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Author Topic: Information Thread For Bans  (Read 1796 times)


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2009, 03:03:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)?? 1.6 Samsung ms28 spoofed as Lite-On

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively?? No

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ?? 2 days before the ban. No HDD or ethernet

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ?? Yes

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how?? Just check to see if its verrified

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'? After

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question) No

8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? very little

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No) Yes

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc.. No

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) Sept. 06

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft?? No

13. What region in the world are you from? USA


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2009, 03:07:00 PM »

1. 1.61 BenQ

2. no

3. yes

4. yes in the past

5. yes i use abgx on all games, always fix!

6. havent updated recently so gues it was before

7. no always used ck3
8. recently yes, but console was ofline, been online after playing the game but without the game the console worked fine...

9. yes wave4 game

10. no

11. late 2007 the other banned console is aprox 6 months old

12.hell no

13. Europe Netherlands

all the info provided is the same for 2 consoles both where banned today, one of the consoles hasnt been online for weeks the other was online a few days ago without problem, both played a pre release game laterly, but the console that has been online had that game in the recently played games list and wasnt bannend until today... both consoles banned without the disc in the tray......


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2009, 03:11:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)?? Sammy 1.5 FW

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively?? Only played Original games!

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ?? No

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ?? No

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how?? Never

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT' After the update

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question) Yes to flash the drive

8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? No

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No) No

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc.. No

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) 2006 model

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft?? No

13. What region in the world are you from? UK

I flashed my Brothers drive approx 6 weeks ago using an old firmware (1.5) with the view of playing backup games but he never found himself in a position where he had a game to play, he only had originals.  He was Banned at weekend.  This has nothing to do with games, its more to do with the FW or the way I flashed it!


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2009, 03:20:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??


2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??

No. scene releases ...

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??


4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??


5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??

Yes. Level 3, Adjust angles > 3

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'


7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)


8. Have you ever played games pre-release??


9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)


10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..


11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)

08/2009 New Xbox Arcarde with a 120 GB atached from my old Elite. The Elite got an ROD - Ran over a year with ixtreme 1.4 - no ban

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??


13. What region in the world are you from?



Yes. I was so stupid. Never played the game ... You guess what famous games it is ....

This post has been edited by sambox: Nov 9 2009, 11:24 PM

Mikey A

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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2009, 03:24:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)?? iXtreme 1.51 - Hitachi v79

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively?? No

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ?? No

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ?? No

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how?? No never touched it

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT' After

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question) No

8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? Maybe a few a day or 2 before release but never any earlier than that.

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No) Yes

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc.. No

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) September 2007

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft?? No

13. What region in the world are you from? Uk


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2009, 03:26:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)?? iXtreme 1.6 - Liteon 83850c

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively?? No

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ?? No

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ?? No

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how?? Yes, Autofix level 3

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT' After

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question) No

8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? No

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No) Yes

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc.. No

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) Three months old, however console was banned one week after flashing

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft?? No

13. What region in the world are you from? UK

This post has been edited by xbox360sexual: Nov 9 2009, 11:28 PM


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2009, 03:27:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??
iX 1.6 Liteon 7x series on an Elite

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??
nope (will do now tho, muahahaha)

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??
used to fix dmi etc..  *sigh*

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'
after (10 minutes ago)

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)

8. Have you ever played games pre-release??

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)
Bought 3 months ago

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??
You for real?, Microsoft can nybble my left nut

13. What region in the world are you from?

Oh well, I was expecting it and this will be my last 360 (number 5 (3 rrod 2 banned)) and I've ordered a shiny new PS3 80GB which I'll get tomorrow and I'll use the 250 GB drive I was GONNA put into the 360, lol  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)  like any modder, I knew the risks and I was unlucky. C'est la vie


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2009, 03:32:00 PM »

I have had two banned consoles:

Console #1:
1) iXtreme 1.6 for BenQ
2) No, mostly downloaded backups
3) Never played ANY wave 4 games
4) Did not use activate.iso or any disk of the sort (only game backups)
5) I have always used abgx360 to verify all my game backups before playing and patch any games if necessary
6) After
8) No
9) Yes
10) Yes, 250GB HDD and RoL mod for Xbox 360
11) 2-3 years
12) No
13) Canada

