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Author Topic: Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning  (Read 2155 times)


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2008, 03:38:00 AM »

I find it amusing that people think that getting banned is a great injustice.  There's no denying playing pirate games is theft.  Hell, I did it myself on my 1st 360, got banned and Manned the f*ck up and bought another.
All these people whinging about the price of games, $40-$50 is not expensive.  Lets do a direct comparison with the UK, substitute your $ for £ and you have the cost.  That's right, $80-$100.



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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2008, 03:55:00 AM »

QUOTE(nha @ Nov 12 2008, 12:05 PM) View Post

"keep gameplay safe and secure for our community" lol that's the funniest line ever!

I'm shocked that MS have done this, when they're in a race against the wii and ps3 to be the top games console, blocking a percentage no matter how small has got to harm their profits.. its not like the old xbox, these banned guys are still paying for live etc so money is being lost.

Guidor - I agree with what u say, however think how many more people would buy a game if it were the same price as a DVD, another luxury. I always purchase DVD's, but always think twice abour games - you have to be so alert these days to think will the game last long enough and does it have the value I paid for.

They're looking at the bigger picture.  I will put money on that there is a far smaller percentage of people using pirated games on the 360 than the Xbox purely down to the fact that you risk losing a huge side of what makes the console great.  It sends out a message that if you try to screw us then we'll screw you back.  If somebody was trying to rob from you would you not do the same?

Games are more expensive than DVD's but they also have a higher resale value or trade in value.  Most people will buy a game and play it.  If they love it they'll keep it but many including myself will later down the line trade it in against the new game and this offsets the cost.  That's not really the point though as it's unfair to compare against a DVD.  A DVD is a secondary source of income for a movie house.  The film will have hopefully taken money at the box office and the DVD of the film is a secondary source or revenue.  The only way I could compare that now to a game is the re-released Xbox Live titles.


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2008, 03:56:00 AM »

i think its harsh myself if somebodys paid for a subscription. i just hope i dont get banned. i really like the arcade and the game DLC available


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2008, 03:57:00 AM »

QUOTE(phrozenice @ Nov 12 2008, 12:27 PM) View Post

I don't agree with that. Tha's like saying 'If you can't afford food, go and die'! Just because someone cannot afford to buy the game doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to play it. The developers/publishers lose nothing since he/she would never have bought it in the first place anyway! In my country there are like 3 shops that sell games, the variety is like 5 titles per year, and each costs... wait for it.... $200!

 biggrin.gif   Superb!  you're now compare a life essential to a computer game?!  How old are you? 12? 13?  What a joker!  jester.gif


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2008, 03:58:00 AM »

QUOTE(phrozenice @ Nov 12 2008, 12:27 PM) View Post

I don't agree with that. Tha's like saying 'If you can't afford food, go and die'! Just because someone cannot afford to buy the game doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to play it. The developers/publishers lose nothing since he/she would never have bought it in the first place anyway! In my country there are like 3 shops that sell games, the variety is like 5 titles per year, and each costs... wait for it.... $200!

Unfortunately, not really a good analogy - food is a necessity, whereas videogames are not.

Either way, getting banned does suck, but as umpteen folk have said, when you flash your drive you know the risks.


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2008, 03:58:00 AM »

Sure, you are right. The xbox is a luxary item, you are right in some aspect, but people can still do what they want, and have the same rights to enjoy games than everyone else, it's not nice to steal from game developers, NOR IS IT TO STEAL THE MONEY FROM THE END USER. The work is overpriced. A friend passed Gears of War 2 in 3 hours, is that worth 100 dollar? lmao, c'mon...

 BTW, If I had my console pirated, I'd expect the ban someday.


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2008, 04:22:00 AM »

QUOTE(phrozenice @ Nov 12 2008, 12:48 PM) View Post

Yea, the analogy was kinda out there. But I don't think anyone should be denied anything because of cost, as long as the person providing it is not being hurt in the process. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally against piracy (based on my line of work), if someone can afford it, he should be made to pay for it by all means possible. The grey area is what to do about those who cannot afford it. Do they not deserve to kill locust?

