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Author Topic: Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?  (Read 968 times)


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2009, 04:16:00 AM »

QUOTE(echto @ Nov 12 2009, 12:21 AM) View Post

Stop guessing and rumor spreading.


QUOTE(dorkworm @ Nov 11 2009, 05:23 AM)

Just to let everyone know, the Jasper I decided to mod just to test this theory was banned this morning.

Here is what I did. Took my un-modded Jasper, opened it up and took out the liteon drive. Powered it up in my PC (built a power supply cable so that the PC powered it up) and used a home-made probe to read the drive. Flashed it with Jungle flasher. The procedure was pretty straight forward after a few attempts at getting the tray in the right position.

Put the drive back into the 360, and plugged it into live. Played nothing but original discs, Beatles Rock Band, Viva Pinata, , Geometry wars and Guitar Hero. It has been online for about a week, and got nuked today.

So it has never had a backup in it, only ran an original 20GB hard drive from and RROD launch console and was never powered up without the DVD-ROM attached.
Just thought the info might help, really wasn't expecting it to get banned though, guess I'll write it off to taking one for the team.

QUOTE(BenJeremy @ Nov 11 2009, 08:45 PM) View Post

Good info, and it seems that C4Eva already made the discovery which your sacrifice confirms.

Microsoft has devised a method for detecting a hacked drive. A more interesting test would have been to not run ANY game discs in it.

Please note people... inferring the presence of hacked firmware is NOT the same thing as directly readng it. Nobody who knows this stuff would claim that. It's always been about inferring the existence of hacked firmware, whether it's detecting poison pill releases, or seeing bad rips with 'valid' but incorrect security sectors.

What is different this time, is that Microsoft has figured out how to tell the difference without a backup being inserted. It could be something as simple as activating a response with a "secret knock" that s triggered based on the order and number of challenges, or a matter of timing/jitter data that is consistently different between a hacked drive and original firmware.

The claim, all along, has only been that Microsoft has no DIRECT way of detecting the firmware. All of the queries to IXtreme firmwares respond with the same responses expected from original firmwares. Now that Microsoft has made some changes, C4Eva has examined the changes, and found something that Microsoft was seeing.

I'm a bit troubled by several reports of unmodded consoles getting banned though.... that smacks of the infamous "angle bannings" that was not a foolproof method of detecting hacked drives (since legit drives with weaker optics could return a 360 angle). That would point to Microsoft using a group of timings to detect differences between drives, and they may be relying on ranges of values that simply aren't tight enough to exclude legitimate users with failing optical drives.


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2009, 12:52:00 PM »

QUOTE(signal-to-noise-ratio @ Nov 12 2009, 05:16 AM) *

I'm still wondering if a disc needs to be in the drive for them to detect the hacked firmware?  My console is not banned but I never use live.


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2009, 12:56:00 PM »

Just flashed last week liteon 1.6 - haven't plugged it into the network yet.

mind you I could care less about live, I feel its mostly full of rude kids now.

This post has been edited by DjCalvin: Nov 12 2009, 09:00 PM


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2009, 01:02:00 PM »

QUOTE(DjCalvin @ Nov 12 2009, 08:56 PM) View Post

Just flashed last week liteon 1.6 - haven't plugged it into the network yet.

mind you I could care less about live, I feel its mostly full of rude kids now.

proof is couple posts above

edit: lol u edited your post just as a quoted I guess... anyways the post asked for proof, that why i posted saying proof above.


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2009, 02:09:00 PM »

Just got banned... knew it was coming


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2009, 02:12:00 PM »

google c4eva unban dvd .. hahahaha  jester.gif


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2009, 02:24:00 PM »

QUOTE(Bahnzo @ Nov 12 2009, 03:55 AM) View Post
And let's face it, these bannings are nothing but a marketing tactic from MS. If they *really* cared about piracy and theft, they'd make the consoles completely unusable and delete your gamertag. All this is, is a way to prop up sales for the Xmas season.

About that.

You know, if MS wanted to completely end console piracy, they would just need to do three things:
   1.) Implement Game-Key serial code system the same as (damn near) all PC games. When you buy a game, you get a serial code which verifies with LIVE to be legit and the only one in use at one time. Serial keys are associated with gamer profile locally on the system (for convenience) and must be re-entered between systems, i.e. going to a friend's house, bring your game + game-key.
   2.) When you rent a game, you get a serial code which verifies with LIVE to be legit, the only one in use, AND valid by the rental company - as in, direct key verification with rental company when you sign into LIVE to play the game that you are entitled to play the game at the moment.
   3.) Embed more security mechanisms inside otherwise non-removable bits of hardware. Store some mechanisms inside GPU, some inside CPU, some inside Northbridge, some inside Southbridge, and store the debug ports and exposed pins for access to such modules inside the motherboard material. As in, here's the side of your motherboard with different modules sticking off:


That tiny 'O' is an entrance port which runs several centimeters into the board material that you need a special tool you can insert in to reach the debug ports. MS would have a special tool which makes this incredibly easy for legit repair technicians and difficult for modders.

tl;dr Put access to any and all security mechanisms in more difficult to reach spaces to infuriate the averager modder reading a guide he found on Google.

