
Author Topic: Using Your Rock Band Drum Kit With Your Computer  (Read 64 times)


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Using Your Rock Band Drum Kit With Your Computer
« on: April 26, 2008, 08:07:00 PM »

  How to use your Rock Band Drum Kit with Windows




NOTE: I HAVE tried the 'Drum Machine' program made by Andrew Rudson just for this purpose, but I found it confusing to use and less capable than what I have done.  Instead I use a combination of Xpadder and Pyros's Drums for Windows to do whatever I want with my Drum Kit.

What you'll need (just download it right now, don't install any of it):
   OKAY!!! So now that you have all that junk. Lets get it set up.
--Run the driver installer that you downloaded from Microsoft. Do whatever it says and just let it install.
--Plug in your drum kit now.
--Make sure that it successfully recognises it. It will say something like, 'Found Harmonix Drum Kit for 360',
   but it will eventually install it as an Xbox 360 controller (which it is).
--If you have problems, go back to the microsoft website, and make sure you downloaded the right drivers.

--Extract the Run the installer you downloaded (Xpadder4.exe in the zip). Follow the steps to install it.
--Go to the control panel, then 'Game Controllers', select the 360 controller and click 'Properties'. Go to the
   'Settings' tab, and click 'Reset to Default'. I find that calibrating just messes everything up.
--Launch Xpadder (if you don't see it it might have minimised to your system tray-it will be a little controller icon). Click the tiny button with the picture of the 360 controller and go 'Open'. Navigate to where
   you extracted my zip. Select the 'Xbox360controller' file. Once that's done, click the button under the
   tiny xbox 360 controller button (the one that looks somewhat like a page of text) and go 'Open'. This
   time select the 'DrumKIT-PyrosDrums' file. You should now find that when you push anything on your drum
   kit, the corresponding button will flash in Xpadder.
--You should notice that over the 'B' button will be a '.', over the 'A' a 'P', over the 'X' and 'A', over the
   'Y' button a '1', and over the left bumper an 'Spc'.
--A interesting experiment at this stage would be to open up something like notepad or Word. Push the buttons
   on your drum kit, and they should make text appear in word or notepad.

=========Pyros's Drums for Windows==========

--Now this is the first program i found - and there are probably better ones out there - but it's fine for my
--Extract the files from the zip to somewhere of your choice. Run 'WinPdrums'. Click in the little white
   box on the right hand side of the program, and start hitting the pads on your drum kit.
--If you got this far, congratulations! You now have a working drum kit for windows!

==============Handy Tips===========

--In Xpadder, you can double click the white squares and it will let you assign them to any key. This way,
   you can control what each button does on your drum kit.

Hope you guys enjoy it!