There's no grey area at all other than in your head.  So is it Ok for me to walk into a showroom and take the key to a car I fancy then drive off with it?  If you want to download and use pirated games then fine it's no skin off my nose but for anybody to try and justify it or put it back on Microsoft are deluded fools.


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2008, 04:34:00 AM »

Hi guys,
Everyone has a point of view in this matter, some say they agree with this ban wave because they are against piracy and people should pay for the games, so game company’s continues to make games and to improve the quality of the games and the entertainment continues. -  It’s a very valid point of view because if the company’s don’t make a profit they stop making games and everyone loses including the people that modded their consoles, so there is not much to counter argue this point of view, but if anyone has another idea on this matter… ok 
And some say they don’t agree with this ban because people should have the right to play backup’s, some say the same but really it’s because they download and play games for free and they have the right too, they know the risks and they prefer that way, not everyone has high pay jobs and it’s not easy to get that job..  I think no one should criticize others for not earning that same money as they do.. it’s a natural thing for people to try to get the same conditions as others..
Well I just one say that in my opinion it’s not very smart for Microsoft to do that ban wave because let’s face it, if it was impossible to modd the xbox 360 perhaps Microsoft wouldn’t sell as many consoles as they sold.. And the people that has a modded console and wants to play on xbox live has to pay the live fee.. So it’s not that bad for Microsoft.. They still make a lot of money, of course they could make even more.. but they also can make less now they are in the competition with ps3 and wii..
Well just to say that few words biggrin.gif


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2008, 04:49:00 AM »

"keep gameplay safe and secure for our community"

lol thats weird, is playing backups make the community not safe and insecure?

i think that sentece will more fit is there something like "gameshark" for x360 and people use it online, or editing offline game data to be used online.

btw IMO, copying is not the same as theft.
copy = you got the thing you copy and the original thing not loss.
theft = you got the thing you steal and the original thing is loss.

but yes, piracy is not a good thing, the game devs and game industry need money to live and make another great games for us to play biggrin.gif



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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2008, 04:49:00 AM »

However you look at it, by modifying you console you are breaking the Live ToS and thus they have a right to ban you

Theres no opinion to this statement, its fact.  You break the ToS, they have the right to ban you.  I would do the exact same thing if i ran a company.  You don't have to like MS, you can whine all you like, but you bought their console and you intended to play on their online service, so you have to play by their rules


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2008, 05:34:00 AM »

About the only thing I'd have against getting banned is the simple fact NXE defaults to a female silhouette for the avatar  rolleyes.gif


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2008, 05:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(kesava108 @ Nov 12 2008, 01:58 PM) View Post

since i stopped pirating (rrod and first ban wave simultaneously) i really get value out of the games  I buy

i used to have every new game early, play a little then meh.. next

Yeah same here. Used to have hundreds of (copied) games on the PS1 - any new release got copied, played for 5 mins, then stuck on the shelf and forgotten.

I havent copied games since the PS1 days and now each game I buy gets finished to completion (and more for the achievements). Much more fun!

Out of interest, if you get your console banned do they kick your account back to silver or does it stay gold? I know they dont ban your account, but was just interested in wether you lost your gold sub for violation of the wots-its?


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2008, 06:15:00 AM »

I don't really see the difference of "pirate" paying for XBL and "legal" user paying for XBL( for ex.) MS still gets money from anyone who pay for xbox live gold membership, so what they want more, except of money ? Legality ? Oh come on...


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2008, 06:44:00 AM »

OK PEOPLE!!!! stop this stupid ass fighting over is it right to get banned or not it doesnt matter the point is were getting banned so now we need to figure out how they are figuring out we have modded firmware we need to figure out a way to get around the ban not fucking fight over who's right and who's wrong


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Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Console Banning
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2008, 06:46:00 AM »

QUOTE(xTKxhom3r @ Nov 12 2008, 03:20 PM) View Post

OK PEOPLE!!!! stop this stupid ass fighting over is it right to get banned or not it doesnt matter the point is were getting banned so now we need to figure out how they are figuring out we have modded firmware we need to figure out a way to get around the ban not fucking fight over who's right and who's wrong

No, the point is to stop pirating or stay off live. I don't want to play online with thieves.
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