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Author Topic: My Response  (Read 2736 times)


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« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2003, 03:17:00 PM »

nsane: thx for your post. I have finished with this now since the required results have been achieved. I just wish ppl would understand its not a matter of complaining, but a matter of obeying licenses, which imo is a serious issue.  Anyhow its done and dusted with now. My posts since src releases have been gratifying I believe towards xport, but I'll still get  flamed whatever by end-users wink.gif


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« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2003, 02:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (CyRUS64 @ May 16 2003, 03:41 PM)
nsane: thx for your post. I have finished with this now since the required results have been achieved. I just wish ppl would understand its not a matter of complaining, but a matter of obeying licenses, which imo is a serious issue.  Anyhow its done and dusted with now. My posts since src releases have been gratifying I believe towards xport, but I'll still get  flamed whatever by end-users wink.gif

See other thread... wink.gif
You care so much about GPL, yet what about the fact you know you are running illegally compiled programs, and a hacked MS bios?

Double standards, so pathetic.


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« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2003, 03:28:00 PM »

If I had a job, I'd muster some money, buy an Xbox, mod it, and ship it to CyRUS64, along with the XDK. CyRUS, could you resist the temptation?

All joking aside (although I wasn't really joking), here's to hoping this issue fades away. We're all gracious that Xport chimed in with a well thought out and well spoken response to this perceived "mess". Each side has their perspective, it's been beaten to death, and there's really nothing more than can be said. Amen.



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« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2003, 03:32:00 PM »

Xport is right when he says there is a way to do things and discuss things.

In the first times, i think Cyrus64 had a good point and so on, but lately i am starting to think that he really just wants to upset Xport and any people that makes a good thing for the Xbox scene in a way to see if they stop their work.

Maybe its a jealous thing? And no, i am not saying regarding skills of programming, but regarding scenes. Yes, i love very much the dreamcast scene and console, and after i saw the consoles and systems ports on Xbox, equal or different ones that were on DC, i understand it can be a little frustrating to see them better on Xbox with "little effort" in contrast.

Or maybe its just a case of a person that is never completely sastified with anything, a case that i too, must confess, can suffer some times. In that case there is no point arguing, because the person will never change is way of being in life

Finally, as we all here see, and now you too, that the matter in case (GPL, sources etc)  is resolved you really should stop complaning and once and for all give the arguing a rest. Because its all fine to say that everything is ok and etc, but you keep going and going.

So, this is resolved, and like you said, not having Xbox etc, so no need to be here more just to complain for the sake of complain and to try to piss some people off, because that only demonstrates, has someone well said, that you have issues, and issues that now are clear well beyond the GPL, sources etc matter. In that case, maybe you should take a break or really leave this place if you have no really interest in it besides trying to take it down.

I hope i not offended you and explained well what i meant. Sorry about the english. smile.gif


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« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2003, 03:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (CyRUS64 @ May 16 2003, 11:41 PM)
I have finished with this now since the required results have been achieved.

Cyruss- I have heard this before. So since you are saying it (again), and Xport has given "his response", this thread should
be closed!! Don't you agree????


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« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2003, 03:56:00 PM »

Guile: Yes I do agree. Enkan, I haven't been complaining since the matters been resolved for damn sake - whatever I post ppl say I'm complaining, but since all has been sorted I've only shown gratification. And previously it wasn't arguing but discussion over the gpl and its moral implications, but as falz sensibly says that has been beaten down. Mage, your argument has been argued too and its irrelevant - as said this was resolvable easily, whereas xdk isnt - I have no support for the xdk usage but I understand they have no alternative but to use it for now. (Fyi, I dont have a modded xbox or xdk or any xbes)
Case closed, gpl satisfied. Finito. smile.gif


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« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2003, 03:24:00 PM »

QUOTE (CyRUS64 @ May 17 2003, 12:20 AM)
Cased close, gpl satisfied. Finito. smile.gif



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« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2003, 04:17:00 PM »

I appreciate the words of thanks from everyone.  One other thing that I may not have made clear is that I do not (and did not) have a problem with people asking for the source to be released.  (Regardless if such a request comes from the authors or from someone else.)  I agree with Cyrus' and everyone else's interpretation of the GPL insofar as source
being required to be made available for derivative works of GPL projects.  No one
should be reprimanded for such a position.  My point, however, is that if people
would like something to be done, the wisest avenue to take is to ask rather than
demand.  If the authors themselves had demanded (which they didn't - they asked)
that would be understandable because it strikes close to home for them.  A kind word
and a smile works wonders in the art of "getting people to go your way."  

