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Author Topic: Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?  (Read 4852 times)


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2005, 04:25:00 PM »

M stands for on the game cover, and no it's not munchkins, or Minature persons.
Maybe they should just have all M rated games contain a generic large "M" on thier cover, covering the crucial parts of an explict photo or a grusome picture, so that parents will stop buying this stuff for their 3 year old.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2005, 05:19:00 PM »

Sadly GTA3 and VC were one of the best, few, original and most next-gen titles of last-gen. Ban those and you ban a third of what gaming is at its best.

GTA type games can only get better with the X360 and PS3 but only in the hands of these talented developers like Rockstar who know what makes the games great, and its not just the sensless violence.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2005, 05:23:00 PM »

QUOTE(is this name taken too? @ Dec 7 2005, 04:13 PM) View Post

retailers should have been enforcing the age limits on buying games in the first place. irresponsible parents should not be controlling what we can buy.

As opposed to... irresponsible Congress that knows nothing about what's good for the country? Remember, these idiots were ELECTED by those irresponsible parents en masse, and as a result there are very few who aren't completely incompetent (despite some flashes os semi-intelligence). Let people who know their kids decide what to do -- it's the parents' jobs to parent and raise their children, NOT Congress's, and Congress needs to remember that what may be good for their children isn't necessarily good for everyone's.

If nothing else, every time the government makes a choice for us, we lose a little bit of that American freedom we cherish so dearly. In principle, we should be much more careful about where and why we trade some of that freedom for stability and the good of the whole.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2005, 05:44:00 PM »

Should we ban R-rated movies? Should we get rid of the internet? Hell no, it is a freedom of speech. Yes it should be illegal for minors to buy the game but not only minors play video games. What needs to happen is that Media needs to stop addressing video games to be only for kids and think of it as a source of entertainment like movies. Just like they try to label cartoons are only for kids, this is not true. Look at the sales for Family Guy on DVD. Do you think that is from kids buying the DVD?

I think there should be a fine if a game is sold to a minor and should not be. This will help retail stores from selling it to kids. This should also be enforced with secret shoppers to see if they would sale to a kid.

If we ban video games because of content then we should ban TV, Movies, Music and all other source of entertainment all together.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2005, 06:28:00 PM »

Nothing like blamming others to make one self feel better.

Yup banning something because it "causes" people to do bad things is just like sueing a bartender because you drove home drunk and crashed.

It is soooo much easier to blame others than to take credit for being ignorant.

Would I mind if the stores stopped selling to under 18year olds.. NO  that is the stores right and is a good way to help parents.  
A store also has the right to refuse to carry anything it wants because it may not go with their style or whatever the reason it is their right.   BUT TO MAKE A BAN ON ALL RETAIL CHAINS  (that seems to be higher than just the stores making the decision.. it sounds like it would be LAW and that is wrong)

my 2 cents.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2005, 06:38:00 PM »

It will never be banned and kinda silly to even bother becuase they would have to ban all the movies in the theater's ban all video store rental movies ban all other violent game's from all store's ban all violent arcade game's ban all porn etc. it will never happen the entertainment industry would crash and it is one of the thing's that keeps america's fund's well so no it will never happen and if it does it will not last long at all becuase there is to many comparible's to point a finger at one lol


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2005, 06:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(Joergen @ Dec 7 2005, 07:26 PM) View Post

Sadly GTA3 and VC were one of the best, few, original and most next-gen titles of last-gen. Ban those and you ban a third of what gaming is at its best.

GTA type games can only get better with the X360 and PS3 but only in the hands of these talented developers like Rockstar who know what makes the games great, and its not just the sensless violence.

You must be kidding me.  GTA3 and VC couldn't hold a candle to San Andreas.  That game is top notch.  From the things you can do to the atmosphere of the game.  They created a masterpiece just like with GTA3 and VC.  But to say that they are better than SA is crazy.  I guess you didn't like the gangsta gangsta theme too much  sleep.gif

Back to the topic:

They say Rated M for Mature for a reason.  I thought it was stupid to change the rating from 17+ to 18 and over.  I mean come on....I knew everything I knew at 18 and 17.  Hell, I knew that same stuff at


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2005, 08:53:00 PM »

The average age of gamers today is 28.

In Illinois, it is illegal for retailers to sell M-rated products to anyone under the age of 17 without parental consent.  Retailers are required to ask for ID from anyone who looks younger than 50.  

I work in retail, and I see tons of kids come through my store every day.  Many of them without parents.  Anyone who looks younger than 16 who comes in we ask them to come back with their parents.  Many parents go to malls with their kids and use stores as a form of babysitting.  I understand the reasoning - for example a mother wants to look at clothes, or a father's buying a present for his kids and doesn't want them to see, etc., etc...  but I still think that there are a lot of parents out there who are not responsible.  Many of them don't care if their kids play mature games, because "there's worse stuff on the news every night".

