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Author Topic: Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up  (Read 1034 times)


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2007, 04:29:00 PM »

I think the common theme here is that people are comfortable with what they understand.  Installing windows drivers is easy for many of us because we've done is 5 thousand times.  Installing Mad WiFi or NDIS Wrapper in Linux for a complete noob could be a difficult experience, especially if you don't do research and expect it to be done the MS way.  

That's unrelated to the main discussion here.  Anyone that's owned a modded xbox with Xport's emulators (and others) should understand the value of linux and OSS.  Virtually the entire homebrew community is based on OSS.  MS using FUD is an attack on the homebrew community as well.  XBMC uses many OSS technologies that probably fall under MS' 'alleged' patent violations.   I agree everyone should use the tools they feel does the job best for them, but being forced to use something is unacceptable when there are potentially better alternatives out there.  For those of us that want to use Linux, we shouldn't be forced to use windows.

Altima NEO

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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2007, 05:58:00 PM »

I wouldnt doubt that somewhere along the line, some part of MS's code is infringing on someones copyright. Theres so much technology behind it, its difficult to say that someone doesnt hold some wierd, ill explained patent. Isnt that usually how it works? Some company creates a new technology and sells it, meanwhile some other company says "Hey, that sounds like what our patent that we have, but havent done jack with! Lets sue this guy!"

Although I didnt understand what Linus meant by losing patent protection?


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2007, 07:05:00 PM »

Linus has done a lot for the PC community over the years and I support his firm position to coerce MS into either backing down on their stance or risk the repercussions when the Windows code is released for review and found to be riddled with stolen property (code).

Linux is a great OS and many enjoy using it.  As for me (and most people with moderate computer knowledge) Windows just works fine for everything that I do - video/image editing, desktop server, office tasks, etc.  I have tried several Linux distributions and it is not very easy to get everything working just like windows does on first boot.  Stable and fast Linux is - easy to set up and use Linux is not.


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2007, 07:40:00 PM »

MS is trying to create this allusion that the common user needs XP or vista.  THe average user needs a word processor, a pop3 frontend, and an internet browser and thats about it.  You certainly dont need MS for that.  The average user could save a 100 bucks or so by installing linux and linux is getting easier to install.  

its just a matter of time for linux to become as easy to install as MS.


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2007, 01:07:00 AM »

Windows made for lammers, but don't worry, MS take 25 years to Windows be the Vista version, and linux take 12 to be better, earlier that you can think linux will be easy like MS and you can enjoy the freedom, burn your disc, see your DVD, change your screen layout, use your TV card without pay for it, and more ... lammers, wait and see, the future is free and better for all, try ubuntu or kurumin linux distros, you will be happy how they are growing up fast ...

MS monopoly will be down ppl, MS can't stop it, so say shits like that ... who like Windows, ok, but don't flame about linux, just be happy with all your cracked software that don't have support and crashes a lot of times all the day ...

Search Beryl on youtube, Vista sucks nears of this ...


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2007, 04:44:00 AM »

i think the whols ms vs linux argument is stale and old already. ms is getting worried now with linux distros becoming increasingly easier to use and install. ubuntu coming first to mind.

i have xp on my main box and aside from the os itself, everything i use on it is completely freeware or opensource.

my laptop has ubuntu studio installed on it and everything worked out of the box except for the bcom wireless card; and that ones not even linux's fault. bcom restricts it's drivers from being included in a distribution. so like even on windows if you didn't have the drivers, you'd still have to go searching for them.

gfx cards are something different, my onboard intel card didn't work properly so i searched in synaptic and have it working in 5 secs and installed. log out, log back in and everything working in full res.

community based. even the most noobish person can go and search a problem and find an answer if one exists.

ms has the knowledge base.
-do this.
-didnt work?
-do this.
-still no?
-call support.
-still doesn't work?
live with it.

people are afraid of change and always will be.  i work with computers all day and you could consider me a hardcore geek; but i've converted countless people to install ubuntu on their old/new hardware (when vista proves to much of a pain to use) and they don't turn back nor regret the switch.

both os' have their strong point but just like firefox is slowly catching it's own percentage of usage, so is linux.

best way to defame and try to get rid of the competition? make outrageous patent claims.

oh, and lets not forget the insane amount of resources needed for the latest and 'greatest' incarnation of windows to even sluggishly open a window or program. try going to the store and picking up a desktop/laptop with anything less than 1GB of ram and see how long you last before wanting to take a hammer to it.


