
Author Topic: Lite-on Freezing While Loading (non Modded)  (Read 50 times)


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Lite-on Freezing While Loading (non Modded)
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »

Ive searched and seem to only find posts about this happening on modded box. This box is NON modded out of warranty. Games WILL play off hdd but will not load off disk. I rarely get the dirty disk error mostly it will freeze during game loads. For example I can get into the menu of BF3, select game modes or select a campaign my save data will load, and when it comes time to load the actual campaign i selected to play or multiplayer BANG freezes right up. Its not the disk it does this very same with any game I try to play. The only way I can play game is to save to hdd and play from there it refuses to play from disk. Do I need a new drive?

Another example is Left For Dead. Game loads fine I select mode I want to play, I choose single player, I select character and map. Get everything all set. Hit the Play Game button and BANG....... FROZE! Again these are not copies and box is NOT modded. Everything is %100 factory.

Thanks in advance