
Author Topic: Fsd 2.2 Final Realeased  (Read 160 times)


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Fsd 2.2 Final Realeased
« on: December 03, 2011, 11:42:00 PM »


            ±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±  ±±±±±±±±±   ±±±±±±±±       ±±±±±±±
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            ²Û²              ²Û² ²Û²    ²Û²   ²Û²          ²Û²    
            Û²Û       Û²Û    Û²Û Û²Û    Û²Û  Û²Û       Û²Û Û²Û    Û²Û
                                                                     [ teamfsd ]

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    note to users:

         this is a labour of love, from a small development team. who have spent
    countless personal hours, away from our girlfriends, loved ones, lives to do this
    not for personal gain, not for money, not for fame, but for the sheer reason of
    we wanted something that was great, that was what we wanted. and this is exactly
    that. it is no where near perfect, or bug free, but we felt like it's enough for
    general use, and testing.

         We are pushing out new features,and code rewrites, and with that, bugs.
         so feel free to test, report bugs, suggest things, but only if you have logs,
         or are able to recreate the bug.

    don't judge my grammar or spelling. thanks.

                                                                       - khuong


    what's new:

          Read included changelog.


    release notes:

          Skin customizations will be reset.
          Connectx Include Readme in Docs folder


    install notes:

          look at installation.txt


        team fsd, c0z, TraJiK, JPizzle, Blackwolf, everyone who donated to us.
            and everyone else i forgot to mention, thank you. <3

 I downloaded this, then when I turned on my JTAG I was greeted with 'Dash Update Available' smile.gif
What an awesome update feature!