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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #75 on: January 18, 2008, 12:28:00 PM »

Well, dander or whatever pseudo name your working with these days to protect your precious name, you seem to be taking this awfully personal. When did I ever launch any personal attacks against you? YOU are the only one that is resorting to name calling on this topic, not me.

My challenge still stands, dander, or whatever name you are going by today. Prove me wrong and I'll stop. You haven't proved anything yet. I'm waiting...


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #76 on: January 18, 2008, 01:32:00 PM »

they don't care how many people join the case.  They get 80% of everything anyway.  The original complainants however are praying that not enough people even hear about this, or don't care to join.   For those calculating that each member gets 50 cents from the 5 mil, They're already getting more than that by getting a free game.  Multiply the cost of that game versus the number of members and you get more than 5 mil.  If only 1000 people download that game, then maybe only 1000 people will also care enough to join the suit.  Doesn't matter to the lawyers either way.



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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #77 on: January 18, 2008, 01:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(Tony42077 @ Jan 18 2008, 11:28 AM) *

Well, dander or whatever pseudo name your working with these days to protect your precious name, you seem to be taking this awfully personal. When did I ever launch any personal attacks against you? YOU are the only one that is resorting to name calling on this topic, not me.

My challenge still stands, dander, or whatever name you are going by today. Prove me wrong and I'll stop. You haven't proved anything yet. I'm waiting...

I think I proved you wrong when I pointed out that your statement about the class being limited to the original 3 was in fact already disqualified by the story in the OP.

Class action suites do not sue on behalf of a number of people in order to pay only the plaintiff... I am not a lawyer but I can't even see how that would be possible... it defeats the purpose of a class action lawsuit entirely...

I am not saying stupid things don't exist in the world of law, but that would really take the cake and I think falls outside the realm of reason.

Now you have called them, when asking about the case you first got a very nothing answer, and then you got a promise of response in maybe around 6 months... if that doesn't point to the class not being closed as of yet, I don't know what would.

Oh and as I said, you indirectly attacked my with your inference that I should take my own advice and study up on the subject before making unqualified statements... not only did I do at least reasonable research, I don't think I even made a mistake anyway...

So do I take it personally?  Well your post quoted me and was directed at me and made a claim and challenge... I took your challenge (to do diligent research above what I had already done) and the only result I came up with is that you were wrong in your statement...

So your challenge, to actually read the story as per my own advice, completed.

I am claiming what a normal class action suit is and what seems most reasonable here, you are claiming the outlaying possibility...

So as for you waiting... yes you are... looks like probably for 6 months or more...

So I say your challenge is to back up your claim with some more than a rather long jump in logic... that because they didn't let you in the class right now it must be closed.

ITS CLOSED TO EVERYONE BUT THE 3 THAT ORIGINALLY FILED IT. So in those terms, its not the type of class action lawsuit that most are used to hearing about. This is only to make the lawyers money. They are hoping for a settlement, which I hope MS will not give into. I'd be all for it if it was an open suit, but it isn't, it's just a way for some fat lawyers and some 'mature' Texans to scam some money from one of the largest companies in the world.

Challenge:  Back that up with more than just general speculation.  I am not saying the lawyers don't want to get rich, I think we all agree on that part, but the rest of it.  

Specifically:  This is not a normal class action lawsuit.  - Please provide some reason for this statement.

This is only to make the lawyers money. - Please show that this is not at least partially to provide users with compensatory value and provide a punitive measure to MS.

BTW whats with this pseudo thing?  I don't see what you are getting at?  If you want to say "John, John, John" go ahead... that's my real name.  For all I know Tony is not your real name though so there isn't much point there...

This post has been edited by Devedander: Jan 18 2008, 09:52 PM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #78 on: January 18, 2008, 02:01:00 PM »

Everyone seems to be jumping on this whole thing thing and all of a sudden becoming an expert in both corporate law, and also the financing, supply and upkeep of a worldwide gaming service. It does make me laugh. I am not an expert in either field but from my uneducated view I can pretty much guess how this will all pan out. I can just see it now.....

Judge - "hey, MS, how come your online service was slow and buggy over xmas?"
MS - " Well, we had problems with people tryin to play online with back ups, thats clearly against our terms of service, and we clearly couldnt anticipate that people would break the law to this extent"
Judge - "cheeky fuckers! but i have a claim here for 5 million, who's gonna pay this?
MS - well we do have the Credit card details of all those people using modded consoles, we were just gonna ban em, but if u want.....

lol, obvously Im joking, but on a serious note I am pretty sure MS would easily turn this whole thing back on people breaking TOS for Live. In fact, im pretty sure if MS were a pack of assholes, like these guys with this case, MS could probably sue everyone who they have accurately detected as breaking TOS. Wouldn't that fuck shit up! lol

Anyways, like i say I am just an average bod, and yeah I was a bit miffed when live was playing up, but hey it wasnt that big a deal, and im pretty happy with my free game thanks very much.

