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Xbox 360 Game Delays in Japan


Xbox 360 Game Delays in Japan-- Posted by XanTium on November 16 19:10 EST

First up is [EM]-eNCHANT arM, the big launch day RPG being developed by the Otogi team at From Software. The game has been delayed from the Dec. 10th launch until Jan 12, 2006. While it's only a month, that still means that suddenly the Xbox 360 is without any RPGs in the land where the RPG is king.

Next in line is Rez/Lumines/Meteos creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi's latest title Ninety-Nine Nights. This Dynasty Warriors-type action game with 999 enemies onscreen at one time was originally set for a Jan 12th, 2006 date, but the game is now being listed with a release date of spring 2006 at several stores.

These delays follow up a delay a few weeks back of the other big launch window RPG, Tengai Makyou Zirai which was delayed from January to sometime in spring 2006 as well.

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Oh well

Might as well cancel the Japanese launch.  Things are falling apart.


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