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Author Topic: MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles  (Read 2075 times)


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #105 on: November 03, 2009, 06:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(shage @ Nov 2 2009, 12:38 AM) *

Stupidest thing ever, for one my 9 yr old son is only allowed to play in his party chat during game play, second tonight playing cod5 i had to hear some kid sing into the mic, some person blast music the whole time, a group of friends who decided to use racial slurs thru out the game, score one for ms giving into a big title game like mw2, cant wait to tape the conversations my 9yr old has to hear and call ms and thank them for their smart move

Actually you are a bad parent for letting your 9yr old play M rated want to thank you for your smart move blink.gif  blink.gif


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #106 on: November 03, 2009, 06:39:00 PM »

I'm not sure what games you guys are playing, but Xbox LIVE seriously isn't THAT bad.  I just spent probably about 2 hours playing World at War and not once did I hear someone spouting this racial garbage you guys are talking about.  In fact I have a good 2 days playing time total on that game and I can't ever remember anyone saying anything offensive...  Maybe I am just lucky or I might not pay attention.

However when I watch my Bro play CoD4, I never really hear anything, but he is constantly getting hate mail telling him he is garbage and to quit playing CoD4 right now... So I don't know if it really goes by the game, but I haven't yet had a problem with World at War.

I will have to wait till this change actually comes out before I decide if I like it or not.  A lot of my friends aren't usually on Xbox LIVE sametime I am, so it doesn't really bother me THAT much that I can't talk in party chat.  I just don't like having options taken away from me.  I just hope this change forces people to be more tactical instead of just talking to their friends.  I have never been in a match where we used any form of team-work.  I think it could add more depth to the game, which would put it in a league of it's own.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #107 on: November 03, 2009, 07:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(pu1se @ Nov 3 2009, 05:33 PM) View Post

I'm hearing a lot of crying over how IW is designing THEIR game. It is absolutely so easy to understand. They build the game, you play it, or you don't. That's it. If they want to make the game more competitive and less casual, that's their choice to make, and I personally applaud them for it.   I have been saying forever how cheater chat is ruining the balance of competitive play since it was implemented. Complain all you want, IW wont change it.

 Right. Because developers never listen to what consumers want, unless they're deliberately not going to give it to them rolleyes.gif

QUOTE(EvilKungFuPanda @ Nov 4 2009, 02:32 AM) View Post

Actually you are a bad parent for letting your 9yr old play M rated want to thank you for your smart move blink.gif  blink.gif

 Ugh, this again? Since when is violence with "army men" something that's bad for 9yr old boys?

QUOTE(trentdadi @ Nov 4 2009, 02:39 AM) View Post

I'm not sure what games you guys are playing, but Xbox LIVE seriously isn't THAT bad.  I just spent probably about 2 hours playing World at War and not once did I hear someone spouting this racial garbage you guys are talking about.  

 I believe that W@W still has the allowance for people to be in party chat, so it's drastically reduced from what it used to be (the derrogatory comments, that is). Last I played Gears of War it was still pretty rampant.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #108 on: November 03, 2009, 08:13:00 PM »

First off of course, you will never stop the cheaters from telling there buddys where your at.
Ive strayed way away from Public matches just because of cheaters... thats all most games are now days run n gun etc. everyone wants to get to the top of the scoreboard and they dont give a shi* how they get there.

I play with friends in public matches like COD just to get up all the guns then we all go off to private for the rest of the duration of the life of COD.  

I like online play where when ya die, thats it you die and DONT respawn, and voice is completley off. respawn is fun for a while but gets boring after a SHORT while.

anyways.. i dont really care in the end what way they go, since we dont even have a say in it.

atleast they put a somewhat stop to the modded controllers. thank god.

So.. to all you MODDED CONTROLLER FREAKS OUT THERE: "Its not our fault you SUCK ASS at gamming."

p.s. what i love is one with a modded controller.. yelling out: "I OWN YOU!!!!" but when they shut it off they couldnt shoot the damn ground!!!


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #109 on: November 04, 2009, 02:04:00 AM »

I cant believe how fucking stupid this is. Does IW even understand that not everyone wants to speak english when playing games. This will just cause me and my friends to fill the gamechat with jibberish that other people dont understand whatsoever, this will cause mute-mania 2009. Bad fucking idea IW. You're becoming as shitty as those incompetent fucks over at treyarch.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #110 on: November 04, 2009, 07:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(shage @ Nov 2 2009, 12:38 AM) *

Stupidest thing ever, for one my 9 yr old son is only allowed to play in his party chat during game play, second tonight playing cod5 i had to hear some kid sing into the mic, some person blast music the whole time, a group of friends who decided to use racial slurs thru out the game, score one for ms giving into a big title game like mw2, cant wait to tape the conversations my 9yr old has to hear and call ms and thank them for their smart move

Whats the rating again for MW2? your 9 yr old is how old... (obviously im asking a very stupid question....)

you dont liek whats being said online... DONT LET YOUR CHILD PLAY THE GAME THEN!!!

