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Author Topic: Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends  (Read 566 times)


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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2009, 08:28:00 AM »

QUOTE(AngelBallz69 @ Nov 18 2009, 12:52 AM) *

because if u get banned ps3 has alot more value than xbox360 , unless u wanna play halo witch is crap compared to mw2

Yes because it's fair to compare halo (a very old game) to something like mw2 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

The GiXxer Guy

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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2009, 09:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(tommasi @ Nov 17 2009, 04:12 PM) View Post

i dont think M$ lost any money by banning us! M$ took our money in advance and kicked us out

Losing future money is the same as losing money now in gaming... especially during the holiday seasons when people are looking for reasons to choose one machine over another

QUOTE(GOVATENT @ Nov 18 2009, 07:28 AM) View Post

Yes because it's fair to compare halo (a very old game) to something like mw2 tongue.gif

Umm..  Halo ODST IS the "direct" competition game for MW2


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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2009, 12:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(The GiXxer Guy @ Nov 18 2009, 05:38 PM) View Post

Losing future money is the same as losing money now in gaming... especially during the holiday seasons when people are looking for reasons to choose one machine over another

Umm..  Halo ODST IS the "direct" competition game for MW2

Oh have not played ODST or cared for it. I got sick of halo after number 3. I am thinking about getting rid of my 360 for a ps3 all together now.


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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2009, 12:07:00 PM »

QUOTE(spinr34 @ Nov 17 2009, 07:22 PM) View Post

exactly my thoughts. i find it hard to believe that anyone who was banned is going to buy a ps3 then pay for every game they want to play. unless they only want to play 1 game/yr.
overreacting some?

thats what i dotn get, if thy're gonna buy ps3 games, why cant thye buy 360 games?  unless they want it for the exclusives...

Dark Seraph

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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2009, 01:53:00 PM »

LOL at pic, but not appropriate for forum.

This post has been edited by chorizo1: Nov 20 2009, 03:24 AM

The GiXxer Guy

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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2009, 02:09:00 PM »

QUOTE(360beast @ Nov 18 2009, 11:07 AM) *

thats what i dotn get, if thy're gonna buy ps3 games, why cant thye buy 360 games?  unless they want it for the exclusives...

not just the exclusives...  its the free online play,blu-ray,HDD ease and its the 360's failure rate..  Oh and u cant forget the just to stick it to MS with the good ol' Bud Adams double middle finger send off..  BTW ive bought plenty of 360 games to date. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif)


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Upcoming Free Xbox LIVE Weekends
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2009, 12:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(The Dude Z @ Nov 18 2009, 02:47 AM) View Post

jester.gif   ROTFLMAO
Free xbox live weekend for the 600 consoles left out that they didn't ban LOL

You, sir, are official a retard.
You do realize that there are like 20 million XBL accounts and something like 35 million consoles "out there". This makes the piracy rate according to the worst case scenario in banning like 5%. Thats a complete joke in the big picture.
Most of you are just pissed little kids trying to "get back" at MS by getting a PS3. Good luck with that.
MS will make profit out of this instead of loss. The 5% people banned has no effect on revenues, instead they represented potentially lost revenues via game titles for them. Publishers and studios will be much happier and more eager to get their titles onto 360 if the piracy rate is low and the userbase is big, meaning there will be more popular titles on the xbox, meaning more people will buy xbox and get the good titles on MS platform. Outcome = profit.

Try to wrap your head around some basic bussiness rules before you come out spitting random bs please. Your whiny ranting wont change the fact that you got your ass handed to you and you cant handle it.

I was banned 1,5 weeks ago also. No XBL Gold subs, some original games. I knew what i was getting into by modding and i accept the fact im cut of from the internet. But i can still play all the games offline, i dont need the bs HDD install feature so basically no harm done, no need for a new box and definetly no PS3 (who plays on that piece crap anyhow)


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