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Author Topic: Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children  (Read 399 times)


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« on: February 14, 2008, 10:16:00 AM »

Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
Posted by XanTium | February 14 11:40 EST | News Category: Xbox360
Quote reports that Xbox Live has become sexual predators' new playground as the online gaming service for the Xbox 360 allows pedophiles to lurk online and communicate with children through headsets and instant messages. WLWT Cincinnati reports:

The FBI has investigated cases in southern Ohio, where sexual predators have used game systems such as Xbox 360 to target children.
"A pedophile is talking to a child, they are gaining their trust and understanding, and then tries to engage in that next level, which is taking them from the cyber world to the physical world," said Douglas Roden, an FBI forensic examiner.

Full Story:



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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2008, 10:27:00 AM »

You gotta love the media. What is this a FAUX news story? You don't think this problem is going to be any better when Playstation Home comes out? (WHEN it comes out smile.gif ) Active parenting people.... or use the privacy settings in LIVE to restrict voice chat to FRIENDS only.... RTFM.

Sgt Quackers

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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2008, 11:08:00 AM »

Got to love how the media blows these things out of proportion. They take a few reported incidents and make it sound like a huge problem. This problem can happen anywhere on the internet not just Xbox Live. If parents would watch what their kids are doing online then this would not be a problem. Also the Xbox 360 has parental controls that allow parents to block communication with random people so they can only chat with friends. If parents would just get involved in their kids lives then we would not have a big problem with this.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2008, 11:16:00 AM »

i got rapped on Xbox Live ! Alert the media !! lol


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2008, 11:22:00 AM »

Sexual predators lurk around anywhere where they can find young children, XBL is nothing special in that respect. Then again, I don't have kids but I if I did, I would most definitely not let them play online with a headset before they were old and wise enough to spot and laugh at sick bastards like this. Most likely I would not let them play online unattended at all before that.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2008, 11:31:00 AM »

If you read the remaining part of the story on teamxbox, you'll see the one example of "child abuse" on XBL they have is 30 year old woman sending naked pictures of herself to a 16 year old guy she met on Live.

I've BEEN a 16 year old guy, and I think I could have gotten through that without being scarred for life. I was thinking they were talking creeps going after 11 or 12 year olds here which is an issue on the internet, and something parents should be aware of. Lumping something like this in with real cases of pedophilia is just FUD.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2008, 11:35:00 AM »

Pedophiles still use the lost puppy dog and want some candy line, guess we should sue Hersheys for making candy and evolution for making puppies so cute.  

PARENTAL F&^$ING RESPONSIBILITY people.  In todays society, everyone lets TV, the net, video games and toys raise their children and then wonder why they don't turn out right.  Know what your kids are doing and talk to them about stuff and what they see on TV and hear in music and put things into context for them.  A kid watching a rape scene on TV can have two different meaning to a kid, depending on if its explained to them or not.  Don't explain, maybe they think rape is ok.  Do explain that the person doing it is bad, and its not right to rape someone, hell, what do you know, maybe they will get the idea that rape is wrong.  

No one wants to raise their kids anymore.  They figure by giving them cell phones and computers in their rooms cause their friends have it, thats being a good parent.  Its not.  And don't give the 'I don't have time to raise my kids, my and my partner work 2 jobs each just to get by'  Then, you know what, don't have fricking kids if you can't dedicate 20yrs of your life to them like you're supposed.  Sell your car, buy a smaller house so you only have to work one job in order to support them and by support that means talking to them and spending time with them, not just making sure they have cool stuff.

I hear so many little kids on XBox live that are like 10yrs old, going suck this, f^$k that.  Obviously the parents aren't around to hear this stuff going on.

Course the real solution to this is mandatory pedophile testing.  Every man walks into a room, puts his penis in the pedophile cuff.  They show you some child porn.  Your penis gets hard, the current flows through the cuff until you are dead.  Problem solved!


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2008, 11:39:00 AM »

GeToChKn said it perfectly.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2008, 11:48:00 AM »

Theres a reason they call it the "Sexbox"

This post has been edited by NoFace: Feb 14 2008, 07:48 PM


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2008, 11:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(GeToChKn @ Feb 14 2008, 08:35 PM) View Post

Pedophiles still use the lost puppy dog and want some candy line, guess we should sue Hersheys for making candy and evolution for making puppies so cute.  

PARENTAL F&^$ING RESPONSIBILITY people.  In todays society, everyone lets TV, the net, video games and toys raise their children and then wonder why they don't turn out right.  Know what your kids are doing and talk to them about stuff and what they see on TV and hear in music and put things into context for them.  A kid watching a rape scene on TV can have two different meaning to a kid, depending on if its explained to them or not.  Don't explain, maybe they think rape is ok.  Do explain that the person doing it is bad, and its not right to rape someone, hell, what do you know, maybe they will get the idea that rape is wrong.  

