
Author Topic: Xbmp Doesn't Read Nero Digital (a Mpeg-4 Format)  (Read 101 times)


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Xbmp Doesn't Read Nero Digital (a Mpeg-4 Format)
« on: April 05, 2004, 12:52:00 PM »

Here is my mini ordeal, I love Nero Recode and its ease to rip dvds to Nero Digial (Nero's Verison of MPEG-4), but I could only play them on my pc and I wanted to play it on my xbox.  I know that XBMP can read Xvid and Divx, which are also MPEG-4, but Im just wondering why it cant read Nero Digital?  Anyways, is there a MPEG-4 converter out there that can convert my Nero Digital movies to either Xvid or Divx movies?  I hope there is because I really trying to avoid the Gordian Knot process.  thanks


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Xbmp Doesn't Read Nero Digital (a Mpeg-4 Format)
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2004, 07:56:00 PM »

To find out how to convert the mpg file take a look here.

For XBMP questions caheck these out.
XBMP home page
XBMP Forums

I realize this is not directly answering your question, but it's all I can offer. Good luck, partner. :beer: