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Author Topic: Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games  (Read 1704 times)


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2006, 10:36:00 PM »

You guys are getting your hopes up for something that will NEVER happen.  

Keep hoping for a chip because media center for the 360 will always be MS's craptastic version without one.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2006, 10:57:00 PM »

By joining a "creators club" for an annual subscription fee of $99 (U.S.), users will be able to build, test and share their games on Xbox 360 and access a wealth of materials to help speed the game development progress.

You don't have to pay $99 a year to have homebrew. You have to play $99 a year to MAKE homebrew.

People, learn to read.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2006, 11:08:00 PM »

QUOTE(Reikon @ Aug 14 2006, 01:04 AM) View Post

You don't have to pay $99 a year to have homebrew. You have to play $99 a year to MAKE homebrew.

People, learn to read.

v., read (rĕd), read·ing, reads.
   1. To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).

... earlier that thread ...

Unfortunately, these sample games will not be available outside of the subscription service to entice curious coders to participate

yes, build, test and share... with other club members... $99/yr... some will pay it though...


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2006, 11:21:00 PM »

QUOTE(faceless @ Aug 14 2006, 12:15 AM) View Post

... earlier that thread ...
yes, build, test and share... with other club members... $99/yr... some will pay it though...

Sample games to help devs get started.  You have to pay the $99 for the sample games and to make games, NOT for created content.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2006, 11:27:00 PM »

I have to say this because as I sit on both sides of the fence (Sony and MS), I get to witness flaming, ignorance and blindness from both sides. Honestly, I expected this to come after the announcement that ps3 was going to offer homebrewing capabilities and its good to see MS stepping up their game and not being so "bull headed" about the whole ordeal, even if it does come at a price. But honestly, to all of you "fan boys" out there bashing the other systems (360 included), think about this. This is due to the release of information regarding the console you love to hate, so even if you are not planning on buying one, even if you dont like the company or whatever reasoning you have to hate.. if it werent for them, you wouldnt be receiving this "feature".
And the same goes for any other console, we advance through learning through other's mistakes... the things that we all want should be included in all of the systems, the things that fail should be removed, the things that we keep should improve. This is the way that advancement should be. Not one or the other.. if we are spending our hard earned dollars on something, it should be made by us and not some greedy fuck sitting behing a desk beging for our money, and it should be well worth the money that we work hard for. Its good to see that Ms is going to go through with this because this is exactly what they need, but to all of you "fan boys" out there, where is your "theyre copying!!!" statement now?


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2006, 11:46:00 PM »

I got some questions answered about it. Here goes:

The beta released at the end of the month will be just on the PC. The release version (at the end of the year) will let anyone with a "creator's club" membership ($99 per year) create builds on their PC to run on their Xbox 360. You'll basically take your Xbox 360 on the same local network as your PC, set it to listen for a code dump from your PC running the Game Studio Express, and then on your PC you hit the 'ol "compile and run on 360" thing. Very similar to the actual pro development environment, only it works on retail 360s (on the same local network, provided you have a creator's club membership activated on that console).

You can share your games to anyone else in the creator's club. Just send the XNA project to them in email, on a memory key, put it up on your site for download, whatever. They load it up on their PC in their copy of XNA Game Studio Express, and send it to their Xbox.

The goal is that, in the future, they'll have a channel for people who are not members of the creator's club to download and play the homebrew games. Like, there's Live Aracade, and there will be Creator's Arcade or some such. Anyone in the creator's club would theoretically be able to submit to Creator's Arcade and MS would examine it to make sure it's not really a pirate game or won't harm your Xbox, then they put it up for everyone to download and check out. That aspect of it is a little further out (think next year) and they're still working on details like ownership and copyright, how they'll examine submissions for safety, etc.

Game Stuio Express won't include the stuff to let your game do online multiplayer over Live - that's reserved for the full XNA Studio.

Garage Games is porting all their Torque stuff (Torque game builder and the full Torque engine and tools) over to XNA to run in managed code and getting great performance, so they say. So that's a full game engine you can get for cheap to use with XNA Game Studio Express, if you want.

All in all, it's a super positive move to enabling homebrew - even dramatically supporting homebrew - on a major console. It's more support than I can remember any other major player giving the indie and homebrew scene. Clearly it doesn't totally open the console so it's the wild west like the PC is, but the barrier seems pretty low to me. I'm interested to see where it goes.

I'm going to try to find out more tomorrow (I'm up in Seattle for Gamefest this info at a dinner with MS and Garage Games guys) and clear up some other questions.



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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2006, 11:53:00 PM »

They'll have to pretty severely restrict the distribution of this stuff. If not Arcade will be history.

Of course this does raise an interesting philosophical point -- will all of us who claim to only be interested in hacking the box for homebrew stop working toward a mod chip now that this is available? Assume they make it wide open -- would you still go for a hardware mod chip? After all, with easy to do homebrew, wouldn't the only reason for a mod be piracy (and I know you will say "I just want to back up my purchased discs -- and we all know that is 99% BS).


