
Author Topic: Progressive Scan, 1.6 Xbox, And Gunvalkyrie  (Read 321 times)


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Progressive Scan, 1.6 Xbox, And Gunvalkyrie
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:13:00 PM »

No matter what I do Gunvalkyrie won't appear correctly if I use HD cables on the latter day Xboxes. Heard Panzer Dragoon was also problematic. I'm contenplating getting a second Xbox and using XB VGA kit to play Gunvalkyrie & Dragoon. But before I do that... has anyone come up with a fix to make these games work with Component cables or am I pretty much screwed unless I get SD leads? I prefer to play my games in HD DOA Ultimate 480p looks beautiful dammit.

One more thing... these games WILL work in VGA right? Or would I have to downgrade to SCART RGB? If it comes to that I gotta XRGB-3 for such an occassion. I'm NOT going back to ultra crappy Composite video/S-Video. Once you've hit SCART RGB/Component/VGA you'll never want to go back!