Geez, hope MS doesn't read this. jester.gif


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2009, 02:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(j3ll3 @ Nov 12 2009, 09:12 PM) View Post

google c4eva unban dvd .. hahahaha  jester.gif

Thats cruel.  muhaha.gif


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2009, 03:08:00 PM »

QUOTE(M0t0rPen1s @ Nov 11 2009, 09:58 PM) View Post
Microsoft is forcing many people ( who shall now be forced to play only legit games on a new console ) to defect to SONY . Well PS3 execs must be rubbing their hands in glee. Stupid Microsoft , Losing 1M worth of Live subscribers & Around 20% of that number will defect to SONY.
78% of all statistics are made up on the spot and are complete bullshit.  It baffles me how you were able to determine that "around 20%" of banned users will switch to PS3.  I'm not even addressing the idea of people switching over, either.  I just want to know why you felt compelled to state the number was 20% like it was a fact?  Couldn't you just say something like "I have a feeling a substantial number of users will switch?"
 By the way, I have no idea how many people will be enticed to switch, but I have a hard time understanding why.  I can't imagine why people would simply scrap their entire investment to date, just to start from scratch with another company that many consider to be even worse than MS.  There's no advantage, other than the feeling that you somehow "stuck it" to MS.  When you consider the investment so far (your time, games, accessories, DLC) plus the fact that you still can't hack the PS3 to play backups anyway, I don't understand why people wouldn't just replace the console itself with a cheap Arcade version and call it a day.  1 banned Xbox for backups and one for online play.  Why buy a new PS3 that you don't have any games or accessories for?

QUOTE(M0t0rPen1s @ Nov 11 2009, 09:58 PM) View Post
My advice to everyone is to stay Offline for now & try to be back online when iXtreme 1.7 is out
That's probably irrelevant since so many consoles have probably been flagged already.  I don't think the stock firmware would save people at this point, let alone a different hacked firmware.  It may be helpful to someone who just got a new Xbox, but I doubt it will mean anything to someone who's Xbox has already been hacked.
QUOTE(The Dude Z @ Nov 11 2009, 11:15 PM) View Post
I can assure you the 20 Million Xbox Live users is BS!
Thank you!  At least you are wise enough to question statistics that are usually bullshit.
QUOTE(The Dude Z @ Nov 11 2009, 11:15 PM) View Post

          So you can easily cut that figure in half or less considering 80% or more have created more than 1 account.
Oh, why'd you have to go and make a ridiculous statement like that?  You have no idea how many users have created multiple accounts, so why try to give it a percentage?
QUOTE(krawhitham @ Nov 12 2009, 12:20 AM) View Post
and 90% never bought games, MS is not losing much by banning people. As a bonus they are making the game manufactures very happy right now
Did you pull that figure right out of the pirates handbook?  What technique did you use in order to determine how many pirates actually buy games?  I find it very, very hard to believe that 90% of people who have modded Xboxes never bought a single game (and I'm not even talking about DLC).  I'd be surprised to learn that even 10% of those people didn't buy one game.
 Also, the word you were looking for is "manufacturers" (manufacture is a verb).  Even if manufacturers claims to be "happy," I really doubt this has any type of impact on their bottom line.  If anything, I'd bet it has a negative impact since those people won't be able to purchase any more DLC, and if they never replace their banned console, they won't ever need to buy another game at all (yes, pirates still buy things).
 I feel compelled to also point out that every pirated copy of a game does not equal a lost sale.  There is no guarantee that person would ever buy it if they didn't get it for free or much cheaper.
        Maybe this information can help you come up with some new stats.
QUOTE(realitybytes @ Nov 12 2009, 01:07 AM) View Post
I state again, microsoft will definatually have done the maths long before going ahead with any of this. If microsoft is happy with the decisions they have made, then why is it of any concern to you and others what revenues they may or may not lose out on? Ultimately it is their choice, we just have to accept it as there is noway of changing anything, surrounding these bans and getting back on xbl with those consoles. It is what it is, no need to pick up and even go as far to make presumptions as to what revenue sources they will lose out on.
 It is never gonna happen one day MS boardroom, " we are losing too much money from dlc because we banned 1 million consoles", "ok well lets not ban again"
Absolutely true.  Thank you for pointing this out.  I think the reason so many people state the opposite is that it makes them feel better about the situation, like getting banned wasn't really their fault because Microsoft made a huge error in doing so.  It's really the equivalent of a child who gets in trouble and tells their parents "you'll miss me when I'm gone," as if their parents just haven't thought this punishment thing all the way through.
 No, we all know that users here don't have some inside information about how business works that Microsoft hasn't thought all the way through.
 Personally, I agree with what many here have guessed - that Microsoft is doing this now (just like every year) in order to increase holiday sales.  I understand the business decision and I know they've discussed every possibility, but I just don't agree with it.  Sure, it won't hurt the current console's sales, but it may hurt them when it comes time to release their next generation console, since that's when so many gamers usually make the switch to a different brand.  Most people won't switch in the middle of a console's life cycle (which is why so many banned users will still buy another 360 now, even though they're cursing Microsoft).  I, and so many of my friends, switched from the PS2 to Microsoft at the last juncture.  I had no interest in the 1st Xbox, but the PS3 didn't seem so great to me at that price and I wanted to try real online gaming, so I went with the 360.
QUOTE(DjCalvin @ Nov 12 2009, 01:56 PM) View Post
Just flashed last week liteon 1.6 - haven't plugged it into the network yet.
  Hate to say it, but you picked the absolute worst time to flash.  Not wise to do it in the middle a ban flood.


