Scenyx Sites Forums > Xbox-Scene Polls

Xbox, How Much Longer Do You Think You'll Use The Original Console

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i would have to agree, i havent touch my xbox since i got the 360. all my love goes to my new baby.

I love my xbox too much to let it collect dust because of a newer model. Even if the 360 does get modded I think I will still be playing my original xbox for at least two or three years to come.

Ahhhh... Good Times...             ~Flashes back in remembrance~

the 360's media setup sucks compared to xbmc. once the 360 can be modded, my xboxes (yes, more then 1) might get retired, but until then i still use my xbox for some homebrew games, the emulators, and most importantly the media center. definately loving perfect dark zero and the other 360 launch titles though

i reckon my xbox will never get old! although down the track i might sell it *tear*

My original xbox will be used for media for a very long time or until something superior surfaces.


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