »

Hello all,
not a total noob, but unfortunately totally lost right now.
I have 2 360s I want to flash to the latest LT firmware.  I have an old samsung m25 that I flashed back in 2006, it was xtreme (3.3 maybe?) using DOSflash on a USB drive.  eventually got banned, then after a while got the RRoD.  
Bought a new arcade version and flashed that with ixtreme 1.3 and then 1.41, both using iPrep.  tried a widows based flash, but didn't work, so i went back to the trusty USB Boot drive technique.  That box has been banned also, eventually got the RROD, but fixed it myself with the washer/arctic silver method and is still going fine.

This weekend I fixed my older samsung RROD and wanted to update both of them to the LT.  I have a winXP box I use for flashing, with the VIA Sata PCI card to connect to the xbox drive (the one from newegg everyone always used to link to in forums).

I first tried the latest JungleFlasher 175 beta.  That starts up fine, but when I powered on the samsung xbox, the whole PC froze.  have seen a few posts about this problem and don't want to deal with windows, so I wanted to go back to iPrep and USB boot flashing.  here's my problem....

I have iPrep 12.2.1 loaded and it updated itself to 12.2.2, but I can't find the latest iPrepltDef.xml anywhere! I have the latest fw for benq (lt 1.2) and samsung (lt 1.0), but without the xml definitions its no good.  just get the message "valid firmware source not selected" when I try and load one of the fw I have.  I tried to put a new entry in the xml file for the samsung, but it didn't take.  plus I don't know the md5 hash key, so i can't say i'd trust the output even if i was able to get it to load the fw (just nervous to screw up the flash)

any useful search result from forums or google seem to point to pages on klutsh's site, but those are all dead links now.  Seems that most are using jungleFlash, but thats not an option for me, so I would really appreciate any insight as to what I can do get iPrep usable....

sorry for the long winded message, and thanks for any help.



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Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 09:30:00 PM »

read the section in the jf tutorial about deleting via driver.  it is in the liteon section.  this should solve your freezing problem.  also, that washer trick is only about to permanently rrod your console, you are better off getting a professional reflow done cuz if it rrod's w/ the washer trick, it is permafried.


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Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 10:07:00 AM »

thanks for the tip about the driver removal, i'll give that a go.  Prefer the USB boot/flash method, but if I can't do that I'll try something else...
Still find it hard to believe there isn't an updated xml doc for the latest iPrep??

as far as the washer/new thermal paste fix, that worked great for me.  My box(es) don't get a lot of use, but one has been fixed for well over a year now.

thanks again


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Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 10:42:00 AM »

You do realise it takes about 40 seconds to make a new .xml?


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Iprep Lt 12.2.2 And Samsung And Benq
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2020, 07:05:00 PM »

yep.  but I don't know the the hash key or how to derive it from the bin file.  and wouldn't want to risk f'ing up the box with a bad flash.

QUOTE(iateshaggy @ Aug 16 2010, 04:30 AM) *

read the section in the jf tutorial about deleting via driver.  it is in the liteon section.  this should solve your freezing problem.  also, that washer trick is only about to permanently rrod your console, you are better off getting a professional reflow done cuz if it rrod's w/ the washer trick, it is permafried.

Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for tipping me off in the right direction.  removed the drivers and JF worked perfectly.  on my old 25 sammy, that was spoofed to m28 at some point, and my benq which was 1.6.
  had to do the drive half open trick for vendor mode, but that worked easily on the first try -- was surprised it did.  all is well and thanks again  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)