This post has been edited by XBNormUK: Jan 18 2008, 10:01 PM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #79 on: January 18, 2008, 02:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(XBNormUK @ Jan 18 2008, 01:01 PM) *

Everyone seems to be jumping on this whole thing thing and all of a sudden becoming an expert in both corporate law, and also the financing, supply and upkeep of a worldwide gaming service. It does make me laugh. I am not an expert in either field but from my uneducated view I can pretty much guess how this will all pan out. I can just see it now.....

Judge - "hey, MS, how come your online service was slow and buggy over xmas?"
MS - " Well, we had problems with people tryin to play online with back ups, thats clearly against our terms of service, and we clearly couldnt anticipate that people would break the law to this extent"
Judge - "cheeky fuckers! but i have a claim here for 5 million, who's gonna pay this?
MS - well we do have the Credit card details of all those people using modded consoles, we were just gonna ban em, but if u want.....

lol, obvously Im joking, but on a serious note I am pretty sure MS would easily turn this whole thing back on people breaking TOS for Live. In fact, im pretty sure if MS were a pack of assholes, like these guys with this case, MS could probably sue everyone who they have accurately detected as breaking TOS. Wouldn't that fuck shit up! lol

Anyways, like i say I am just an average bod, and yeah I was a bit miffed when live was playing up, but hey it wasnt that big a deal, and im pretty happy with my free game thanks very much.

Well I am no lawyer or expert for sure and I don't have a particularly high faith in our legal system either, but I am pretty sure that if this actually goes to trial there will be expert witnesses brought in to testify on the subject and MS will have to show logs and proof of what happened and how it wasn't their fault...

Very little depends on what really happened sadly, much will depend on the talent of those explaining what happened as I would guess a lot of the testimony will be above the level of the presiding judge to easily understand.

This post has been edited by Devedander: Jan 18 2008, 10:26 PM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #80 on: January 18, 2008, 02:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 18 2008, 09:25 PM) *

Very little depends on what really happened sadly, much will depend on the talent of those explaining what happened as I would guess a lot of the testimony will be above the level of the presiding judge to easily understand.

And that my friend, is probably the most accurate thing any of us could say on this whole thing. I reckon whether MS just thought fuck it, lets all have xmas off, or whether it was a genuinly unavoidable problem, the whole thing will become an exercise in baffling some judge with a mixture of techy jargon, ridiculous figures and good ol fashioned BS. And on that score, I reckon MS wrote the book, im betting a MS victory all the way! lol


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #81 on: January 18, 2008, 06:38:00 PM »

If the glove does not fit, you must acquit!!!


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #82 on: January 18, 2008, 10:15:00 PM »

im so pissed off at people bad mouthing the guys that did what every one of us should have done.. muhaha.gif

and since ms made the hardware so strict u cant use xlink kai or xbconnect then they must have a service going and working!!

if they need some people to get off from live then they just make a dashupdate so the stupid 30ms ping thing disapear and we all can go to xlink kai and have fun.. pop.gif

its also nice when all the americans complain and say its all good.. its not!!! iamwithstupid.gif

if u dont know what ping is uhh.gif  then u do not have anything to say about live beeing fine and "working" grr.gif  iamwithstupid.gif

over here in europe its frustrating that americans got the servers and in a game like halo3 its crucial to not experiencing lag and delay when it comes to opponents.. torch.gif

live is not good and it havent been either for about 14 days before xmas, and still its not working properly.
its slow. matchmaking 4ever, and delay, lagg and wth! in big team battel there are ALWAYS major LAGG!

is ms only having like 512 Kb/s upload for the big teams games?
hell i can host 16 people better than ms with my 1000 Kb/s upload speed here at home.. rolleyes.gif

LOOL ms suck, always has always will, so stop complaining about people trying to make it better and defending YOUR right!! iamwithstupid.gif



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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #83 on: January 19, 2008, 06:57:00 AM »

what a strange post. It seems to refer to me amongst others. Im actually gonna go against my better instincts and waste the time to reply to you.

First off, whats with the "all the americans" thing. I thought u would have guessed from the UK on the end of my name im actually in the UK, which is in Europe last time i checked!

And all these "Im with Stupid tags"??

Yeah right, im the stupid one, lets have a look at a few of your points...

"ms made the hardware so strict you cant use XBconnect or Xlink kai, they must have a service going and working....."
First of, yeah, how dare MS only support the MS online gaming platform. I mean, sure they should spend time, money and energy ensuring they support platforms they have no input, responsibility or control over. Yeah, cos that would be a good idea! Sarcasm by the way.