Gun, which is a horrible game on any system, is incredibly popular with children.  I often have to describe to parents who come in asking for the game just what it contains.  Some still buy it for their child because so-and-so's parents let him play it.  So they think it's ok because his friend does it.   Classic "Jump off a bridge" arguement.  

I swear, people should be required to get licenced in order to parent.  At least an IQ test. smile.gif


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2005, 09:01:00 PM »

QUOTE(Megamil @ Dec 8 2005, 02:49 AM) View Post

You must be kidding me.  GTA3 and VC couldn't hold a candle to San Andreas.  That game is top notch.  From the things you can do to the atmosphere of the game.  They created a masterpiece just like with GTA3 and VC.  But to say that they are better than SA is crazy.  I guess you didn't like the gangsta gangsta theme too much  sleep.gif
Edited for Size

The guy has an opionion you know. Just becuase you say SA is better doesnt make it so.

Back to SA though
personally i could care less about the gangsta theme that actually pulled me out of the game. No offense but the whole story was pretty stupid. The game was pretty linear aswell ala I didnt want todo anything related to gangsta and stuff but your forced todo them if you want to get anywhere. I think SA was pretty much more of the same. There wherent any major plot changes and the games characters where horrible. Once again though this is an opionion which everyone is entitled to.

Back on Topic though

It is the parents fault but there are some other factors involved.  Although parents should know what there children are doing many are usally working by todays standards thus making it hard to really know whats happening in there lives. The new law where only 18 year olds can buy M games is crap. This isnt going to help in anyway the problem is parents. Unfortanetly theres no real way to change that. There are some parents who really know whast going on and actually oppose that law. Being 15 My Idea on it may be a tad biased though since im angry i cant get the games (Considering most games are M anyways).

This also is kinda like the harry potter book thing people would burn the books and write angry letters. When all they really need todo is not buy the book. Sometimes for things like this theres a stupidly simple answer which parents tend to ignore. If you dont like the product dont buy it.

To sum it up for the lazy "If you dont like the product dont buy it"


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2005, 09:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(Mr.INSANE @ Dec 7 2005, 10:08 PM) View Post

This isnt going to help in anyway the problem is parents. Unfortanetly theres no real way to change that.

That is definately one way of looking at it.  I disagree though.  Perhaps making parents more responsible for the actions of their "little darlings" might force them to make dealing with their kids a priority.  Working hard is hardly an excuse for why their kid turned into a *ickf4ce.  Your kid doesn't know right from wrong, goes out and severely harms someone or kills them legal guardian doesn't pass go, doesn't collect $200, and goes straight to prison for a couple years.  You ask what happens to the kid? Good question.  Give them two choices.  1> Work their ass off helping the community, probation, and tons of supervised community service (and after so many hours of community service they reduce their parents' sentance) or 2> they can go to prison where someone else will work their ass off.  Their choice.

I like tollerating lots of things:  People's unique differences, races, religions, free speech... and much more.  I am very intollerant of kids that haven't been taught the rough life lessons my parents whupped into me.  Ya I was spanked when I screwed up.  I learned there were consequences to life.  "parents are too busy" does not excuse them from making their kids education (life lessons) a major priority.  

Just like we shouldn't tollerate our rights being taken away from us, I don't think we should tollerate parents making excuses for why they couldn't do their job.  Is their child growing up to be a strong individual that knows right and wrong less important than anything else in life?  I dare say it is the most important thing a parent can do for their kid.  Work pays the bills.  Money does you know good if your little darling is in jail or prison. (well I guess you could send them a pack of cigarettes)

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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2005, 11:50:00 PM »

QUOTE(IlcoopIl @ Dec 7 2005, 01:38 PM) View Post

I like the game but some of the shit just goes to far.  Being able to kill cops?  Try this for just as a test.  Play need for speed underground 1 or 2, or any other similar real life racing game.  Play for a couple hours if you can.  Now go get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the highway.  Tell me if you notice any difference in your behavior.  Chances are your driving was effected by the game and you did drive more dangerously than you usually would.  Anyway thi s is just my example but think what this game does to people that play it consistently.  The game really does have an affect on people's behavior.  I don't think the game should be banned and I totally agree with enforcing the age limit.  Some companies just take things too far.

