
Author Topic: XNA releases are coming!  (Read 336 times)


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XNA releases are coming!
« on: August 29, 2006, 11:24:00 PM »

XNA releases are coming!
Posted by XanTium | August 30 00:48 EST

From David Weller's Blog (Community Manager at Microsoft's Game Technology Group):

So, I'm busy getting things fixed up on the XNA Developer Center (on the staging server, not the live site) for tomorrows big release. There's a few things you can do to ease the pain of downloading XNA Game Studio Express if you haven't already:
* Download and install Visual C# Express
* Download and install the latest DirectX SDK

If you don't do these things in advance, XNA GSE will refuse to install, and you don't want that, do you? :-)
And don't forget: XNA Game Studio Express will ONLY run on Windows XP SP2. If you have Windows Vista, you're gonna be an unhappy camper for now (I had to remove Windows Vista from one of my machines so I could run it :( )

Also keep in mind that the beta version of XNA Game Studio Express that will be released later today will only produce builds for Windows. To run the code on Xbox360 you'll have to wait for the final v1.0 coming somewhere this holiday season.



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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 12:21:00 AM »


I'm all over this! biggrin.gif

Just a warning to those who're going to download the DirectX SDK,
it's over 500 mb....

Man bad timing for this though,
I'm off on a 3 week vacation next week.
Oh well, perhaps I'll bring this software along smile.gif


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« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 01:37:00 AM »

I think I can safely say I have no real knowledge of what this will do but what I would like to know is does this mean anything for the modding community? It's probably a stupid question but what the hell I say!


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« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 01:37:00 AM »

QUOTE(miggidy @ Aug 30 2006, 07:28 AM) *

Just a warning to those who're going to download the DirectX SDK,
it's over 500 mb....

Update: The XNA Team pointed out that you don't NEED to download the DX SDK, just having the latest runtime will be fine, unless you want to use XACT to author/modify your audio.;displaylang=en

fix ms to micro soft

This post has been edited by DaddyO21: Aug 30 2006, 08:38 AM


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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 05:16:00 AM »

cool beans!

R-Dawggy Dawg

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« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2006, 05:19:00 AM »

im just waiting for the geniuses to start f%kin with this stuff  and figure out how we can use it the the scenes benefit! biggrin.gif

Mistar Muffin

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« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2006, 06:00:00 AM »

If this allows you to run your own C# code on the x360, whats to keep Xport and XBMC from being ported into C# and run on the 360, legally and without modding. I don't care about "backup" games, I just want my emu's and xbmc. Why wouldn't this work?


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« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 06:39:00 AM »

If this will allow you to run all our favourite homebrew software that would be great!!! Makes sense for ms to do this because all the regular modders who aren't interested in piracy wont have the temptation to pirate games. If XBMC is going to be possible with this then i'm over the moon!! No need to mod my xbox! Here's hoping!!!


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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2006, 06:49:00 AM »



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XNA releases are coming!
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2006, 07:32:00 AM »

To Mistar Muffin & molesza don't get your hopes up to high! You will have to pay $99 a year for the Xbox 360 Club version so you can compile code on your Xbox 360.

I'm sure M$ have put in many restrictions so developers can't share code to easily, for example a project that everyone in the club to get easily will have to go through the Xbox Live Developer Club thingy and download it and run it (they would still have to pay $99 a year afaik). Edit, just got this from Wiki...


In the initial release there will be no way of shipping precompiled binaries to other XBox 360 players. Instead, others wishing to run the game must have access to the source code and their own membership in the "creators club" program. Distribution of binaries for Windows will be supported.

I think you can run it on your Xbox 360 and download someone's project and compile it your self but I doubt m$ has really let that loop hole through to easily (for XBMC, xbox 1 homebrew etc), they will check everything and anything.

Really I only know web design programming so sorry if I'm talking gibberish, just I don't want people to get all excited of this (only for homebrew games dev), though it is a nice step (and $ earner) for M$.

This post has been edited by bucko: Aug 30 2006, 02:46 PM


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« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2006, 09:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(R-Dawggy Dawg @ Aug 30 2006, 12:26 PM) View Post

im just waiting for the geniuses to start f%kin with this stuff  and figure out how we can use it the the scenes benefit! biggrin.gif

Yep, I'm with you 110% !!

Since v1.0 won't be out until "sometime this holiday season" (knowing MS, this probably means Q2 2007 rofl), we won't really be hearing anything about this for scene purposes for probably a year (I'd imagine).

I know this will end up biting MS in their ass, as the scene will definitely use it to their advantage. Even if it just led to more Live Arcade titles for 400 MS Points and other legal stuff like that, I'd be 100% happy.

