
Author Topic: Xbox Live Unable To Change Country.  (Read 96 times)


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Xbox Live Unable To Change Country.
« on: February 20, 2009, 07:56:00 AM »

Let me start by saying a very casual gamer I might log maybe 20 hours a month on the console. I've never been a Gold member of xbox live etc. I signed up a a couple years ago for live and things have been fine until this week.

I tried to buy GTA IV DLC online and it asked for my CC#, Name, addess, state, zip code. Hmm wait a sec I'm in Canada and don't have a state or zip code. I tried everything I could think about to get this fixed logging in via the web page etc. No luck.

I decided to contact Microsoft I figured support would be able to assist me because I would like to purchase the addon. Not so much. I got the response back. Its your fault you entered US and not Canada delete your account and start over again loose your Gamer score loose all the progress in your games loose your DLC you do own not our problem.

What? Really? I figured this person didn't understand I tried contacting them again. Again we can't update our DB its your fault either you do nothing and not purchase DLC or you delete your Gamertag and start over.

In the mean time I bought the coupon from Futureshop so I could redeem a code to get the DLC but while online I found all sorts of other DLC that I want but I can't billt it to my CC because I can't enter my correct address. I know I can buy Xbox points cards at the store for twice the price I can get them for online but really this is a simple fix. I put it in really simple terms if you don't fix my account your not enabling me to spend my money with you its really that simple.

What if someone moves from one contry to another? I really don't "get it" This is a legitmate bug and needs to be addressed.

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Xbox Live Unable To Change Country.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 05:57:00 AM »

that's really the issue behind your xbox live gamertag and its associated locale where you register.. i also preferred the US for its marketplace have a lot of content unlike any other locale. i am purchasing my points online which i trusted and reliable. try MAXIMUSCARDS.COM than buying codes on ebay. they have also gimmicks and discounts just like on their anniversary giving away free codes. i have availed they're 50% discount on after christmas giveaway. you could check these on their blog link. they're not only selling US points but as well as CANADIAN POINTS, PSN CARDS, WII POINTS, WARCRAFT & ITUNES. you could either pay thru credit card and thru your paypal account.