
Author Topic: Re-investigate You Xbox Live Ban!  (Read 108 times)


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Re-investigate You Xbox Live Ban!
« on: November 09, 2009, 04:29:00 PM »

found this comment from an administrator from the official xbox forum:

Our investigations are very thorough. However if you PM Tatsu24 with your consoleID and serial number we will re-verify our investigation. Your console ID is located in System Settings>Console Settings>System Info


Before replying, please be sure that you:


1. Purchased your console brand new and unopened from a reputable retailer

2. No individual has ever handled the Xbox outside your direct physical supervision.

3. You have thoroughly reviewed the information and FAQ located at


Please be aware that if our re-verification is correct, this could result in a permanent suspension of the Xbox LIVE accounts on this console, along with all associated licenses and gamerscore.  


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Re-investigate You Xbox Live Ban!
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 04:31:00 PM »

I found this

NakedFaerie wrote:
I also have an unmodded Xbox360 that all of a sudden (today) got banned. Is it coz I took it to my friends house who works at JB HIFI (A retail shop here in OZ) and he's got an early release of Modern Warfare 2 which we played on my 360 as he doesn't have one and when I returned and connected it back up today it said its banned. WHY? Coz I played a legit game before its released in the shops? Well he works in the shop thats how he's got it early. I guess next time we will just have to play the PS3 version as they don't ban people for playing games a few days early. This really SUCKS! Just coz I played a game early I get banned? It's unmodded, unopened, totally legit and coz I play it early you ban it? Are you stupid Micro$oft? Where is the proof It's so called modded? What's the reason for the banning? Is it coz I played a game before release date? That's not good enough. You will be hearing from my lawyer if that is the reason. You cannot just go banning consoles for no proof. Show me proof then I will shut up, till then either unban my console or expect to see me in court.

 The Pro (mod) wrote:
Your console will not be unbanned. As has been mentioned frequently, our investigations are *very* thorough. We aren't stupid. We also aren't required to show "proof" on these forums. The reasons for banning are quite simple: violations of the Terms of Use. We are *not* suspending any accounts or taking actions against any consoles for playing games early: we are taking action against illegitimate gameplay.


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Re-investigate You Xbox Live Ban!
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 04:32:00 PM »

... i posted on another topic...

This post has been edited by alwaysonjohn: Nov 10 2009, 12:35 AM


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Re-investigate You Xbox Live Ban!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 04:46:00 PM »

could be there are some topics about xbl have hundreds of pages, not gonna read them all