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Author Topic: Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress  (Read 1843 times)


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #135 on: January 13, 2010, 03:24:00 PM »

The people saying release it already or that they're only teasing because they said it was done at the end of November are retarded. You have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, who's to say they really didn't have it ready and then as they were testing it got banned which forced them to reevaluate? No one knows but the people working on the firmware. It'll be out when it's ready. The same people bitching about release it already would be right back here bitching about them releasing an unfinished version when they got banned for using a flawed version of the LT firmware. Beggars can't be choosers. If there's a game you really want go out and buy it or rent it instead of sitting at your computer refreshing x-s every 10 seconds hoping the firmware gets released.

QUOTE(tornadog @ Jan 13 2010, 01:37 PM) *

I think the reason a lot of members here are pissed off, is the confidence that c4eva and TJ placed in their so called stealth firmware before the November bans. Finally they had to admit that their so called undetectable firmware was the reason for the bans. Now when they are claiming the LT to be undetectable people are taking it with more than a grain of salt.

Well then those members are morons. If they really thought the firmware was going to be undetectable forever they should have never flashed their consoles. Anyone with half a brain or who took time to do research knew eventually we'd get caught and banned. It's always been a cat and mouse game. It just took a while for MS to finally catch up. I can't see why anyone would think MS would just lay down and take it.

And to add to that.. if ANYONE thinks they'll NEVER be banned for using the LT firmware don't bother flashing your 360. Eventually MS will catch up again, it could be months it could be years. You're always taking a risk.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #136 on: January 13, 2010, 03:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Jan 13 2010, 03:43 PM) View Post

Well they might just not have enough evidence to prosecute and if they did they would have to revel their methods in court to show proof these people are playing illegitimate games.  Then the numbers of people who have a modded xbox 360, would be insane to chase that many people.

Look at it this way.  Those who pirate games, they would of (most likely) never been customers anyway.  There are so many people doing this now, has to be over a million people out there with modded xbox's considering how many have been banned and then bought new consoles and modded them.  MS is just fighting a losing battle.  Piracy is on the grow, if it isnt video games, its music, movies, or software being pirated and tons of people are doing it.  I would say at least 70% of the population has stolen/pirated a video game, movie or software and then when you think about it, how many people have copied music.  Think about it ever since cassette tapes, people have been able to copy music without buying it.

The video game, music, and movie industries need a big change if they want to combat theft of IP/piracy/etc.  For one the economy is absolute shit.  If games were more reasonable say $30, then they might get more people actually buying them.  Music is overpriced, movies are over priced.  Music cds should be like $5, movies in DVD form should be $5-10 and blurays $15ish range.  If they had more realistic prices, they could have more potential customers then thieves.  

It almost seems no matter what these industries do, piracy always finds a way.  Hackers always find a hole through security and makes it easy for the average joe to  pirate what they want.

Both games and movies are cheaper to buy now than they ever have been, even though the costs of producing them have gone up massively over the years.
Get over it, games are affordable and are good value for money, you get a lot of hours entertainment for the money and people deserve to be paid for it.
I'm excited by XBR because it allows me to do things like not have to get up off my fat lazy arse to change games and not have to worry about my original discs getting wrecked. I also enjoy the emulators and hold out hope for XBMC, but really, anyone who plays backups on live... just go and buy the games, if you are bothered playing them online then they are worth the money. If you want to play backups or 'try' games out before you buy, then save up the money and buy a cheap arcade as well. If you can't afford either, then don't play, or suck it up and put some money away each week until you can.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #137 on: January 13, 2010, 03:44:00 PM »

C4e is a daft cunt


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #138 on: January 13, 2010, 04:37:00 PM »

QUOTE(fergy93 @ Jan 13 2010, 11:44 PM) View Post

C4e is a daft cunt

Yeah you did so much more... I bet you smell and have no friends.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #139 on: January 13, 2010, 04:37:00 PM »

I buy games. I'm here for the homebrew. Don't want/need LT and cannot believe the level this thread is at, it is shameful.  unsure.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #140 on: January 13, 2010, 05:14:00 PM »

I have to say, Im really Impressed with C4E and the firmware that has come out. i would Gladly Donate to get the new firmware. the work they have done is Astounding. and i am with a lot of others here, i Buy the really good games that deserve the money. but there are other games that...well i just dont think are worth much other then the disk there on. which are the ones i download. its been a long wait and not much news. but i know its going to be worth it.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #141 on: January 13, 2010, 05:19:00 PM »

I appreciate all former work from everyone involved so far.

But werent they all claiming that the FW wasnt detectable and that properly stealthed discs also were safe?
Afaik, they never admitted any wrongdoings or errors/flaws on their part.

Look at this update and think a second...:

All new checks found, all fws (stealth and non-stealth) will fail these checks and get flagged for banning, except LT!

Right now, they're telling you that THEIR FW was detectable. So they blatantly lied and they expect all of you to put their trust in them again?
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....
They must think we're all retards.

IF they'd been open and honest the first time around, I'd gladly donate and trust their product.
Now, that wont happen. Nothing worst than lies and deception imo.
I dont need LIVE as I have multiple xboxes so LT isnt necessary anyways.



