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Author Topic: Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress  (Read 1844 times)


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #150 on: January 13, 2010, 09:35:00 PM »

Again, this is why some things just shouldn't be simplified for public consumption.

People then feel entitled to it, when infact they aren't entitled to anything.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #151 on: January 13, 2010, 11:34:00 PM »

What's with all the bitching and QQing here? Team Jungle is the reason this thread and most likely this entire forum section exists, yet people are still complaining? Give them time to test their products, or else this might just result in another ban wave where they ban LT due to poor checking...

And all this bitching is like saying to C4EVA:

Seriously, that is essentially what all you assholes are sending to C4EVA....

This post has been edited by pogi1100: Jan 14 2010, 07:44 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #152 on: January 14, 2010, 12:33:00 AM »

While I think most people are ungrateful and just need to be patient, it would be in Team Jungle's best interest to have an ETA, even if it's a bullshit ETA. They'd at least save some of the annoying pestering they're probably receiving about LT for themselves.

This post has been edited by hollowtip: Jan 14 2010, 08:34 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #153 on: January 14, 2010, 01:29:00 AM »

QUOTE(saleem_hacks_360s @ Jan 13 2010, 08:47 PM) View Post

so you bitching about people bitching is going to make things better or worse?

and if you were in his place and told people to shove it what would the person in your place do to play backups?i suppose you have answer for this question to?

talk about keeping pointless threads alive and bumped.


it makes me feel better to say it yes,seems to be what this tread is for aint it tongue.gif

that person would do (including me)nothing as he has nothing as he is to incompitent to make a firmware by himself --->duh!--->my point.

now stop bitchin and go back to maxconsole


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #154 on: January 14, 2010, 03:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(fffttt @ Jan 13 2010, 02:15 PM) *

That means they did not find all checks months ago, and they made the first LT version and tested it online. Then they got banned. That's why the LT was delayed as many of us has gussed.
If they really found all checks recently, the LT may be released soon probably.

Well said and make sense


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #155 on: January 14, 2010, 03:28:00 AM »


all you people are friggin idiots. First of all. stop tryin to be Mr. Detective and reading between the lines. your over thinking this way to much. First off they are hackers. a lot of time hackers (in my expierience) dont use the greatest grammar especialy v4eva. Never has he posted a complete, proper sentence. in all honestly hes probably mexican. a lot of spanish people are hackers these days. take Maximus for example his site is also in spanish and the guy who makes cIOS for the Wii is spanish and talks in broken english like that as well. Also these people have lifes. Ummmm what just passed???? Christmas!!!! what have you been doing the last two weeks of the year i highly doubt u were on the pc every day screwing around with code. unless you have no life. Your spending time with family, getting drunk eating all that fun stuff. SO WERE THEY. the post from Irez...havent seen much since.... i bet they got in a fight so he was like "hmmmm i'm gonna stir up shit...." and also in #fw the topic awhile back said LT would be free. What i got from Irez post was the NEXT DVD DRIVE if hacked would not be hacked for free NOT THE FIRMWARE no one is trying to push anything c4eva has always been known for hyping things up/mentioning before release, honestly i think this is bad practice but who cares the guy has done so much for you little punks and this is how you thank him? go crawl under a rock and die. No one needs you here. go make you own damn firmware if your so smart that you can read peoples minds and see text that isnt there. you should have no problem making a firmware with those crazy skills. or better yet go be in "the sixth sense 2: the sense to see bullshit theries that arent there"

Go do something besides bitch on a board about stuff that hasnt happened yet and you know what if they do ask for money i'll pay them. back in the DTV hacking days there was a hacking god who went by PGM you might have read about him in the  USA today. DTV contacted him and asked him to stop making emulators for their smart cards or he would be sued his name was Pierre G. Montieau (i spelled that wrong its french) hense PGM (the guy had balls i tell ya that) He wrote the best Emulator Ever SLE44 it emulated the DTV H card so you could get free tv if you had a spare pc to hook up to your receiver but on with my story....well when the DTV hacking scene fell and everyone flocked to Dish, he re amerged making yet another great EMU ST19XL that survived 90% of DISH Networks attacks. AFther awhile he got sick of people bitchign and demanding stuff so he made a non mandatory donation setup but if you donated you go the program emailed to you  48 hours earlyer, u paied once and even if it stopped working the next update was free no more cash. And you know what, I PAYED HIM he deserved it ONE MAN working countless hours just for greedy pigs on the internet? he deserves a break and so does c4eva so many the foundry thing was a lapse in judgement..... Give the man a chance stop with the bitching and just WAIT AND SEE thats what probably all the smart people are doing thats why the threads are filled with just bitching cuz all the vets and normal people with a life know better... That the iinternet is dicey and you cant beelive everything you read. and there is nothing "in between the lines except pixels" so get over yourselfs play offline adn wait. Or buy another box ms wont ban again til next november when they want to skew then NPD numbers to make it say 360 is the #1 selling console just before the honlidys go back and look its almost always in november.