I disagree with some of that. For one, what difference does it make if you can kill cops or not? It's the exact same just they have a gun now. I know your argument will be. Yes they are here to help but what people fail to realize, it's just a game, it does'nt manipulate kids into doing something. It's just a stupid way of parents not admitting that they screwed up. Take the kid that had a shootout at the school not too long ago. His parents were abusive. And as for your play need for speed theory... Total and utter bullcrap. The only way it would affect your driving is if its fresh on your mind, and your oppinion on if the test (if it would work or not) would affect your driving. Basically i mean if you think that the theory is true, then of course your mind, even though you think your not, is going to tell you to go a little faster or vice versa.

Ok My Friend was typeing that one and had to go play Halo 2, so i going to finish what he was saying.

Its total bull shit what you are trying to say. I play GTA all the time and I have cops who are my friends. I not going to go out there and start kill people at random. You know why? Because my parents taught me better than that. Its not the kids fault it is the Parents. The Parents fault for never teaching their kid right and wrong.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2005, 12:23:00 AM »

QUOTE(IlcoopIl @ Dec 7 2005, 04:38 PM) View Post

I like the game but some of the shit just goes to far.  Being able to kill cops?  Try this for just as a test.  Play need for speed underground 1 or 2, or any other similar real life racing game.  Play for a couple hours if you can.  Now go get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the highway.  Tell me if you notice any difference in your behavior.  Chances are your driving was effected by the game and you did drive more dangerously than you usually would.  Anyway thi s is just my example but think what this game does to people that play it consistently.  The game really does have an affect on people's behavior.  I don't think the game should be banned and I totally agree with enforcing the age limit.  Some companies just take things too far.

So from what your saying if i were to go play a deer hunting game right now. I would get better at hunting? huh.gif  Your full of it. You don't have a clue what your talking about go away! wink.gif


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2005, 05:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(IlcoopIl @ Dec 8 2005, 06:38 AM) View Post

I like the game but some of the shit just goes to far.  Being able to kill cops?  Try this for just as a test.  Play need for speed underground 1 or 2, or any other similar real life racing game.  Play for a couple hours if you can.  Now go get behind the wheel of a car and drive on the highway.  Tell me if you notice any difference in your behavior.  Chances are your driving was effected by the game and you did drive more dangerously than you usually would.  Anyway thi s is just my example but think what this game does to people that play it consistently.  The game really does have an affect on people's behavior.  I don't think the game should be banned and I totally agree with enforcing the age limit.  Some companies just take things too far.

I see your point, and agree that the game should certainly be restricted in such a way that minors cannot easily get their hands on it, just as they cannot easily see an NC-17 movie.

That said, and I think you probably will agree with what I say next, I think there should be as few restriction as possible on what content is allowed by law in games sold to adults.  (Just a tangent on that:  Quite a few of the Japanese dating sims sold here would be illegal to sell and possibly possess in the US.)


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2005, 06:44:00 AM »

Companies make games. Games get a rating. A parent (or anyone else for that matter) cannot buy a game with an 18+ rating (example: Manhunt) and then complain that it's a bad influence, should be banned, etc. Games are for our entertainment, and if parents think they're bad influences, why do they continue to buy them? Just to complain about them? My parents don't like GTA: San Andreas, but i'm old enough to play it with it's current rating. Most gamers (based on my friends) are ages 16 - 23, so if games like GTA are banned, why should my 18+ aged friends miss out? My conclusion: Parents, quit complaining. It's the consumers responsability. You either buy games or you don't. I personally think it's quite amusing, but that's just me hehe. None of the violence or swearing rubs off on me. Also, Halo has an MA15+ rating. I've heard alot of kids (under 15) talk about how cool it is to kill the aliens and how far they've got. That said, we must ban halo because minors are playing it tongue.gif, not that it's even that violent anyway (no flaming of Halo intended) biggrin.gif. I just think parents need to mellow out, that's all. Thanks for reading my huge post haha. smile.gif

EDIT: With the hype over the recent mini-game in San Andreas, the only way to acutally get it is to change the game's HEX code (from what i've heard) so technically not alot of minors are going to be cracking SA and playing the hidden game anyway.


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Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2005, 08:42:00 AM »

In the UK we have ELSPA and the BBFC. Elspa set "Recommendations" with regards to the age but as far as I am aware this doesn't have to be enforced. However where we differ from you guys over in the US and other places is that because the games are on DVD / CD they can also pass under the scrutiny of the British Board of Film Classification.

So while GTA SA for instance is rated as M for Mature in say the US, in the UK it's rated M for Mature and given an 18 Certificate meaning that it would be against the law to sell to someone under the age limit.

Vigilant retailers, Good parenting and some forethought on behalf of games designer is all that is need to help this process along.

However times are changing and my 10 year old nephew happily plays on GTA SA. He sees the things depicted in the game on news and in films (shown on TV) and understands what is right and is wrong.
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