
Author Topic: Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere  (Read 140 times)


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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« on: May 20, 2008, 10:04:00 PM »

Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
Posted by XanTium | May 20 23:28 EST | News Category: Xbox360

During his talk at the Electronic Gaming Summit today, Microsoft's Jeff Bell briefly, very briefly, touched on the long-lost, quickly becoming mythical Live Anywhere pipedream that Microsoft first mentioned at E3 in 2006.

Bell said not to give up hope. "Live anywhere is not abandoned, it's just not easy to do."

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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2008, 01:58:00 AM »

I, with limited WM development experience, could whip up something that queries for my profile information in a single weekend. They've had working dog food for over two years now.

At the very least, why not jump on the "Beta" bandwagon?


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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2008, 09:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(brandon_r87 @ May 21 2008, 05:13 AM) View Post

I think this is going to end up like Home for PlayStation 3. They spoke too soon, then realized they had been too ambitious. The final product won't be nearly as exciting as promised. I don't think I would use XB Live Anywhere that much anyway. The one thing I'd like for them to let us do though, is purchase stuff on the marketplace from a computer. Browsing the marketplace would be so much easier.

It'd also be nice to play Live Arcade games that I've purchased on PC.


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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2008, 03:07:00 PM »

i think it's just that the games that have been released on the PC as "live" titles have failed. and microsoft has a lot of other things to worry about like, not having the 360 become a failure. so i think that it's ok that live anywhere isn't anywhere near completion yet. if the 360 ends up doing well, we'll prolly see live anywhere in the next gen. especially if MS gets their next console out before everyone else again. they will have some time to kill and will prolly start working on live anywhere around that time.


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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2008, 05:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(spinr34 @ May 21 2008, 11:43 PM) View Post

i think it's just that the games that have been released on the PC as "live" titles have failed. and microsoft has a lot of other things to worry about like, not having the 360 become a failure. so i think that it's ok that live anywhere isn't anywhere near completion yet. if the 360 ends up doing well, we'll prolly see live anywhere in the next gen. especially if MS gets their next console out before everyone else again. they will have some time to kill and will prolly start working on live anywhere around that time.

Not quite sure how you think its possible the 360 could become a failure  ohmy.gif
The 360 has the highest attach rate for games and even holds the record apparently, has sold over 12 million consoles, is home to some of the top selling games of all time, and has the best online gaming community IMO (in terms of integration)


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Microsoft Still Working on Live Anywhere
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2008, 12:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(beasty54 @ May 21 2008, 08:20 PM) View Post

Not quite sure how you think its possible the 360 could become a failure  ohmy.gif
The 360 has the highest attach rate for games and even holds the record apparently, has sold over 12 million consoles, is home to some of the top selling games of all time, and has the best online gaming community IMO (in terms of integration)

Microsoft holds the record for highest attach rate AT THIS stage of it's lifespan.  And for the record, there was another console that held several of those records as well that was ultimately a failure - The Dreamcast.

While Microsoft is obviously in a very different position than Sega was, the Xbox 360 is in no way the huge success that Microsoft likes to pretend that it is.

The simple fact is that despite launching a year before any other console, with a tremendous amount of quality, exclusive titles, the Xbox 360 is surprisingly not selling substantially above the numbers that the original Xbox did at this stage of it's lifespan.  When you factor in the extremely high price of the PS3 along with the lack of quality titles, the fact that the Xbox 360 has not moved more consoles is very troubling for Microsoft.  

So, while I wouldn't go so far as to say that Microsoft has to worry about the Xbox 360 being a 'failure', I personally would be very surprised if it was still leading the PS3 in installed userbase 2 years from now.

I'm not saying that they can't do it, but Microsoft definitely needs to pull a tricks out of their sleeves if they want to retain their lead over Sony.