Scenyx Sites Forums > Xbox-Scene Polls

Do You Think Games Like Gta Should Be Banned From Retail?

(1/18) > >>

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freedom of speech basically.

no one is forced to buy this game. u dont have to play it. you dont have to watch.

if this was teh case, pornography should be banned from stores also

is this name taken too?:
retailers should have been enforcing the age limits on buying games in the first place. irresponsible parents should not be controlling what we can buy.

There shouldn't be a ban on these types of games, have the parents enforce what their kids play/own, and have the stores enforce an age limit on these types of games.

To be honest, I don't see why GTA is getting all of the publicity, when The Guy Game, featured a 17 year old girl who lied to get on the show, then bared it all in the game. (Basically kiddie porn, because it wasnt with a parent's concent).  

So why should stores be not allowed to sell GTA type games, and still sell the soft-porn games?

I Think, it shouldnt be baned bc yea, its freedom to buy what you want. Simply put, if you dont like it then dont buy it


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