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Author Topic: Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's  (Read 2457 times)


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2009, 11:34:00 AM »

Thanks to the guys who produced this firmware, awesome stuff.    

And for the haters and whingers if you wanna play online go buy a console and don't alter the fw.  

Or if you do get banned please don't go crying on a forum when you get banned, you make the decision, live with it.

The fw is re-worked and produced with much time and patience.  I'm just grateful i don't have to use an activate disk anymore....again Thanks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)



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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2009, 11:36:00 AM »

I think they have stopped banning because ive been playing backups since Friday the 13th and ive been fine. Im running 1.61 on a Sammy btw.  I think they layed the banning on heavy on that Friday because a lot of my friends were band and so was I (for the second time). But the day after I modded my new xbox, and been going good ever since.  So FOR NOW i don't think we need to worry to much about detectability.


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2009, 11:37:00 AM »

flashed my Lite-On 7x, everything went well.

but i can't load my wave 4 game (CoD:MW2) without using activate.iso

Yes the flash was successful, yes I flashed the new 1.61 firmware from the mediafire link on TeamJungle's twitter.

Any thoughts?

Or have most people given up on this firmware already because it's still a stealth checking fw that isn't safe for xbl?


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2009, 11:41:00 AM »

So isn't this exactly like the Non stealth release of yesterday? How can it "support" wave 5 if it's not even out yet? Doesn't that mean they just removed the stealth checking all together?

Still, if I had to choose between a scene release and a shoddy "I made this in hexedit!" release I'd pick this one.

Edit: "Any thoughts?" I've heard of lots of people having trouble with that game. May be a certain release, may be the game itself, I dunno. Still, it'd be pretty funny if it was the actual firmware. Try Assassin's Creed 2 and get back to us. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by Ree1981: Dec 28 2009, 07:43 PM


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2009, 11:41:00 AM »

Hell yeah!  This is some great news here, shows the team is still kickin (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I have an XBR 360 that has a bad sammy drive, but I have a working lite-on drive (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)  Time to do a spoof and flash this too it.

To all those who are bitching about LT not being released, or why they bother putting this out if it can be detected by MS on Live, you guys are the ones who deserved to be banned from Live.  You're just complaining that you can no longer pirate your games and play them on Live.  Team Jungle has done more then enough for us, if they decided to stop making firmwares and such i'd be on their side.  Dunno if you guys realize it or not, but without C4Eva and Team Jungle this scene would be have been quite bland.

Keep on rocking Team Jungle...Keep on rockin.

QUOTE(Ree1981 @ Dec 28 2009, 01:41 PM) *

So isn't this exactly like the Non stealth release of yesterday? How can it "support" wave 5 if it's not even out yet? Doesn't that mean they just removed the stealth checking all together?

Still, if I had to choose between a scene release and a shoddy "I made this in hexedit!" release I'd pick this one.

I may be wrong, but I believe Wave 5 is already out.  I think it's the Facebook/Twitter dash update, no?  If I recall Left 4 Dead 2 is wave 5.  Yesterdays firmware release will play/read any wave game data.  The firmware acts as if the activate.iso disc had already been used, so it will ignore whether or not the wave/stealth data is good or bad, it just plays it.  That's awesome for offline users.

QUOTE(CrazyCrayon @ Dec 28 2009, 01:36 PM) *

I think they have stopped banning because ive been playing backups since Friday the 13th and ive been fine. Im running 1.61 on a Sammy btw.  I think they layed the banning on heavy on that Friday because a lot of my friends were band and so was I (for the second time). But the day after I modded my new xbox, and been going good ever since.  So FOR NOW i don't think we need to worry to much about detectability.

There's a very, very, VERY good chance your console has already been flagged by MS and will be banned in a later ban wave.

QUOTE(iglitare @ Dec 28 2009, 01:28 PM) *

1.61 for sammy and benq DID support Wave 5 games...
Because there is NO real wave 5, only wave 4.1
but honestly, some people should more read before writing, no it didn't play Wave 5 games.  They released the firmware and like a week later L4D2 came out and wouldn't play on 1.61 flashed systems.  I had tons of customers asking me how to get it working, my answer? activate.iso...

This post has been edited by Mr.RedRing: Dec 28 2009, 07:54 PM


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2009, 11:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(crdnilfan @ Dec 28 2009, 01:37 PM) *

flashed my Lite-On 7x, everything went well.

but i can't load my wave 4 game (CoD:MW2) without using activate.iso

Yes the flash was successful, yes I flashed the new 1.61 firmware from the mediafire link on TeamJungle's twitter.

Any thoughts?

Or have most people given up on this firmware already because it's still a stealth checking fw that isn't safe for xbl?

