
Author Topic: Forwarding Messages To X360 Over Xbl?  (Read 77 times)


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Forwarding Messages To X360 Over Xbl?
« on: June 09, 2006, 09:12:00 AM »

I've been sitting on this idea for a while, trying to get it to work myself, but I don't have the necessary knowledge of ASP to get it to work.

I wrote some code in Java to connect to after having logged into it from a browser and reading the cookie to be able to access SendMessage.aspx on the server.

My idea was to write some software that could sit on the desktop of my PC and interface with AIM , a POP3 account, as well as other online providers. When a person signed online or IM'd the screen name registered with the software, it would forward the necessary data to the player as a message via and it would pop up as a notification on the console via XBL. This way, when you're waiting for someone to get online, or you're waiting for an e-mail or something, you can go into the living room and fire up your HD Xbox 360 and play a game to pass the time.

Is anything like this already out, or can anyone point me in the right direction for some help with ASP so I can finish my program?


                  ([email protected])