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Author Topic: Share Scripts For Others  (Read 1767 times)

Be Absentminded

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Share Scripts For Others
« Reply #120 on: November 15, 2003, 01:26:00 PM »

Sorry to get off topic but what skin is that your using Kold?



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Share Scripts For Others
« Reply #121 on: November 16, 2003, 02:13:00 PM »

Still in its infancy and needs further development.

Purpose: Edit the app/game title without messing with the xbe. It edits the Title in cache_menu.xml.  

Goal 1, probably the easiest to do but not yet implimented is to also be able delete the app/game and the menu entry. I probably should have done this before releasing the script.. but thought i would get it out in alpha status.

Goal 2  is to make it recusively search all submenu nodes.   Right now it ONLY does 1 submenu (menu.submenu.item) and it needs to be more flexible for those that really customize the hell out of the menu by creating multiple submenus. Follow me?  Like main-games-racing-item, main-games-sports-item.  Right now it will only do main-games-item

Goal 3 is to be able to add new apps/games in future versions withough making MXM do a full/search and build of the cache_menu.xml.  This should provide easier additions and removals of games/apps.

a reboot will be required to enact the changes, the script does not do it for you yet or even offer to do it, so you will need to manually do it.

The virtual keyboard script by Kthulu is a dependancy, so make sure you have it.  You need to edit the first two lines of the CE script with notepad.   the cache_menu.xml path (if not in c:) and the keyboard script path.  Get It Here

Here is the CacheEditor.xas Script

If you use a custom cache_menu.xml, please back it up before testing this script.

If you want to assist in this script.. please do so and inform me of any changes you make to achive the goals.

;# Name: Cache Menu Editor
;# Author: KoldFuzion
;# Date 11-15-2003
;# Version: .1 alpha
;# FileName: CacheEditor.xas
;# Purpose: Edit the app or game title without messing with the xbe
;#          Goal is to be able to add new apps/games in future versions
;#          and to delete the app/game and the menu entry.
;# Dependancies: virtualKB.xas
;# requirements: Edit the first two lines below to set it up.
;#               If your path has a space.  you need to QUOTE the path and
;#               use  instead of
;# DO NOT USE IF YOU Submenus are more than 1 deep, like the following
;#                    IE: menu
;#                        |-> submenu=apps
;#                        |    |-> Submenu media players
;#                        |                 |->XBMC
;#                        |                 |->XBMP
;#                        |--Submenu Games
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