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2006, 12:11:00 AM »

Meh, im way to lazy to read all that...

but umm.. my view of this: MS way-99 dolllars=expensive=legal....Our way-0 dollars=not expensive=illegal(?)=funner

I just want homebrew/bigger harddrive on my damn 360... someone give me that!!!!


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2006, 12:12:00 AM »

We will be releasing XNA Game Studio Professional next spring which will support the creation of commercial games on the Xbox 360 using an Xbox 360 developer kit.
Does this mean that with the Professional version we could make homebrew games and actually publish them?


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2006, 12:15:00 AM »

THIS IS NOT "SO GREAT" at all. I want a mod-chip god dammit. I bet when we start seeing this come out (if it materializes) then we would get some crappy version of mahjong, solitare, and maybe a classic video game ripoff. Also what you don't realize is how limiting the software might be.

Think about the most popular homebrew software for modders that came out for the xbox

1. Emulators -definitly can't make/sell that
2. Xbox Media Center

Thats about it if you don't count that lame Mario Battle game which violates copyright

Best possible senario

Codding with this software throught trial and error, someone will find an exploit whitch would lead to a soft mod


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2006, 12:54:00 AM »

QUOTE(Math1 @ Aug 14 2006, 12:00 AM) View Post

They'll have to pretty severely restrict the distribution of this stuff. If not Arcade will be history.

Of course this does raise an interesting philosophical point -- will all of us who claim to only be interested in hacking the box for homebrew stop working toward a mod chip now that this is available? Assume they make it wide open -- would you still go for a hardware mod chip? After all, with easy to do homebrew, wouldn't the only reason for a mod be piracy (and I know you will say "I just want to back up my purchased discs -- and we all know that is 99% BS).

Well, I'm sure there are still people out there that would want to use the 360 as a PC. I guess the hardware architecture might not allow for Windows to run on it, which would kind of suck because that would pretty cool to use that power for a gaming PC.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2006, 12:59:00 AM »

QUOTE(BigNamek @ Aug 14 2006, 08:01 AM) View Post

Well, I'm sure there are still people out there that would want to use the 360 as a PC. I guess the hardware architecture might not allow for Windows to run on it, which would kind of suck because that would pretty cool to use that power for a gaming PC.

You'd need something like VirtualPC to run on the XBox 360 (there are no OSS-alternatives, though, so the chance is next to zero to see something like that), or you'd have to recompile Windows completely to let it run on the CPU-architecture of the XBox 360 - but you'd need the complete source of Windows for that. I guess MS wouldn't be amused, even if you ask politely.

QUOTE(sicknasty413 @ Aug 14 2006, 07:18 AM) View Post

Meh, im way to lazy to read all that...

but umm.. my view of this: MS way-99 dolllars=expensive=legal....Our way-0 dollars=not expensive=illegal(?)=funner

I just want homebrew/bigger harddrive on my damn 360... someone give me that!!!!

I'd actually prefer $99 a year with full support from MS and without the chance of getting banned from XBox Live or not beeing able to turn it in for service, instead of spending $200 extra per box to have a bigger HDD, a Modchip and maybe a casemod plus the chance of a hardware failure because of a single bad soldering-job. Even if it's more "fun".

And I still have 11GB left on my HDD. I don't really understand why people aim for a full mirror of (free?) XBox Live content on their console. Maybe longer e-penises.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2006, 01:29:00 AM »

QUOTE(Babau @ Aug 14 2006, 08:20 AM) View Post

Obviously this is all very very speculative but this paragraph gives me hope:

"You can share your games to anyone else in the creator's club. Just send the XNA project to them in email, on a memory key, put it up on your site for download, whatever. They load it up on their PC in their copy of XNA Game Studio Express, and send it to their Xbox."

This basically says to me that you can run code on your 360 that hasn't been seen let alone signed by MS if you pay them $1.90 per week. Obivously it depends on what sort of framework there is to work from with the tool, whether or not you'll be able to make calls to the network from your code etc. However, with the brilliant minds in this community I'm pretty confident that if the doorway's there, someone will figure it out.

Bottom line, unsigned code on the Xbox 360. Holy crap.

Mhm... I wonder if they'll let us transfer precompiled, although unsigned, binaries, or just "packed" sourcecode. I guess the latter option would scare off quite a few hombrew-devs.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2006, 01:33:00 AM »

I'm guessing from the term "XNA Project" that the software creates save files somewhat like Photoshop or Premiere, in that it's an entire project contained within one file. Thus, the source code would be uncompiled, but all you'd need to do would be load it up in the software and hit the "Compile and send to 360" button.

Damn I'm really making some assumptions now. I think we need some more information.


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Microsoft Invites the World to Create Its Own Xbox 360 Games
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2006, 01:37:00 AM »

lets wait what the portinggods have to say to this event(which has been a rumour for some time now)
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