My .05 cents (it was really long lol)



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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #156 on: January 14, 2010, 03:40:00 AM »

QUOTE(Hack_kid @ Jan 14 2010, 02:28 AM) *

all you people are friggin idiots. First of all. stop tryin to be Mr. Detective and reading between the lines. your over thinking this way to much. First off they are hackers. a lot of time hackers (in my expierience) dont use the greatest grammar especialy v4eva. Never has he posted a complete, proper sentence. in all honestly hes probably mexican. a lot of spanish people are hackers these days. take Maximus for example his site is also in spanish and the guy who makes cIOS for the Wii is spanish and talks in broken english like that as well. Also these people have lifes. Ummmm what just passed???? Christmas!!!! what have you been doing the last two weeks of the year i highly doubt u were on the pc every day screwing around with code. unless you have no life. Your spending time with family, getting drunk eating all that fun stuff. SO WERE THEY. the post from Irez...havent seen much since.... i bet they got in a fight so he was like "hmmmm i'm gonna stir up shit...." and also in #fw the topic awhile back said LT would be free. What i got from Irez post was the NEXT DVD DRIVE if hacked would not be hacked for free NOT THE FIRMWARE no one is trying to push anything c4eva has always been known for hyping things up/mentioning before release, honestly i think this is bad practice but who cares the guy has done so much for you little punks and this is how you thank him? go crawl under a rock and die. No one needs you here. go make you own damn firmware if your so smart that you can read peoples minds and see text that isnt there. you should have no problem making a firmware with those crazy skills. or better yet go be in "the sixth sense 2: the sense to see bullshit theries that arent there"

Go do something besides bitch on a board about stuff that hasnt happened yet and you know what if they do ask for money i'll pay them. back in the DTV hacking days there was a hacking god who went by PGM you might have read about him in the  USA today. DTV contacted him and asked him to stop making emulators for their smart cards or he would be sued his name was Pierre G. Montieau (i spelled that wrong its french) hense PGM (the guy had balls i tell ya that) He wrote the best Emulator Ever SLE44 it emulated the DTV H card so you could get free tv if you had a spare pc to hook up to your receiver but on with my story....well when the DTV hacking scene fell and everyone flocked to Dish, he re amerged making yet another great EMU ST19XL that survived 90% of DISH Networks attacks. AFther awhile he got sick of people bitchign and demanding stuff so he made a non mandatory donation setup but if you donated you go the program emailed to you  48 hours earlyer, u paied once and even if it stopped working the next update was free no more cash. And you know what, I PAYED HIM he deserved it ONE MAN working countless hours just for greedy pigs on the internet? he deserves a break and so does c4eva so many the foundry thing was a lapse in judgement..... Give the man a chance stop with the bitching and just WAIT AND SEE thats what probably all the smart people are doing thats why the threads are filled with just bitching cuz all the vets and normal people with a life know better... That the iinternet is dicey and you cant beelive everything you read. and there is nothing "in between the lines except pixels" so get over yourselfs play offline adn wait. Or buy another box ms wont ban again til next november when they want to skew then NPD numbers to make it say 360 is the #1 selling console just before the honlidys go back and look its almost always in november.

My .05 cents (it was really long lol)


This kid speaks in broken English. He must be teh l33t hackerz...and Mexican. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

This post has been edited by SpikeMage: Jan 14 2010, 11:40 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #157 on: January 14, 2010, 03:43:00 AM »

oh and for the record..... SS (Secret Service) is a friggin idiot. You dont just blindly hex edit stuff that isnt yours.l WOOHHOO he fixed the speed issue that sport int eh firmware ahs been known about forever i mean just look ath te versions Rev 2 Rev 3 Rev 4 Rev 4 fix1 Rev 5 test LMFAO come on doesnt that tell you something? and i bet the reason no one is banned is cuz ms isnt sending the checks down anymore. DISH use to do that all the time send an ECM (Electronnic counter messure) down for awhile then Poof! pull it from the stream for six months then it would just randonly pop back up just to make sure everyones in check so to speak. the 360 scene ahs made things too easy for everyone. People think they are experts cuz they can flash a DVD drive. I could do that when i was 8 i swear to god. Grow up you idiots know nothing

QUOTE(SpikeMage @ Jan 14 2010, 11:40 AM) View Post

This kid speaks in broken English. He must be teh l33t hackerz...and Mexican. rolleyes.gif

No. I'm High, and i'm using a wireless keyboard that sucks. and its a forum. and i don't care which prooves my point no one here uses proper grammar unless they are above the age of 30  Now if were an essay for collage or something then i would but x-s forums.....noooooo way ive been around man trust me since the H card days of DTV, since XBOX 1 since the beginning of the Wii modding scene and PSP modding scene i might talk like an idiot or an asshole, but i'm right

ps. i really need to change my nick. I mean hell i can drink now, so if you see someone named AlbinoMan887 thats me. smile.gif
P.S.S SS speaks in broken english, thats what i mean not bad grammar


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #158 on: January 14, 2010, 03:53:00 AM »

I'm still not sure why everyone is so sure that there will be monetary demands....rumors are a hell of a thing.