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2007, 10:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(pdottz @ May 21 2007, 08:20 AM) View Post

i think the whols ms vs linux argument is stale and old already. ms is getting worried now with linux distros becoming increasingly easier to use and install. ubuntu coming first to mind.

i have xp on my main box and aside from the os itself, everything i use on it is completely freeware or opensource.

my laptop has ubuntu studio installed on it and everything worked out of the box except for the bcom wireless card; and that ones not even linux's fault. bcom restricts it's drivers from being included in a distribution. so like even on windows if you didn't have the drivers, you'd still have to go searching for them.

gfx cards are something different, my onboard intel card didn't work properly so i searched in synaptic and have it working in 5 secs and installed. log out, log back in and everything working in full res.

community based. even the most noobish person can go and search a problem and find an answer if one exists.

ms has the knowledge base.
-do this.
-didnt work?
-do this.
-still no?
-call support.
-still doesn't work?
live with it.

people are afraid of change and always will be.  i work with computers all day and you could consider me a hardcore geek; but i've converted countless people to install ubuntu on their old/new hardware (when vista proves to much of a pain to use) and they don't turn back nor regret the switch.

both os' have their strong point but just like firefox is slowly catching it's own percentage of usage, so is linux.

best way to defame and try to get rid of the competition? make outrageous patent claims.

oh, and lets not forget the insane amount of resources needed for the latest and 'greatest' incarnation of windows to even sluggishly open a window or program. try going to the store and picking up a desktop/laptop with anything less than 1GB of ram and see how long you last before wanting to take a hammer to it.

For Broadcom Wi-Fi cards just search it on google NDISWrapper or FWcutter, work's 100% i have a Broadcom too and work's fine with WPA, WEP on ubuntu ... just try, it's really easy, both programs use your proprietary drivers for windows under linux ...


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2007, 10:44:00 AM »

Regarding the drivers . . . .after installing windows i need to put in my motherboard cd, graphics card cd, sound card cd, sata controller card cd, then a cd for every usb device.
When i installed ubuntu i needed the Ubuntu cd.  and that's it.  It did all the drivers itself.

QUOTE("Linus Torvalds")
the source code for Windows could be subjected to the same critical review that Linux has been, Microsoft would find itself in violation of patents held by other companies.
Well the windows 2000 source code is avaiable to download of the internet if you look hard enough (and if it is indeed what it says).  Maybe we should point some open source guru's in it's direction, and see how many patents m$ have broken back in 2000.  Never mind XP and Vista.  pop.gif


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2007, 12:36:00 PM »

I guess it dont matter either way. M$ wines about everything, but when WE wine to m$.. god fuc8ing forbid they do a damn thing about it!

go fuc* yourself M$!!!!

thats why there scared to release there source code, because there so many violations.

everyone violates patents, laws etc, so get used to it M$!!! ( bill you should be used to this by now! )

fuc*ing thief


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2007, 01:45:00 PM »

whats the latest and greatest linux out? ubuntu or kubuntu? i figure its about time i start tweaking. i saw the beryl vid on youtube like one guy in the thread said and holy shit thats awsome.


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Linus Torvalds to Microsoft: put up or shut up
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2007, 10:01:00 PM »

Microsoft has no room to talk.

 I'm sure Unix, IBM, Xerox, PARC, and Apple have quite a few questions for MS about the origins of their so-called "original ideas" and patents as well. Everyone knows they stole everything and stabbed everyone in the back while doing so. Microsoft has been ripping off ideas from FOSS long after they initially stole all of their base ideas from all of those companies way back in the beginning, that's just part of the double edged sword of being an open source product and operating under the GPL. MS keeping their source code closed sure has kept it secure. [/sarcasm]

Imitation is flattery, but....................

MS is just pissed that their OS still sucks and that you need at least 3 different crutch programs just to keep their DRM hobbled bloatware running at all. Hell, they have created a whole industry of companies and products just to keep Windows running. As for their user base and it being superior because of sales numbers, most people use whatever comes on their computer because they have the IQ of a carrot when it comes to computers, most people have no idea how to install an operating system, that's why they just use what the computer came with............Windows............ and quantity is not quality.
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