I would also like to address the issue of "real coders", etc.  I'm just a man - I
never claimed to be more nor do I have any delusions that what I'm doing is
anything really special.  Truth be told, these porting projects are not difficult
at all and I'm sure lots of people could do it if they were so inclined.  One
reason why I find porting enjoyable is because it's "candy programming" where I don't
have to invest the brainpower I normally must exert in my real job.  I should mention,
however, that the procedure is not as simple as just grabbing some source and slapping
on an XBox UI.  There are often many sticking points (even on DirectX projects like
Stepmania) that must be addressed to get things working on the XBox.  For example,
I had to completely rewrite all the sound routines in Stepmania because it uses an
external closed-source library for all of its sound output.  So I guess what I'm
trying to say is that I don't deserve deification but XBox porting projects
should also not be trivialized.  

Oh, and no I'm not about to say "that's it - goodbye."  That's silly.  Things will
be slowing down, but not stopping.


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« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2003, 04:28:00 PM »


mr jones

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« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2003, 03:54:00 PM »

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't deserve deification but XBox porting projects should also not be trivialized.

Wait, does that mean you want me to stop sacrificing a goat every week to you?  Can I at least keep up the incense-laden shrine?  It makes the house smell nice. smile.gif


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« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2003, 04:31:00 PM »

QUOTE (XPort @ May 17 2003, 12:41 AM)
I appreciate the words of thanks from everyone.  One other thing that I may not have made clear is that I do not (and did not) have a problem with people asking for the source to be released.  (Regardless if such a request comes from the authors or from someone else.)  I agree with Cyrus' and everyone else's interpretation of the GPL insofar as source
being required to be made available for derivative works of GPL projects.  No one
should be reprimanded for such a position.  My point, however, is that if people
would like something to be done, the wisest avenue to take is to ask rather than
demand.  If the authors themselves had demanded (which they didn't - they asked)
that would be understandable because it strikes close to home for them.  A kind word
and a smile works wonders in the art of "getting people to go your way." 

I would also like to address the issue of "real coders", etc.  I'm just a man - I
never claimed to be more nor do I have any delusions that what I'm doing is
anything really special.  Truth be told, these porting projects are not difficult
at all and I'm sure lots of people could do it if they were so inclined.  One
reason why I find porting enjoyable is because it's "candy programming" where I don't
have to invest the brainpower I normally must exert in my real job.  I should mention,
however, that the procedure is not as simple as just grabbing some source and slapping
on an XBox UI.  There are often many sticking points (even on DirectX projects like
Stepmania) that must be addressed to get things working on the XBox.  For example,
I had to completely rewrite all the sound routines in Stepmania because it uses an
external closed-source library for all of its sound output.  So I guess what I'm
trying to say is that I don't deserve deification but XBox porting projects
should also not be trivialized. 

Oh, and no I'm not about to say "that's it - goodbye."  That's silly.  Things will
be slowing down, but not stopping.

Xport- I couldn't say I'd blame ya if you decided to stop porting based on the flack associated with the Pcsx port. You were  an absolute gentlemen about it and I applaud you for that. You didn't have to do what you did, but you did it. I too know how it is to be bogged down with life (wife, 3 kids, etc), so I can understand where your coming from. You already know how I feel about the emulator's you port (I LOVE THEM) but life won't stop without them for me or anybody else. I know I don't have to tell you not to take that the wrong way, because I know you understand. Thanks for everything you have given to me and the scene. Hope everything in your life turns out for the best. smile.gif

mr jones

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« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2003, 04:36:00 PM »

I'll make sure that Guile stops sacrificing his farm animals too.

(believe me, he does.  You wouldn't believe what he has to go through to keep that secret from his wife n' kids... laugh.gif)



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« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2003, 04:45:00 PM »

QUOTE (mr jones @ May 17 2003, 01:00 AM)
I'll make sure that Guile stops sacrificing his farm animals too.

(believe me, he does.  You wouldn't believe what he has to go through to keep that secret from his wife n' kids... laugh.gif)


Gotta love Mr. Jones' tasty brand of humor:)


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« Reply #58 on: May 16, 2003, 04:54:00 PM »

thank you xport for all your efforts, you are a model for all of us  biggrin.gif


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« Reply #59 on: May 16, 2003, 06:17:00 PM »

Xport :- From what I read in your reply, yes I have been following all this crap, you sound like a real gentleman, I applaud you for that.  There aren't that many left in this world.

I don't know you personally but I am a good judge of character and I for one respect you as a person and as a coder.  All your ports are amazing and makes me wish that I started programming when I had the chance back in my younger years.  Yes, I am old and a gamer and always will be a gamer and a kid at heart.

Don't let all of this put you down, I do feel for you and know what your going through at this moment.  Just remember that there is only a minority that bitched about this.

Keep up the good work  beerchug.gif


PD: I was about to give my opinion to CyRRUS64 about this remark (I have no support for the xdk usage but I understand they have no alternative but to use it for now. (Fyi, I dont have a modded xbox or xdk or any xbes)), but I better not, don't want to srtar another war.  Enough said.
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