Shiny Lunch Box

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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #111 on: November 04, 2009, 12:39:00 PM »

i dont mind it as much.
on mw2 it only stops you using party chat on team game modes.
on other modes like mercenary team deathmatch it is allowed
its not allowed on the 3rd person game modes either

you can still use private chat in all game modes so its really not that bad tbh


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #112 on: November 04, 2009, 01:01:00 PM »

It just makes no sense.  Party chat is the best feature to be added to xbox live.  Allowing games to disable it is a big mistake.
IW is removing the feature due to cheating.  But really, how long are you dead in COD multiplayer, a few seconds?
You can relay the info you learned while dead and spectating, as soon as you respawn.  and ofcourse, you can use a pc or telephone to send the info.  It's dumb to bother to TRY to stop it, by removing a great feature, when it won't even successfull stop the "cheaters" anyways.
If they want us to be in the dark after death, remove the killcam and spectating ability.  Even after that, I can still recall where i was killed last, and use that info after next respawn.  Perhaps the solution is to then, remove respawns?! haha rediculous!

Team talk after death isn't a big deal.  It's not cheating, because all players can do it.  I agree it removes realism, but so does spectating, kill cams, and respawns.

I refuse to use the in-game chat.  Before part chat, i simply unplugged my mic.   Many people on xblive are not worth chatting with.  Actually, many people make using the mic unbearable!  Mute function is good, but not good enough.  It's simply a hassle to mute tons of people all the time.
If it automuted everyone, and i could then un-mute those i wanted, THAT would be better.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #113 on: November 05, 2009, 12:30:00 AM »

Wow, People have lost all touch what’s social.  Am I, along with my real friends (in our 30's) the only ones on this planet that think it curious to drop our party chat and say Hi to our team mates?  

It's just common curtsey.  You are playing along with these people, have the decency to communicate with them like a human being.  Yes they may throw it back in your face on occasion – show them the light, be vigilant and be instrumental in building decent online behaviour.  

Frankly you’re no better by being silently rude.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #114 on: November 05, 2009, 06:23:00 AM »

Well, we've always has the option to drop party chat to say hello to the other teammates.  now we don't have the option to part chat in the first place.
it's all about options, now, we have less.


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #115 on: November 06, 2009, 10:31:00 PM »

i love my 360, but this move will turn xbox live to psn and i hate psn.
I used to have the ps3 and sold it because the lack of an online comunity.
I love party chat, and that´s the only reason y pay the gold membership.
To me if they remove pàrty chat(wich most companies will do that) i´ll just don´t pay for the gold membership again.(i don´t play stupid and repetitive FPS anyway.)

I´m wondering what the !"·%$·% microsoft executives are paid for, they bark the wrong ideas and the stupid person in charge of the xbox implements them.

That´s what happens when BILL GATES is not running the company anymore.(at least at the beggining the xbox was a gaming machine design for hardcore gamers)
TBH i found it stupid that just because of one !"·$$·% game and people complaining about

OHHHH i just died because that guy is telling that guy where i am, i´m gonna call my momy so my momy complains to microsoft. MOMYYYYYYYYYYY buaaaaaa, buaaaa, buaaa
"!$"!·$ crybabys


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #116 on: November 08, 2009, 10:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(xcalixxryderx @ Nov 2 2009, 01:51 AM) View Post

and how often in real life to you find the ghost of a soldier going around telling his squad the enimey locations? thats how the games are ment to be played if alive you use team work if dead you cant talk to any except dead people.

And how many times have too came back to life IN REAL LIFE

its a run and gun arcade game like Halo they just killed the old gamers ever enjoying this game

time to start lan muhaha.gif  parties


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MS forcefully removes private chat from upcoming titles
« Reply #117 on: November 09, 2009, 11:56:00 AM »

I really liked party chat especially if one of my friends was on another game. I guess a lot of people will just changed their console settings to friends only then there will be silence. It takes way to long to mute, avoid, and file complaints on each gamertag. There are too many jerks out there.
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