
Author Topic: Ripping Audio From A Game's .iso?  (Read 53 times)


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Ripping Audio From A Game's .iso?
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:36:00 AM »

Hi, I'm trying to rip some of the music from Blitz II: The League. I like this game and I really love a few of the music tracks in it, and most of the music is not available to buy or download anywhere (or it is in very poor quality).

I tried to rip it by running an auxiliary cable from my TV's output through an RCA-to-3.5mm adapter while I was playing the original retail disc in my xbox, to my laptop and recording it, but it sounds really bad and distorted, so there's not much use in that...

Anyway, I have an .iso of the game, and I've ran ISOextract, Xbox Image browser 2.9, modio, C-Xbox tool, and CDdissect. The latter two have been unsuccessful in getting anything at all. C-Xbox doesn't recognize the iso, and CDdissect either force closes when I try to click on it, or gives me an ASPI error when I try to run it via cmd.exe.

The first three have successfully extracted the game's files into two folders (and some extra files on the root folder), "Movies" and "Objects". "Movies" contains a bunch of (about 4.52 GB)  ".sfd" files that I got to run in VLC (VideoLanCaster video player), but they were extremely pixelated and had no audio, and they are all in-game, pre-rendered cutscenes.

"Objects" contains a bunch (about 1.63 GB)  of ".of" files, and the root folder has the following files in it:


(total of 525MB)

I'm thinking it's in the "Objects" folder in one of those ".of" files... I researched the ".of" extension and all I can find is that it is labelled as a "Audio Utility Tuningwrench compressed file", and there doesn't seem to be a converter or a program that can open it...

Help please? I think I'm in over my head X_______X

Thanks in advance.