
Author Topic: C-drive Files Erasing  (Read 24 times)


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C-drive Files Erasing
« on: March 15, 2005, 09:35:00 AM »

I have never encountered a problem like this so that is why I must ask for your assisstance. I have just help a friend put in an X3 and XBMC. For some reason whenever we start the xbox up with the chip on it frags, but sometimes it comes on. When we start the box on with the chip disabled wwe get error 16. Now I know that deals with dashboard/file problems, so when we got it to start up and I viewed the files in C drive and everything but the XBMC files were one. No original MS files/dashboard were there. So I reinstalled the files that were suppose to be there and tah dah! it started up. Well he called me two days later and it did the same thing. Does anyone know what would cause this to happen. Please help


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C-drive Files Erasing
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 10:37:00 AM »

Why put this is the XBMC forum?

I have moved it once to the xecutor forum.

If the chip sometimes frag you have either done a sloppy solder job or have a faulty chip (less likly, but still possible).

XBMC do not delete any files from the c dir...