Console #2:
1) iXtreme 1.6 for BenQ spoofed as LiteOn
2) No, mostly downloaded backups
3) Never played ANY wave 4 games
4) Did not use activate.iso or any disk of the sort (only game backups)
5) I have always used abgx360 to verify all my game backups before playing and patch any games if necessary
6) After
8) No
9) Yes
10) Yes, 250GB HDD and RoL mod for Xbox 360
11) 2-3 years; ONLY MODIFIED FOR 2 WEEKS
12) No
13) Canada

**Both consoles used the same HDD and DVD-ROM

This post has been edited by noobcube: Nov 9 2009, 11:34 PM


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2009, 03:43:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??  Liteon (sorry - can't remember model)... v1.6

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??  No - but I always validated with abgx

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ?? Not until after I was banned

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??  No

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??  Just validating downloads and region free, using level 3

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'  After, infact, yesterday (Sunday)

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)  No - always used power from pc

8. Have you ever played games pre-release??  Never

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)  No

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..  No

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) 3 months, jasper arcade

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??  No.. I program in .Net for a living though! wink.gif

13. What region in the world are you from?  UK

On a side note, out of my friends consoles who have been modded to 1.6, we have 2 banned benq's, 1 banned liteon (mine).... we all played together a few times early october.  Another friend has a hitachi, only plays retail copies (combination of subscription to lovefilm and crappy internets)... he's not been banned.  Hope that helps any.

Not mad... just disappointed they couldn't have done this on my release day console that red ringed 2 months ago... smile.gif


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2009, 03:47:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??  1.51 BenQ
2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??  No
3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??  No
4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??  No
5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??  Yes, L2 verification
6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'  After
7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console??  Unsure (I didn't mod the box)
8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? No
9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? Yes
10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..  No
11. How old is your console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back) ~1 year
12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft?? No
13. What region in the world are you from? NTSC/U (Canada)

This post has been edited by Narbo: Nov 9 2009, 11:48 PM


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2009, 03:51:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??
BenQ 1.6
2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??
3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??
4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??
5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??
6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'
7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question) yep and about a week before i got banned had E64 problem, i restarted box and it went away

8. Have you ever played games pre-release??
9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)
10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..
11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)
11.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??

From UK


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2009, 04:01:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??
Lite On 1.6

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)
Not that i know of.

8. Have you ever played games pre-release??

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??

13. What region in the world are you from?


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2009, 04:07:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??
Benq 1.61
2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??
3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??
yesh a Legit one /Dragon age
4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??
5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??
yesh lvl 3 verification
6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'
7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)
8. Have you ever played games pre-release??
9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)
10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..
11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)
12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??
13. What region in the world are you from?
I know question 12 seems a bit pretentious and possibly a waste of time but there is some thinking behind it being there.


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2009, 04:18:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??  Lite-on 7x with iXtreme 1.6

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??  Never ripped myself

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??  Yes

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??  Yes, used activate.iso

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how?? Verify every game before burning and after burning

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'  After the update

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)  NO

8. Have you ever played games pre-release?? NO

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)  Yes
10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..  NO

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)  March 2008

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??  I am Bill Gates

13. What region in the world are you from?  Canada


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Information Thread For Bans
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2009, 04:32:00 PM »

1. What Fw were you using (pls inc drive model)??
Benq 1.51 (this is only current, previous versions were used)

2. Have you always used disks you ripped yourself exclusively??

3. Have you played any ripped wave4 games ??

4. Have you used activate.iso or any other similar disk eg 0800 ??

5. Do you employ the use of ABGX if so, how??
Yes. Scanned for corruption

6. Did you get banned before or after latest update 'The .N wireless late OCT'

7. Has your console (motherboard) ever been powered without the SATA cable attached between the drive and console?? eg when flashing or ripping (the E64 question)

8. Have you ever played games pre-release??
Yes, several times

9. If you have played any titles released in the last 3 weeks before your ban?? (No Names. A simple Yes or No)

10. Do you have any other console mods?? eg. 250gbHDD,12volt fans etc..

11. How old is you console (rough guess will do it's also printed on the back)
1-2 years old

12.Are you directly or indirectly employed by Microsoft??

13. What region in the world are you from?
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