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Author Topic: Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch  (Read 457 times)


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« on: January 01, 2005, 11:02:00 AM »

Blood Splash patch from VikingPower.
This only works on "modded" xbox, cause you need to ftp it to xbox!

This patch will give you a red splash when you hit enemys.
There will also be a redsplash over you, when you are hit.

The splash goes away after about a second.
This is not ment to be a big grose blood scene.
It's made to let you see that you hit someone.

You need to overwrite the .sfx files in the games effects\ folder.
Also the new files goes there;

So extract all files to effects folder.

To all of you who don't whant to see a little red splash
when hitting a enemy. Don't download this and shutt up!  
This is specialy made to thos who whant this!

Enjoy! <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2005, 03:53:00 PM »

Good to see stuff like this.

The only bad thing is that it is needed to begin with.  Lame on Ubisoft's part. <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2005, 03:19:00 AM »

I agree, it should be a part of the game.

Also, if you whant to be able to go back on this change. Just make a backup of all .sfx files in effects\ folder before "installing" this "patch".



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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2005, 07:22:00 AM »

Please remove this post.
I'm removing all my work since there has been to much crap served from almost everyone.
And to thos who liked it, i'm sorry.

Maybe it will come back some day. <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2005, 11:49:00 AM »

What a lame excuse for removing it.  Oh, somebody doesn't like it?  Did you tell your mommy the xbox-scene guys were being mean to you? <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2005, 12:43:00 PM »

Since you dizturbd was one of the peoples and almost the the only one who has said anything nice of my xbox work, i'm not going to coment that post.

I had this posted some other places to, and there was nothing else than crap that came out. Hasn't been any here at xbox-scene. I did just remove it from all places.

I have putt a lot of work on making this, cause i basicly had to figure out every small part of gr2. Without any info from others.
I don't whant to spend time on defendig crap from most peoples. That's why i have removed my stuff, can't see why that should be so hard to understand.

Anyway, since it hasn't been anything on this forum, i'm putting the stuff back up for this forum.

Just hope that i don't need to spend to much time on answering insult. Some i expect, but it's also great to get some nice feedback to! <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2005, 12:49:00 PM »

Nice stuff frohanss,

I'm glad to see the blood patch especially.  I have made new skins for the female characters.  I can send them to you if you want to see them.  One question, though:  the only ones I can mod are the regular ones.  The dusty, wet, etc. ones do not work.  Any idea why or how to get around this?

Thanks <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2005, 01:07:00 PM »

Yeah, thanks frohanss.  Sorry about the comment I made, but I am really getting upset about all of this "I'm removing it because you guys aren't liking it" BS.  There are several of us that appreciate the work that goes into these mods and we are the ones you should be concerned with.  It's just like customer service.  They rarely hear about the good job they do, but ALWAYS hear the negative side.  So, don't give up and give into the bullshit.  We do appreciate what everyone contributes to modding, some people just like to bitch.  So, thank you once again for putting it back up and keep on modding!! <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2005, 01:08:00 PM »

Thanks farralone.

If you are using the skinning tutorial i wrote, the try this way.
Some of the .xpr skin textures has Alpha Channels inside of them. These the tool in tutorial can't extract. Use the tool below (Found it at ninjahackers), with this you can extract those files. But remember in photoshop you must select the same
file format under save option. If it says 000-DXT5-10 You must select that in the save format in Nvidias save option settings (DXT5, the 10 is number of mipmap).
To get more info on MS DirectDraw Surface (.dds) go to

The tool Greed Explorer
Basic use. File - open- Brows to the xpr file you would like.
Under Options - Viewportsettings - enable Texture Alpha Channel.

To extract a dds (the one you see on screen), select the 000-DXT**** line under XPRO (lower left on screen). Right click mouse on the 000-DXT*** and select extract selected texture - DDS.

Insert - Same as extract but select replace texture by select you new dds file.
You will now get a preview of before and after. If ok, just hit ok.

Hope this help. <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2005, 01:17:00 PM »

Thanks dizturbd, i really appreciate your last comment. I do know there always would be some sort of idiots that has to spread craps. Has been so damn much of it that it did seam pointless to have it out.
So from now, I’ve only post here at Xbox-scene.

Once again, it was really nice with some good feedback. And by that I mean, non insulting and crap reply.


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2005, 01:38:00 PM »

Aaaah.  So that's it.  Thanks for the quick reply.  I'll have to try that. (P.S.  I didn't know you had a tutorial.  I'll take a look at it.)  I was also trying to make a coop battle for Mountain Falls.  I love that map but can't seem to get it going.  Have you attempted it? <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2005, 01:09:00 PM »

I did make one right now after reading you post.
I haven't tested it, but you can dl it and check.
It should work.


If there is random insertin point on team, follow my tut on finding xy values. And change the player insertion cordinate.

Here is my tutorials:

Skinning tut:

XY values tut:



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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2005, 02:27:00 PM »

Wow.  Thanks.  The one thing is that I wanted was a coop (battle) so that respawns are enabled.  I would assume I can just rename it?  Thanks alot.

Look me up sometime on xlink if that's the tunelling software you use.

-farralone <


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2005, 02:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(farralone @ Jan 2 2005, 09:47 PM)
I would assume I can just rename it?

There is a couple things you need to do:

1: You need to change the Gtfname to this
<GTFName>(coop) battle.gtf</GTFName> , this is the game type file that are loading the rulez to use in the game.

2: Then you need to add a respawn camera point.
    Under </RoomList> insert a this:
   <RespawnCamera IgorId = "84" ScriptId = "0" Name = "RespawnCamera 84" Pos = "-130.01;-173.67;-13.00;" PositionValid = "1" AssociatedZone = "Zone - Player Insertion"/>

3: Now you can save that file. Just replace ff to bat.

Grabed a couple of values you could use.
On the player insertion try: Pos0 = "-10.37;-42.51;3.11;" Pos1 = "10.42;-56.29;2.60;

On the Respawn camera try: Pos = "-96.81;-5.35;36.00;"


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Ghost Recon 2 Xbox Blood Patch
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2005, 02:51:00 PM »

Nice.  Thanks for your time.

-Farralone <
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