No one wants to raise their kids anymore.  They figure by giving them cell phones and computers in their rooms cause their friends have it, thats being a good parent.  Its not.  And don't give the 'I don't have time to raise my kids, my and my partner work 2 jobs each just to get by'  Then, you know what, don't have fricking kids if you can't dedicate 20yrs of your life to them like you're supposed.  Sell your car, buy a smaller house so you only have to work one job in order to support them and by support that means talking to them and spending time with them, not just making sure they have cool stuff.

I hear so many little kids on XBox live that are like 10yrs old, going suck this, f^$k that.  Obviously the parents aren't around to hear this stuff going on.

Course the real solution to this is mandatory pedophile testing.  Every man walks into a room, puts his penis in the pedophile cuff.  They show you some child porn.  Your penis gets hard, the current flows through the cuff until you are dead.  Problem solved!

I totally agree. Its been on the TV loads of times about it, and even documentary's are made about it.  Rule number 1 is have the PC, Console etc... in the same room as you, so you can keep an eye on what your kids are doing.  In saying this though, some parents are scared of technology and don't even know how to switch a PC on.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2008, 11:39:00 AM »

QUOTE(NoFace @ Feb 14 2008, 02:48 PM) View Post

Theres a reason they call it the "Sexbox"

Hopefully not to send this discussion too off topic, but I was in a Gears room several weeks ago where the host (a lady) sent "pictures" to the winners.  Unfortunately it seemed everyone in the room has more motivation to win so I never saw them, my friend did ; )  I'm sure she has no way of being completely sure how old the people on the other side are.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2008, 12:36:00 PM »

Hello Fellow Gamers. Well..whaddaya know. It's about time. We all knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Now parents should be more responsible of their kids anyway. It's not the responsibility of video game companies to police other people kids, but they should police their online services.
Sony need to take note, because when home is released, those "BAD guys" are going to have a field day with them. I've already written an nice little blog about this a few months ago. SO i guess I'll post it here.

Sony has done it again..
posted at 03/07/2007 07:01 PM PST    From

Hello Fellow Gamers. The PS3 "Home" concept is a pretty good idea. But I'm going to play a very bad devil's advocate here. From what I've seen & read, The Home network let's you create a virtual living space or house. Now in that house you can have any photo that you want as pictures throughout the entire area. Now who is to stop anyone from putting up all kinds of porn in that virual space? Also I've notice that you can also purchase a vitual TV & have any movie that you want also playing in the backgound. Again who is to stop anyone from displaying very sexually graphic movies?

Kids will have free access to this type of stuff more so now, since Sony has given these perverted people plenty of graphical publishing power. I know some of you have seen the NBC DateLine "To Catch a Predator". Where these perverted people chat (text mind you) to underage kids. They email their genitalia, say (as in type) perverted, sick & demented things to these kids in hopes to have sex with them. Now thanks to SONY, they don't have to email or text anything. They can just layout their room like pornsville, invite a minor, & voice chat with the minor & show them via the pictures & movies just what they would like to do to them. That's way harsher than words will ever be. I'm talking on a global level people!

I hope SONY has really thought this thing through. Somebody will have to police this 24/7 all over the world. If not then I fear the worst is yet to come of this. It's bad enough I hear crap from people on XBL, but this takes it up another level. USA is nortorious for lawsuits & I can see a ton of them coming their way. Imagine if you will, your child in a room that's full of sexally explicit , pictures, videos, & music; all while they chat with a person that would like to do those things to them or not (Duh). A lot of parents don't monitor their kids when they're playing games. They might see them flying or something not related to what I've just said, but then all they (the child) have to do is end the game & go right back into those dangerouse rooms & the parents will think " They're just kids playing a game". When in Reality the "Perverted Predator" has they're undivided attention.

Thank goodness Xblive doesn't have all that wasted time & space for the "HOME" service that Sony is going to release. Basically All I want to do is play games on Xblive against other people & have fun doing it. This other thing about the "BAD" People should be taken seriously though. As a parent, we should all be watchful of our kids.

This post has been edited by Jagosix: Feb 14 2008, 08:37 PM


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2008, 12:53:00 PM »

i just remembered that UNO really means AMATEUR UNDERAGE PORN on Xbox Live.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2008, 01:14:00 PM »

Well this could be the parents fault of not educating there children not to talk to random people (you don't do that in real life anyway they taught me that when I was little lolol), and the X360 has good family timers and I bet parents aint setting these.

I bet most of the time it's the users fault giving out to much information without realising it.

So I don't think you can really blame a console. Like you can't blame the Internet lolol.


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Sexual Predators Exploit Xbox 360 to Target Children
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2008, 12:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(GeToChKn @ Feb 14 2008, 07:35 PM) View Post
Pedophiles still use the lost puppy dog and want some candy line, guess we should sue Hersheys for making candy and evolution for making puppies so cute.  

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