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Author Topic: Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight  (Read 243 times)


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« on: March 21, 2011, 11:44:00 AM »

the tutorial you are reading is in fact quite old, but the process is reletively the same. just a few changes.
first of all, when using splinter cell, you hava a choice of installing EVOX or UnleashX. i would go with unleashX. it is more like the original XBOX dash and has more user friendly options and whatnot.
second, you can find the exploits you want on XBINS. just google "auto xbins". you want to find krayzies 1.1 SC exploit(make sure you get the one for your region). should be under console based apps/exploits/Krayzies, or something similar.
third since you are doing a softmod, there is no need to flash the bios in any way.
fourth, if the action replay software is buggy and doesnt let you transfer gamesaves, check out Xplorer360 beta 6. its a similar program to the action replay software
fifth, your kernel and dash are fine for using Krayzies.

when your on XBINS, you should also check out thier emulator section. your on your own when it comes to finding ROMs, but all the emulators you could want are on XBINS. make sure you check out CoinOPs.

once you get the box modded, you are most likeely gonna want to upgrade to a bigger HDD. check out this tutorial to do so.XBOXHDM 2.2
you could also use this guid to do the original mod, but a gamesave exploit is the way to go if you can.

um not sure if i answered all your questions, but this should set you on the right track. keep us posted of your progress and if you run into any snaggs, we will help.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 01:09:00 PM »

You are confusing dashboards and softmods.

Krayzie 1.1.1 is a gamesave softmod installer, and it's the best one to use. It installs an NDURE softmod (the latest) which overcomes all of the clock loop problems, and loads of other hidden gotchas. You have a choice of Evox and UnleashX as your dashboard, and UnleashX is the best option, as spliff721 described.

To put the gamesaves on the memory card (there are two for Splinter Cell, and you need both) you can use Action Replay or Xplorer360 beta 6 - either will work, but Xplorer360 is a bit easier to get working. Once you have copied the gamesave from the memory card onto the Xbox just fire up Splinter Cell, load the gamesave, then follow the instructions i.e. backup the eeprom, FTP it to your PC as a backup, then select Basic Install - UnleashX dashboard.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 01:12:00 PM »

the clock loop is an old problem that does not exist with the latest Krayzies exploit.
i am not a fan of EVOX. i have it as an app, but never use it. Unleashx is deffinatly better if your new to modding. once you get everything up and running, you may want to check into XBMC. its the best all around media center dash.
as far as upgrading the HDD. the stock XBOX HDD is 8GB. after the mod is complete, that will leave you with less than 4GB. that is not enough room to put much on the box. i know that my N64 emulator and all its ROMS alone are bigger than 4GB. i would suggest going to at least 80GB as that will have room for just about all the emulators. i have 320GB in mine, and i am running out of space. but i also have 50 XBOX games riped to the HDD and over 100 SD movies on the HDD also, plus about 10 different emulators loaded with ROMs.
when you ask what the difference between unleashx and krayzies your asking kinda the  wrong question. unleashX is a dashboard. krayzies is an exploit that allows you to mod the box. when you are done modding the box, it will boot to the dash of your choice. either EVOX or Unleashx. i suggest unleashx to start out. then look into XBMC as a dash. you wont be dissapointed.
as far as networking goes. the xbox has an ethernet port on the back. plug that into your router and you will have FTP acces to transfer files from your networked PCs to the box(i.e movies, games, emulators and apps) having the box networked will also allow you scrape movie art for your movie library and stream media from your networked PCs.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 01:35:00 PM »

The softmod itself is only a few MB on each of the C:\ and E:\ partitions, and it's not the mod that uses the space, it's the way the disk is partitioned by Microsoft. The 8GB disk is divided into partitions, and only C:\ and E:\ are of any use to you. With a good softmod the 500MB C partition is shadowed and filled up to prevent any dashboard updates from overwriting the softmod. The ~4.5GB E partition has a couple of hundred MB used for dashboard, backups etc., with the rest available for gamesaves, apps etc.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 08:40:00 AM »

Xbox to USB adapters should still be found at places like  eBay quite easily, I certainly had no trouble find them last time I needed one. Working flash drives are another matter and that has often be discussed here - a totally lottery but there are still ones that do work.