Only thing I can think of is your video partition ("Wave") is incorrect for the game, which is why it refuses to load...that's the point of the check. If it doesn't load, something is wrong on your end. Stick your disc in ABGX and make sure it says it's a Wave 4


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2009, 11:47:00 AM »

I'm just glad Team Jungle is still alive. I haven't heard anything from them in forever! Thanks for the release!


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2009, 11:48:00 AM »

Wow.... someone release a way by the active.iso then LOOK a day later TEAMJUNGE  decided to say HEH look @ us again we can not keep u in the dark no more and let u finally play with this little thing that we have knocked up.

dont get me wrong i really do appreciate the work AGAIN but come on do u really expected us to believe that u guys have just finished this work...


Get your ACTS together guys... bring us back to the times when we really did hang on your ever word/post about new CUSTOM FIRMWARE



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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2009, 11:57:00 AM »

For you conspiracy theorist: Yesterdays release incidentally closed the hole Microsoft paid TJ to add for banning purposes.  TJ still has to make that cheddar so they reopened it in hopes people would want an official release.  Maybe they get paid per ban?

This post has been edited by eyric101: Dec 28 2009, 07:59 PM


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2009, 12:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(eyric101 @ Dec 28 2009, 07:57 PM) *

For you conspiracy theorist: Yesterdays release incidentally closed the hole Microsoft paid TJ to add for banning purposes.  TJ still has to make that cheddar so they reopened it in hopes people would want an official release.  Maybe they get paid per ban?

I really hope thats not true. Anyway, its good to see that the team is still working but it still seems a little weird on the timing, it being released a day after that other custom firmware. I hope you guys keep doing great work like in the past. Bans or no bans your work is greatly appreciated.

This post has been edited by tomgreen99200: Dec 28 2009, 08:22 PM

the soul poet

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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #40 on: December 28, 2009, 12:30:00 PM »

QUOTE(Mr.RedRing @ Dec 28 2009, 06:41 PM) View Post

Hell yeah!  This is some great news here, shows the team is still kickin smile.gif

I have an XBR 360 that has a bad sammy drive, but I have a working lite-on drive smile.gif  Time to do a spoof and flash this too it.

To all those who are bitching about LT not being released, or why they bother putting this out if it can be detected by MS on Live, you guys are the ones who deserved to be banned from Live.  You're just complaining that you can no longer pirate your games and play them on Live.  Team Jungle has done more then enough for us, if they decided to stop making firmwares and such i'd be on their side.  Dunno if you guys realize it or not, but without C4Eva and Team Jungle this scene would be have been quite bland.

Keep on rocking Team Jungle...Keep on rockin.
I may be wrong, but I believe Wave 5 is already out.  I think it's the Facebook/Twitter dash update, no?  If I recall Left 4 Dead 2 is wave 5.  Yesterdays firmware release will play/read any wave game data.  The firmware acts as if the activate.iso disc had already been used, so it will ignore whether or not the wave/stealth data is good or bad, it just plays it.  That's awesome for offline users.
There's a very, very, VERY good chance your console has already been flagged by MS and will be banned in a later ban wave., no it didn't play Wave 5 games.  They released the firmware and like a week later L4D2 came out and wouldn't play on 1.61 flashed systems.  I had tons of customers asking me how to get it working, my answer? activate.iso...

I'm afraid it did. Left for Dead 2 runs fine on Benq 1.61...


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2009, 12:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(crdnilfan @ Dec 28 2009, 01:37 PM) View Post

flashed my Lite-On 7x, everything went well.

but i can't load my wave 4 game (CoD:MW2) without using activate.iso

Yes the flash was successful, yes I flashed the new 1.61 firmware from the mediafire link on TeamJungle's twitter.

Any thoughts?

Or have most people given up on this firmware already because it's still a stealth checking fw that isn't safe for xbl?

Does your copy have SplitVid?  If not you may have to add it.  You can do this in ABGX by going to the "Misc" tab and picking the option "Add if it doesn't exist or isn't valid" under SplitVid.  Then try re-burning and playing again.


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2009, 12:36:00 PM »

It's unfortunate how these firmwares need to remain closed source, otherwise the community could keep an eye on the code, making sure none fools around with it and/or try to profit from it. Also would open up for a hell of a lot more developing power where there's no "owner/s" of the code. Perfect World...Perfect World....


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2009, 12:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(Datenshiz @ Dec 28 2009, 08:36 PM) View Post

It's unfortunate how these firmwares need to remain closed source, otherwise the community could keep an eye on the code, making sure none fools around with it and/or try to profit from it. Also would open up for a hell of a lot more developing power where there's no "owner/s" of the code. Perfect World...Perfect World....

can't disagree.


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Liteon Ixtreme V1.61 For All Lite-on's
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2009, 12:56:00 PM »

Thanks for the work guys....
Was kinda hopen more for a official nonstealth for liteon, similar to benq's 1.41...
Wish in one hand and ........(you know the rest, haha)
Thanks again....
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