
Author Topic: Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working  (Read 64 times)


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« on: February 06, 2005, 10:15:00 PM »

hey everyone I am having an imdb problem, I cannot get the xbox to go out and get the thumbnail and the info off of the imdb site, it looks like its just parsing locally. My internet connection and all of my name resolution stuff is working as I can get to webradio, get my rss feed and check the weather

I am running build XBMC 1.1.0 (2004-12-31)

I have all of my movies on a smb share over the network.

This feature seemed to be working a couple of days agao until today when I added some new movies to the share and tried to download the covers and it failed.

can someone tell me where the imdb info is in the program? or whats going on so I can attempt some troubleshooting

thanks a lot



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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 12:20:00 AM »

Use a newer build. Presto!


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2005, 12:54:00 AM »

really? I'll be honest Ive had really good sucess with the current stable build I'm using, it seems like everytime i upgrade, something stops working,

isnt there something that I can do resolve whatever issue this might be


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2005, 02:01:00 AM »


imdb changed their layout and this is why the lookups wont work in old builds.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2005, 01:37:00 PM »

I feel the same as the topic creator.  I finally get a steady build and have everything set up the way I want, then updates come and they hardly ever have any relevant new useful items for me yet I have to update because something has been thrown out of whack.  Then I have to spend 2 hours looking at .xml files trying to figure out how I had everything and why I can't get the new build set up like I had it.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2005, 03:44:00 PM »

Case in point.  Just upgraded to Feb 1st build.  Now I get a fatal error (basically the one reported in another thread on page one here) when I press B to exit a streaming video clip from Ifilm.  Not to mention the fact that IMDB is still being flaky.  

Feature request: an xbox coded virus/worm for the next build...might as well :D


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2005, 05:03:00 PM »

IMDB not working for me either. I can "find" the correct movie title but no info is downloading.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2005, 08:02:00 PM »

IMDB isn't working for me. It's not even finding anything. I tell it to querie all files and it goes through em faster then if it was deleting them.
I'll try a new build today (when theres actually something changed in anon CVS), but I only just compiled yesterday.

The last addition to the current build I have is:
 - 06-02-2005 added: new control ids 51-54 to MusicOverlay.xml for Title, Artist, Year + Album labelcontrols.

I can only assume that internet is all fine. Weather works. But then, RSS feeds don't.

This post has been edited by Morien: Feb 8 2005, 04:04 AM


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2005, 10:30:00 PM »

Just upgraded to Feb 06, 2005 build, and IMDB doesn't seem to be working properly either.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2005, 12:53:00 AM »

Are you people reading at all?!


Please explain to us how that is our fault!!!

And some coments here are just over the top, stop being spoild brats and fix the problem yourself if you have nothing better todo then having a pissing contest on how bad xbmc have become!


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2005, 01:36:00 AM »

I can't speak for others, but I don't think I'm being a spoilt brat here, nor see how I'm blaming anyone. I understand that IMDB have changed their layout.
I'm still adding my experience though because I'm using the my own build from yesterday (I'd update but there still aren't any changes coming through on the anonymous cvs) but thought the issue was resolved on the 2nd, and so was starting to think it was the fault of my Xbox config.

I understand if IMDB isn't working yet, but was confused because I was thinking my Xbox was configured wrong, yet Weather still works.

I meant no disrespect.

This post has been edited by Morien: Feb 8 2005, 09:40 AM


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2005, 01:59:00 AM »

Forgive me. IMDB now appears to be working for me. It was a problem on my end so I can verify that it has been corrected in the newest builds. (Pre 02 Feb builds do not work).


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2005, 03:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(JayDee @ Feb 8 2005, 08:53 AM)
Are you people reading at all?!


Please explain to us how that is our fault!!!

And some coments here are just over the top, stop being spoild brats and fix the problem yourself if you have nothing better todo then having a pissing contest on how bad xbmc have become!


I really dont think any of the comments here are over the top,nor do I agree with your comment that any of us are having a pissing contest about about how bad things have become with XBMC.

The only comment I made was that I didnt really want to keep upgrading versions to resolve issues that may only take some minor coding changes, I was simply looking for someone to point me in the right direction on how to go about troubleshooting the problem myself (if you look at my second reply post)

I definately mean no disrespect to anyone who has had a hand in creating and maintaining with wonderful piece of software, my hat is off to them, being that I am a programmer myself, but I do think that this forum should be the sort of place where open discussion on, ideas, frustrations, celebrating successes, and fixing problems, should be encouraged and not slammed with calling people spoiled brats and assuming that they have no willingness to help themselves.

This forum overall and I dont just meant the XBMC subsection, has been the most helpfull but at the same time the most frustrating place I have ever come for assistance on a piece of software.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2005, 07:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(supramkIII @ Feb 8 2005, 05:54 PM)

I really dont think any of the comments here are over the top,nor do I agree with your comment that any of us are having a pissing contest about about how bad things have become with XBMC.

The only comment I made was that I didnt really want to keep upgrading versions to resolve issues that may only take some minor coding changes, I was simply looking for someone to point me in the right direction on how to go about troubleshooting the problem myself (if you look at my second reply post)

I definately mean no disrespect to anyone who has had a hand in creating and maintaining with wonderful piece of software, my hat is off to them, being that I am a programmer myself, but I do think that this forum should be the sort of place where open discussion on, ideas, frustrations, celebrating successes, and fixing problems, should be encouraged and not slammed with calling people spoiled brats and assuming that they have no willingness to help themselves.

This forum overall and I dont just meant the XBMC subsection, has been the most helpfull but at the same time the most frustrating place I have ever come for assistance on a piece of software.

good post supramkIII, I have built three of my own computers, setup a home wireless network and modding the xbox was by far the hardest thing I have done.  I think a lot of people here who have a firm grasp on how it all works see it as being pretty cut and dry and don't have much patience with those who don't "get it" even after something has been explained to them.  the frustration levels can get pretty high among the newbies as well as the more experienced members and it leads to conflict.  

the newbies need to understand that thier questions have probably been asked a dozen times before and has been explained as clearly as they know how to explain it  and the more experienced members need to understand that what seems as simple as 2+2 to them is not so simple to others, sometimes things need to be explained differently to different people.


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Imdb Suddenly Stopped Working
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2005, 01:06:00 AM »

My question then is:  Why dont you read?

Kai920 said what todo once.

Morien likewise.

I told you it wouldn´t work in old builds...

It is also explained, in more detail, in this thread

I think a lot of people here who have a firm grasp on how it all works see it as being pretty cut and dry and don't have much patience with those who don't "get it" even after something has been explained to them. the frustration levels can get pretty high among the newbies as well as the more experienced members and it leads to conflict.

It cant be put any simpler then update/upgrade. Nothing that can be missunderstodd by that.

And i had hoped you could tell the differance between "some comments" and "all comments" but i guess i was wrong.

I do not see how anyone can missunderstand this:

Update to a newer build (+050202) of xbmc and imdb will work. Stay with an old build and have it not working.

The choice it yours...

And in this case it is a simple xbe change that needs to be done, so why start talking about setting the xml´s etc up again? It´s a 5 second job....

This post has been edited by JayDee: Feb 9 2005, 09:07 AM