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2009, 03:20:00 PM »

QUOTE(tysonstorm @ Nov 12 2009, 11:16 AM) View Post

TBH I can't see many of the "fallen" as I call them defecting to Sony and the PS3. In fact with everything thats gone on I can forsee many people just buying another 360 on the basis that it's still cheaper to get an Elite 360 with a decent bundle than it is to get a standard PS3.

 $299 < $299? Really?

 A lot of people may be defecting to Sony, but that doesn't mean they're giving up their xbox, it just means they like online gaming, and instead of buying another 360, they'll use that money on a PS3 - They'll have both. Along with free online play, and most of the same game content (as far as cross-platform games are concerned).

QUOTE(Bahnzo @ Nov 12 2009, 11:55 AM) View Post

If they *really* cared about piracy and theft, they'd make the consoles completely unusable and delete your gamertag.

 Actually, they can't do that; it would be illegal.


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2009, 03:55:00 PM »

Well one of my consoles just got banned. I have 2 others, 1 of which is blacklisted. They haven't been banned since I haven't used them to sign on Xbox live. And another console I modified, my cousin's, also got banned form Xbox live. I modded his about 2 weeks ago, unaware of the ban wave. He told me 5 days ago his console got banned. I was playing on Xbox Live with my modded console 4 days ago, and I just signed on today and noticed I was banned. I have run burned discs on it, but never played them on Xbox Live. I've been playing originals as of lately. I noticed there was quite a few updates for the console for the past month.

Where can I stay updated on the current ban wave? When will it be safe to go on Xbox live with a modded console?

This post has been edited by GMSkel: Nov 13 2009, 12:02 AM


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2009, 03:57:00 PM »

Out of all the people I know with modded consoles, only one is still standing. The only thing different about him to the others is he never played the leaked release of Arkham Asylum. This is not proof in itself, but it makes me wonder.....


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2009, 04:13:00 PM »

The only "live service", or whatever the term may be, that I ran for backups was updating, and DLC. Other than that, I never played them online. All my backups are actual backups of games. None of them downloaded. And no leaks either.

What's the general opinion/consensus on how M$ detected the mod??

This post has been edited by GMSkel: Nov 13 2009, 12:14 AM


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2009, 04:18:00 PM »

"We can assure you that if an Xbox Live member follows the Xbox Live terms of use, purchased a retail copy of Modern Warfare 2 and played the game on an unmodified Xbox 360, no action will be taken."

Kind of curious why they mentioned MW2 by name. I mean if it was just the 360 being modded alone that was getting people banned then why name a specific game? Are they hinting around that backups of MW2 can somehow give you away?


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Microsoft Confirms 600k-1M Banned Consoles?
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2009, 04:37:00 PM »

QUOTE(RedXIII70 @ Nov 12 2009, 07:18 PM) View Post

"We can assure you that if an Xbox Live member follows the Xbox Live terms of use, purchased a retail copy of Modern Warfare 2 and played the game on an unmodified Xbox 360, no action will be taken."

Kind of curious why they mentioned MW2 by name. I mean if it was just the 360 being modded alone that was getting people banned then why name a specific game? Are they hinting around that backups of MW2 can somehow give you away?

I haven't gotten MW2 as of yet.
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