I've not tried this myself but as it was pointed out to me only recently the official Xbox memory card is, just, big enough to hold the game exploit/basic installer game saves. So it should be possible to use a Xbox controller to USB adpater for this purpose. Again, I know everything is still available new or used at places like eBay.  

No problems with v.1.6 either that I've come across in regard to these things.

As Heimdall said earlier you can use XB360Explorer instead of action replay to get the 'game' saves onto whatever memory device you're using.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 08:53:00 AM »

Ok, I found a couple cables online. Should I be looking at something like this;
or this;
I also found a MAX USB. Will this work in my xbox? Its a Crystal 1.6 and I hear that only official cards work in it. (


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 10:37:00 AM »

Just spent a while reading about hotswapping. Would this be a good idea in my case? Are there any good tutorials on installing softmods that way?


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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 06:49:00 AM »

Variants of hotswapping:
1. spliff's method with hdm2.2 :;#entry4780448 , this was in his post a few posts up.

2. the original ndure with xboxhdm 1.9 :

3. My own preference with xplorer360:

I assume you have already read about the risks of hotswapping though.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2011, 12:30:00 AM »

hey guys whats up, i kinda stuck . i picked up a old xbox an ive been reading up on it but if theres one thing ive learned its ask some one befor you mess up lol. i havent soft modded it or any thing yet dont know if i should do a chip or not an i want a bigger hd in it, i travil alot an i dont like bring my 360 with me with all my games so i leave it at home and take the old xbox with me. but bring all my games with me kills my packing space. so i want to be able to save my games an emu's, dvds, on it where would i start. i downloaded super deluxe install 2.0 for the splinter cell. not sure if that on is out of date. is there a newer one out there? an about the hd is replacing it with a bigger one? should i do it befor modding it? an id like to do the X3 chip but i cant find it for sale. thanks for the help guys  


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2011, 01:19:00 PM »

1st off i know this, dont you think i would look up what i want to know. im just saying its ezyer to ask some one when you dont know or not to sure cuz reading 10 ppls thought an how to's can confuse a person a lil ok. not every thread is the same so dont tell me to search cuz i have. an i posted in here cuz the title is Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight! not my thread ok. so since im here to Just Try an Get A Couple Things Straight. ill ask. today is a shity day ok back the f#%! off ok, thank you for your time =)


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2011, 01:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(Banks860 @ Mar 25 2011, 07:19 PM) View Post

1st off i know this, dont you think i would look up what i want to know. im just saying its ezyer to ask some one when you dont know or not to sure cuz reading 10 ppls thought an how to's can confuse a person a lil ok. not every thread is the same so dont tell me to search cuz i have. an i posted in here cuz the title is Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight! not my thread ok. so since im here to Just Try an Get A Couple Things Straight. ill ask. today is a shity day ok back the f#%! off ok, thank you for your time =)

Look man, I'm not trying to attack you, don't be so aggressive for a start. We're both new here but you have to realise you didn't even really ask for any advice. Best I saw you asked what mod chip to buy and how to install a hard drive. No one has mentioned mod chips in this thread as its mostly about my incompetent attempts to blow up my house through the medium of Xbox modding. Go find a mod chip thread and ask there as that is on topic.

And for Hard drives, in this very thread, on the first page, the second post no-less,  someone shared how to add a new hard drive. No one is going to write a whole new tutorial just for you. Also, as you said "not every thread is the same" so try finding one that actually suits your needs rather than posting in the first one you see.

Finally. Every question you asked IS the same as many many questions addressed in the rules and FAQs threads. Some of mine were too but the main difference is I didn't just drop into someone else's thread, type up an incredible poorly worded and barely readable ramble. Its just rude bud.

With all that said, in the spirit of helping others like this forum has helped me.

Click here to see all the threads about mod chips and a great load of FAQs as to which are the best for you
Click here for a tutorial on swapping hard drives. If you have a mod chip it shouldn't matter if you mod before or after you swap the hard drive. If you soft mod the tutorial runs you through that anyway.
And for an explanation of what is the best softmod and how to install them, hell just read the first 5 posts here.

