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Author Topic: FreeStyle Dash v2.0 RC1.6  (Read 940 times)


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FreeStyle Dash v2.0 RC1.6
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2011, 01:26:00 AM »


PS3 will be dead soon.  Publishers will not want to work with the PS3 because Sony cannot stop the piracy.  Sony will rush out PS4 to get the publishers back on board but it take a long time to regain their trust.  All the while M$ will continue with their game plan of beating the life out of XBOX and (twitch) Kinect.  

FSD Rocks.


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FreeStyle Dash v2.0 RC1.6
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2011, 01:56:00 PM »

It would be good if waving brought-up the kinect menu (I would imagine that doing that wouldn't be as hard as one might initially think as the open source driver is out there) It would also  be cool if some1 ported that tom-hanks piano app thats out for kinect/PC.

PSmoove sux compared to kinect, which it seems is they way things are heading yet another reason as to why having a JTAG will always trump anything they do on ps3 (whats the point in having the keys if the games aren't as good anyway ?)

 If I were a SW dev I wouldn't put as much effort into a lesser console at the end of the day (all fanboying aside facts speak louder) so I would doubt that ps3 wil ever have anything the calibre of FSD ! Those guys don't seem to be able to organise themselves, and the best of them are borrowed from 'The XS' it would seem.

 As for 360 hacking being dead, I wouldn't bet on never seeing another HV or similar exploit sometime in the future. When the current numbers of exploitable 360's dwindle, somebody may just pull something out of the bag they had saved for a rainy day. After hearing what some ppl are keeping to themselves in similar areas ;-)   I would not be at all shocked to see something along homebrewable lines for newer consoles. The difference between the ps3 scene is is some1 over there figures-out how to extract the keys they run straight out and publicize it, whereas if ppl in the 360 scene would generally consider the consequences of such action and most likely keep it to themselves, not that I'm suggesting anyone has, but you never know... And the thing about complex systems, particularly those involving security is that the more complex one makes them, the more loopholes become evident. I'm sure if the need arose, ppl would be motivated to start looking again etc etc....
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