I wonder if "bunnie" (the dude who wrote that "Hacking the Xbox" book and widely known in the scene) will be grabbing this? I know when the 360 first came out, he talked of how he didn't even have one on his blog and how he was too busy to really work on it anyway.

Yeah I can't wait for the emulators/roms when they do come to our 360's... It's just a matter of time. That's the only thing I miss about my Xbox1 besides XBMC and downloading gamesaves with ease (I sold my Xbox1 in January because I wasn't using it anymore). Emulators for old-school games will definitely come to the 360, as will XBMC -- It's just a matter of time, really.


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« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2006, 12:52:00 PM »

I don't get why everyone is wanting emu's and xbmc on 360 so much.  Xbox's are cheap relative to a 360.  And for what you guys want to use a 360 for you don't even need to upgrade the Xbox hard drive to run emu's or xbmc.  I don't feel sorry for anyone wanting emu's and xbmc on 360 when its right there for Xbox at a relatively cheap price.  Just look at the classifieds here.  I think everyone is being greedy for homebrew on the 360 and more people than saying really just want to be able to pirate 360 games.  Modding the 360 is more or less going to kill the best thing about it eventually which is XBL and I don't see any point in it at all.


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« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2006, 01:03:00 PM »

Some Xbox emus could use more power to run at better framerates as well as more memory.

Also hav eyou tried running some H264 videos in Media Center? How about some HD vids as well? Talk about a slideshow.

The extra power and memroy would be wonderful for the Xbox homebrew scene. Look at what they have done with 64 megs of ram. Imagine what they can do with 512mb.

Mistar Muffin

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« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2006, 12:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(esc1 @ Aug 30 2006, 07:23 PM) View Post

I don't get why everyone is wanting emu's and xbmc on 360 so much.  Xbox's are cheap relative to a 360.  And for what you guys want to use a 360 for you don't even need to upgrade the Xbox hard drive to run emu's or xbmc.  I don't feel sorry for anyone wanting emu's and xbmc on 360 when its right there for Xbox at a relatively cheap price.  Just look at the classifieds here.  I think everyone is being greedy for homebrew on the 360 and more people than saying really just want to be able to pirate 360 games.  Modding the 360 is more or less going to kill the best thing about it eventually which is XBL and I don't see any point in it at all.

This is somewhat of a naive post, my fried. Everyone is different. Personally speaking, I've had an 1.4 xbox for 3 years now come Christmas, modded with a Xenium and a 120gb HD. I have this in me and my girlfriend's bedroom for watching movies etc....I have a 50" Samsung 1080p HD tv in my living room that I would also like use XBMC on. There are several reasons for me (and probably others) wanting to use their 360 for emu's and XBMC.

1) Alot of people probably don't have the space or video inputs to have both hooked up. Most of my friends traded their xboxes into like EB/Gamestop and the sort once they got a 360. Personally, I just moved it to the TV in my bedroom.

2) Xboxes are cheap, but even the used ones are around $100.00. Thats alot of money for me and probably other people to drop when we have a perfectly good (and superior) xbox 360 sitting right there. If this XNA kit would allow XBMC to run on the 360, that would save alot of people shelf space or an investment into a used xbox. It's not fair for you to imply that this is a silly desire and waste of time.

3) I've always been excited about XBMC on the 360. Mainly because XBMC in HD doesn't work so well all the times. 720p XviD videos are sometimes choppy. HD quicktime are ALWAYS choppy. Even SD Quicktime that are simply upconverted to HD are choppy. I remember I played some Superman Returns videos, the trailer in 480p and this video from Rhythm and Hues (visual effects house) on how they recreated Marlon Brando, and it's choppy in multiple builds of XBMC simply because of the upconverting, and obvious and understandable speed limitations of the Xbox. (Quicktime natively takes alot more processor juice to play).

So yeah, it would be nice to not have to have an Xbox and an Xbox 360 in my home entertainment center. It's already cluttered with my 7.1 receiver, 5 disc dvd/cd player, xbox 360, HD cable box and my dreamcast (I love that thing). And people that don't have one would probably prefer to not spend upwards of 100$ on one if they didn't have to. Personally, I would love to play 1080p videos on the 360, that would be soooo sexy.

Anyways, to those who pointed out that people have to be in the club to even compile the games.....Thats very lame. If you are in the club you can only compile binaries for one 360? (yours?). So thats what? Basically $99.00 for every 360 you want the game/app to run on. It was my impression that the dev's paid the fee and then distributed their game. That's pretty lame to charge the end user PER YEAR to compile stuff. I hope it gets cracked/leaked/whatever like the XDK on the first xbox and we can freely compile homebrew. Even if the source code cannot be compiled into a binary that will work universally on all 360's, at least maybe somone can crack the XNA so end-users can compile code for their 360 without the subscription. That would be the ticket I think.
