
Author Topic: Copy Problem? Deletes Folders, Files On Target?  (Read 704 times)


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Copy Problem? Deletes Folders, Files On Target?
« on: September 28, 2004, 05:04:00 PM »

Anyone have any idea if this is just me or if it is a problem with n6? I was working on my installer some more and I found a new (to me) problem. When I do something like this:

Copy $ActualPath$\Dashboards\MS\5960\C C:\

Then it will copy the files and folders as expected, the problem is that say for instance that I alread had a folder on C:\ before the above line executed. Well, once it does execute, the new files/folders show up, but the old folder disappears? (using his best StrongBad impersonation, SDG says) "Deleted!!!". Does anyone have any ideas on this?

As I was writing this I realized that I am using the actual folder to copy and not a wildcard of the folder contents, such as:

Copy $ActualPath$\Dashboards\MS\5960\C\* C:\

I was basing my code off of what was in the ActionScriptReadMe.txt in MXM which uses the example:

COPY D:\CDrive C:\

None the less, could that be the problem? I will test that idea as soon as I get home from work... I will post the results... But in the meantime, if you have any ideas or experience with the problem please let me know.

SumDumGuy  <