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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #142 on: January 13, 2010, 05:25:00 PM »

as other people have stated games are cheap enough now, buy and don't worry, the normal everyday user doesn't need to put up with Trojan horses etc, if ppl had of been honest to start with maybe donations would have been alot more or maybe.. everyone is the same GREEDY, i choose to do my work for free if i feel it is getting boring then i do something else i don't rip people off because of personal reasons and profitable gain .. anyways thread should be closed. done!


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #143 on: January 13, 2010, 05:40:00 PM »

Is playing online really that important? People are acting like ms completely put a stop to playing backups, period. Playing online yielded aggrevation imo. And there Live! Arcade titles are mere updated rehashes of some classics which you can play in Coinops or any emulator's for pc or xbox. On another note I didn't like getting into arguments with 10 year olds cause they weren't providing me good cover in GOW  

Fuck them. They won the battle but not the war.

At least this turn of events has sparked the homebrew dept. of the 360.

If you guys want to play COD that bad with people then suck it up and buy an unbanned 360 and by originals. I think we got enough spoonfed to us by now.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #144 on: January 13, 2010, 06:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(dokworm @ Jan 13 2010, 08:28 PM) View Post

Both games and movies are cheaper to buy now than they ever have been, even though the costs of producing them have gone up massively over the years.
Get over it, games are affordable and are good value for money, you get a lot of hours entertainment for the money and people deserve to be paid for it.
I'm excited by XBR because it allows me to do things like not have to get up off my fat lazy arse to change games and not have to worry about my original discs getting wrecked. I also enjoy the emulators and hold out hope for XBMC, but really, anyone who plays backups on live... just go and buy the games, if you are bothered playing them online then they are worth the money. If you want to play backups or 'try' games out before you buy, then save up the money and buy a cheap arcade as well. If you can't afford either, then don't play, or suck it up and put some money away each week until you can.

Movies, I'll grant you that... now, GAMES are cheaper than ever to buy?  That is just a load of BS... It's actually the OPPOSITE... do a little research and you'll see that game prices (MSRP for a new game just come out) have just gotten higher over the years...  (and don't give me that "they're better now" crap, the development times are the same, hence the same "effort" for programmers...).  cool.gif

QUOTE(SlayerQC @ Jan 13 2010, 10:19 PM) View Post

I appreciate all former work from everyone involved so far.

But werent they all claiming that the FW wasnt detectable and that properly stealthed discs also were safe?
Afaik, they never admitted any wrongdoings or errors/flaws on their part.
Look at this update and think a second...:
Right now, they're telling you that THEIR FW was detectable. So they blatantly lied and they expect all of you to put their trust in them again?
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....
They must think we're all retards.

IF they'd been open and honest the first time around, I'd gladly donate and trust their product.
Now, that wont happen. Nothing worst than lies and deception imo.
I dont need LIVE as I have multiple xboxes so LT isnt necessary anyways.

Nobody "fooled" you, except yourself... nobody ever said it was "undetectable", just the safety measures you could take for what was known AT THE TIME...  If new checks and stuff come up, it's not their fault, it's yours for being such a moron that you though you were invincible... It was ALWAYS said that doing this -and playing on live- was AT YOUR OWN RISK...  So stop blaming others for your doofusness...


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #145 on: January 13, 2010, 07:09:00 PM »

Maybe they didn't blatantly lie? They may have honestly believed there FW was not responsible for the bans because they hadn't discovered these new checks. I still have faith in the team. Thanks for all they have done wink.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #146 on: January 13, 2010, 07:53:00 PM »

I can't believe people are such cry babies . Let me tell you I have always donated to jungle flasher always. I also always told him to ask for money as we should feel lucky some1 can actually do this.

You fu***ing cry babies. We make money modding peoples drives why not give back some to the inventor. A**holes, I hope they will charge a hefty amount of money so all the little farts here that can't afford will have to come to guys like us.

I can't believe it . they offer you free gaming and you wine . where is this world going to

Team Jungle I HOPE YOU WILL CHARGE US ALTHOUGH THIS IS ALL A RUMOR. remember  they need to putt bread on the table also.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #147 on: January 13, 2010, 07:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(Tha @ Jan 13 2010, 09:51 AM) View Post

if the rumours are true, and they start asking money for the firmware, they're just like maximus, selling their hacking/modding souls to the big money devil.

I have respect for al the work they've done and will keep supporting but look what c4e wrote about maximus and his programmer etc.

WTF !!  do you know what I did for the scene?   sell my soul ?  you need get good information m8, i was behind the decryption of the key (destroying the foundmy affair) between lots of other things, I did with geremia released the freekey, you need watch your mouth, if you dont know anything simply dont post stupid things


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #148 on: January 13, 2010, 08:03:00 PM »

i think it's funny all these people who think LT will save them from bans. bottomline is if you mod your console, LT or not, if microsoft wants to detect it then it won't be difficult. It's the nature of LIVE and allowing MS to update the consoles and do whatever they want behind your back. Doesn't matter if they make LT harder to detect -- if MS wants it detected it will be detected.

The big question now is: how much does Microsoft really care?


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #149 on: January 13, 2010, 08:25:00 PM »

hey microsucks, hey team jungle, are either of yall still reading this thread, if so i wanna say something, but only if yall actually give 2 sh*ts or a f%ck.
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