And assuming it's just firmware (and there is no additional hardware required)....I doubt they would be foolish enough to try to sell it, as it would be immediately distributed free of charge.

Not to mention the paper trail aspect...not sure if they want to put themselves out there like that, tempting microsoft.

That being said, I would without question pay $20.

Furthermore, if they ever decide to even go so far as to set up a paypal donation account....I will be at the front of the line.

How so many people can be so demanding and yet so shy to give even a cent to those who have personally invested massive amounts of time, and surely money, is absolutely beyond me.

Probably the same people who download 10TB a month from a private tracker and can't even ship them $5 a year to help keep the site running.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #159 on: January 14, 2010, 05:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(Hack_kid @ Jan 14 2010, 05:43 AM) View Post

oh and for the record..... SS (Secret Service) is a friggin idiot. You dont just blindly hex edit stuff that isnt yours.l WOOHHOO he fixed the speed issue that sport int eh firmware ahs been known about forever i mean just look ath te versions Rev 2 Rev 3 Rev 4 Rev 4 fix1 Rev 5 test LMFAO come on doesnt that tell you something?

Why is everyone hating on SS? The guy has gotten a quite a bit of hate in this thread (and others) for essentially fixing a speed issue that no one else was going to fix. Sure he has had to do multiple revisions but he only has two 360's to test on, where c4e would be testing on many more, so it is understandable that some things would get missed. Don't use the firmware if you are worried about bugs or wait until a more stable version comes out. All this hate only discourages others from getting involved in the scene.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #160 on: January 14, 2010, 05:49:00 AM »

In my opinion, Team jungle should sell modchip instead of give out free firmware. The reason is simple, any long term project need money to keep it on going, this is a simple fact. As long as the price is reasonable, I think everyone should be happy: gamer get what they want, team jungle got money to run things and MS can't so easily defeat the firmware's stealth.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #161 on: January 14, 2010, 06:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(ADAWG69 @ Jan 14 2010, 01:16 PM) View Post

Why is everyone hating on SS? The guy has gotten a quite a bit of hate in this thread (and others) for essentially fixing a speed issue that no one else was going to fix. Sure he has had to do multiple revisions but he only has two 360's to test on, where c4e would be testing on many more, so it is understandable that some things would get missed. Don't use the firmware if you are worried about bugs or wait until a more stable version comes out. All this hate only discourages others from getting involved in the scene.

Because all he did was change a byte (FF) thats a byte to be more accurate he changed 08 to 0C and calls the firmware hsi own and peole think hes a god for doing it

QUOTE(diab0lik @ Jan 14 2010, 11:53 AM) View Post

I'm still not sure why everyone is so sure that there will be monetary demands....rumors are a hell of a thing.

And assuming it's just firmware (and there is no additional hardware required)....I doubt they would be foolish enough to try to sell it, as it would be immediately distributed free of charge.

Not to mention the paper trail aspect...not sure if they want to put themselves out there like that, tempting microsoft.

That being said, I would without question pay $20.

Furthermore, if they ever decide to even go so far as to set up a paypal donation account....I will be at the front of the line.

How so many people can be so demanding and yet so shy to give even a cent to those who have personally invested massive amounts of time, and surely money, is absolutely beyond me.

Probably the same people who download 10TB a month from a private tracker and can't even ship them $5 a year to help keep the site running.

 agree with you completly, guess i could of just said that instead of rambling but hey.... lol


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #162 on: January 14, 2010, 07:59:00 AM »

This thread is serving as nothing more than a place for clueless, pimple faced 15 year old cheapskates to troll.  It's completely counterproductive to what X-S is about and should have been locked up after the first flame.

"When making a new post, or topic, or replying to existing posts/topics this site expects you to not be rude, and do not flame others.  Avoiding swearing in a post, or in a topic as staff might remove (or make invisible to the membership) your topic or post.  (staff will rarely waste the time of editing your post. They have enough to do already)"

I'm shocked at how many old school (circa 2003) members here have been throwing gas on the fire with conspiracy theories and other nonsense about JF/C4E and anyone else (SS) who have contributed (or tried to contribute).

It's become an international episode of Jerry Springer around these forums lately.



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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #163 on: January 14, 2010, 08:13:00 AM »

royal88, I completely agree. I'll refresh the thread every few hours and the replies will be predictable rubbish "omg now listen up IDIOTS" etc.

I'm surprised this thread even came to fruition, especially when the other 'twitter update' thread was closed and admin showed disdain of TJ twitter.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #164 on: January 14, 2010, 08:13:00 AM »

I personally look forward to the new firmware; Regardless of when that is or if it requires payment.
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