
Author Topic: Theme Contest  (Read 112 times)


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Theme Contest
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:35:00 AM »

I am sure most of you are familiar with spiffy360 for Freestyle and NXE Dashboard themes.  I have decided to run a contest and give out prizes to the top themes for both Freestyle and the NXE Dashboard.  The rules and prizes have not been set in stone, but they should be enough to be worthwhile.  If you are good with graphics, then feel free to start working on something and get it submitted.  Please spread the word as well so we can get others creating some great themes to add.

I am also doing prizes for the various Wii software as well, so check out our Wii site and submit some themes there too.

This would be great to get posted up on the news page or something.  I have decided to do this because I am grateful to everyone that has contributed to the community and spent lots of time building themes for others to use freely.  I tried to make my site easy to use and allow anyone to help contribute.  I have been trying to get theme downloads integrated with Freestyle Dash, but have had no luck with them.  There are numerous Wii software such as USB Loader GX that use our site to download themes directly though.

Anyway, I am working with the various moderators and my co-admin Jsjar to come up with a good, fair way to do this contest and to work out the funds for the prizes.  The funds are coming solely from revenue from ads that I have received during the time my site has been up and while the revenue isnt a whole lot after paying for hosting, domains etc, I will do everything I can to make sure the winners will be satisfied.  Right now I am anticipating on $200 - $300 for prizes between the different theme categories.

Lastly, I don't want this to be taken as me trying to help promote my site, but rather to get more theme makers involved to create some great themes for the community and get something out of it.

If you are not sure of our site and never heard of it (spiffy360), Just google xbox 360 themes and we should be number 1.