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Author Topic: Freestyle Dash Rc1.7  (Read 446 times)


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Freestyle Dash Rc1.7
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2020, 09:28:00 AM »

Xbins still has revision Rc1.6.

Does the auto updater work all of the time because I have had it crash like.... four times now and I always have to do the manual update.

Yea could you check xbins and fix it please?


This post has been edited by Sunstarx55: Yesterday, 05:29 PM


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Freestyle Dash Rc1.7
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2011, 02:21:00 AM »

The list says 'New Skin added' and 'updated skin'. Looks the same to me and no other skins in the options???

Weather works fine for me, can't see the point in it unless it is shown up by the gamerscore on the homepage though.

An option to choose what tab you want to boot into would be nice if possible, so i can boot up straight into my xbox games and then off i go.


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Freestyle Dash Rc1.7
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2011, 09:53:00 AM »

cant connect to xlink via fsd, do i need some xlink server on my router...? normaly i was connecting using xlink on pc... and it works


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Freestyle Dash Rc1.7
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2011, 03:40:00 AM »

I just recently upgraded to this from Freestyle 1.09.  I have a 256 Jasper JTag with a 500GB Usb Hdd.  As I was setting up the games paths I started to notice that as I checked them the xbox would start to lockup.  Some times it would actually lockup and I would have to reset the xbox.  Sometimes I could still get the Center X button to come up if I pressed the button and waited about 20-30 seconds for it to come up.  
Some times the games/tab will load but most of the times it wont.  And its not just the xbox360 games tab.  Its pretty much all of them. homebrew, emulators and the rest.  
Is there a way to fix this...Its pretty much unuseable like this...


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Freestyle Dash Rc1.7
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2011, 09:03:00 PM »

I ended up deleting Freestyle and re-installing.  It seems ok now.  But its still very sluggish when I click to go into a tab.  
Also is there a way to delete the homebrew tab so I dont have to see it?  Or the Original Xbox tab?  I too would like to start up right on the xbox360 games tab.  
Great work...
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