Hope this helps you out a little bit and in future, try to be more civil, type out your posts a little more succinctly and try to help yourself a bit more. Just because its "ezyer" to just ask someone, doesn't make it the best choice.

EDIT: On a slightly more ontopic note, How many people have actually damaged their hard drives by hot swapping? Obviously I don't mean like, raw numbers, but is it really a lot? I can see how electrical damage could harm the hard drive but provided both the PC and the xbox are grounded on the same wire, is it still possible?

Oh one other thing I was curious about; how do people permanently lock their hard drives? This is something I saw pop up a couple times while researching and after having attempted to hotswap myself, I can't see how you would. Is it just a case of the hard drive glitching in a certain way?


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2011, 04:37:00 PM »

With a softmod you have to have it locked or it won't work but if you mean do people lock the HDD on hardmodded machines all I can answer is yes I did with my Xecuter 2.6 chipped Xbox. The only reason I did it was to discover whether the HDD could be locked.

I'd used Chimp2618 and left it unlocked but since I'd never tried using ConfigMagic I decided to use that, to me, scary tool to see if I could lock it without stuffing anything up.  

When that worked I then went to Xbox HDD locking/unlocking database web site and put in the details to help other potential HDD purchasers looking for lockable HDDs.

Since I locked it I just haven't bothered to unlock it again. No big deal either way IMHO and only really of significance if something goes wrong.


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Just Trying To Get A Couple Things Straight
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 05:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(fallenangle @ Mar 25 2011, 10:37 PM) View Post

With a softmod you have to have it locked or it won't work but if you mean do people lock the HDD on hardmodded machines all I can answer is yes I did with my Xecuter 2.6 chipped Xbox. The only reason I did it was to discover whether the HDD could be locked.

I'd used Chimp2618 and left it unlocked but since I'd never tried using ConfigMagic I decided to use that, to me, scary tool to see if I could lock it without stuffing anything up.  

When that worked I then went to Xbox HDD locking/unlocking database web site and put in the details to help other potential HDD purchasers looking for lockable HDDs.

Since I locked it I just haven't bothered to unlock it again. No big deal either way IMHO and only really of significance if something goes wrong.

I don't I know the right terms to ask my question so I'll just over explain it. Sorry, my bad. The xbox unlocks the hard drive every time it boots up right? Using a password. have people permanently locked the hard drive so that the xbox can't unlock it? Thus locking them out of the hard drive forever? Reading stuff back across years kinda makes niche questions like this kinda hard to research, heh.


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« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2011, 10:08:00 PM »

You can perma-lock it if you screw up and lock it with the wrong or unknown password and don't know what you did. Unless that particular model of hard drive has a way to unlock it the hard drive is probably useless.

If you use xboxhdm tools to lock a hard drive it sets a master password that will allow you to correct any mistakes.

BTW I would highly suggest TSOP modding your xbox if it is not a 1.6 version xbox and you have ever held a soldering iron (it a very easy soldering job). It makes all this hard drive stuff a non issue. (edit: I see you have a 5838 kernel, so that would indicate a 1.6, so no TSOP mods for you...)


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« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2011, 08:16:00 AM »

Argh! In some sort of twisted irony, I'm having the exact opposite problem as I expected.

So the Action replay arrived, I throw it in my Xbox to see if it works and low and behonld it does! So first i test it by copying a game save to it, then copying it back etc etc. And hey it still works! Fantastic. So I throw that sucker into my PC and get Xplorer360 and the hacked action replay software that's kicking around. And neither can detect the memory card. my PC can, it shows up in hardware and software and I get the little "Device recognised" noise but Xplorrer tells me it Could Not Find a FATX device. and the action replay software is just like "hahahaha no"

Tested this on two computers, my PC and laptop, one is on XP and the other win7. Any ideas anyone? I see a couple people have had this problem before but I can't find a solution to it anywhere.

E: I've tried restarting both computers, reinstalling, checking for drivers, etc etc.
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