Then we have, "if u dont know what ping is  then u do not have anything to say about live beeing fine and "working""
Whats that gotta do with anything, most users here will know what a ping is, but i would guess those that dont still have the ability to know whether their live works or not.

Next its the classic..."hell i can host 16 people better than ms with my 1000 Kb/s upload speed here at home.. "
Yeah, you know you should probably call MS and reveal the inner secrets of your super networking capabilities, im sure most of them dont even know what a server is, i mean, they dont know much about computing and networks over at MS do they! (more sarcasm by the way)

and finally its the old favourite "ms suck, always has always will, so stop complaining about people trying to make it better and defending YOUR right!!"
okay right, MS suck, always has always will, hmmm, so i take it you didnt buy a 360, or an original xbox, you dont run windows or any of the MS applications. Oh thats right, despite whinging all the time you actually do own and use their products, probably daily. in fact, judging by how upset u are about your live being slow, I would guess they are a pretty big part of your life.
So in fact, you are paying for and using something daily that u think sucks!?!? go figure. I guess now its you that seems to be the stupid one.

Oh and that bit about defending your right, the right to what? You do have a right to exercise consumer choice. I would recommend u use that right. Instead of wasting everyones time,including your own moaning on here, if you arent happy with the products and services you use, go and get rid of all your MS products, go get urself a mac and a PS3 and so how much you enjoy their online service.

Anyways, thats enough of my time wasted already.

This post has been edited by XBNormUK: Jan 19 2008, 02:58 PM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #84 on: January 19, 2008, 04:25:00 PM »

not talking to you, but il guess i hit a nerve. so i belive it may be ment for u anyway.. loool


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #85 on: January 21, 2008, 02:12:00 PM »


- I work in IT, and most of my friends do too. MS$ most assuredly has a strategic plan in place for Xbox Live growth. They have some of the worlds best IT people. I would bet everything I own on them pulling no punches and showing everything they have done with Xbox Live infrastructure to ensure QoS from day one of launch should this ever go to trial (which I highly doubt it will). Do you really think MS$ knew there was going to be a problem, chose to do nothing pre-emptive to prevent it, and relied on a strategy to scramble at the last minute to fix it after it broke?

- In respect to gross vs. profit, the reason I turned the attention to profit was because you were insinuating MS$ can afford to just make payouts every time there is an interruption of service because they "make" $500 million a year off it, when this is FALSE. If they did this then the division would not be profitable. Does anyone here want Live to not be profitable? I sure don't. I'd like for the service to stick around...

- As to the frivolous lawsuit topic: Lawsuits are not the only way to voice concern to a company you feel is not meeting expectations for a service you subscribe to. How about sending a letter in to management? How about organizing a coalition of customers to file a complaint? How about starting a website where other customers can organize and get attention this way? Filing a lawsuit is not the only way to get visibility! What is the real goal here? To coerce MS$ to improve Xbox Live's service offering, or to get paid? Or better yet, if you don't feel you are getting your $'s worth from the service, CANCEL IT.

- Speaking on the "high horse" comment, that was directed at a lot of the people posting, not just you. The point is that it is easy to sit back on an internet forum and call people "childish" and "uneducated" every time they do not agree with you or the "points" you are trying to make. I choose not to do that, because I have NO IDEA how intelligent any of these people are on this board. You certainly can't divine that just from forum posts either, as so many people would like to think you can. I'll rest easy tonight, and so will my "image" lol...


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #86 on: January 22, 2008, 01:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(feflicker @ Jan 21 2008, 01:12 PM) *


- I work in IT, and most of my friends do too. MS$ most assuredly has a strategic plan in place for Xbox Live growth. They have some of the worlds best IT people. I would bet everything I own on them pulling no punches and showing everything they have done with Xbox Live infrastructure to ensure QoS from day one of launch should this ever go to trial (which I highly doubt it will). Do you really think MS$ knew there was going to be a problem, chose to do nothing pre-emptive to prevent it, and relied on a strategy to scramble at the last minute to fix it after it broke?

I work in IT also, have for a long time.  We regularly roll up pre emptive upgrades in anticipation of increased need.  We also regularly get people in charge of decisions they shouldn't be... we recently had a multi million dollar project scheduled to go live in a few months go through a final analysis meeting... turns out the guy in charge has no tech knowledge and decided to save $10k by not buying the redundant server and wants to have just one server for a mission critical part of all our branches.  Why?  It' saves $10k.

I am not saying they didn't have plans, but that doesn't mean they weren't negligently poor plans.

I don't doubt MS has some of the best and the brightest, but in every great company there are spattered just enough idiots who don't desserve to be where they are somehow to screw things up on a semi regular basis.

I honestly doubt you and your IT friends don't get together over some brews every now and then to recount the idiot managers and project leads that royally screwed things up and had it not been for you or one of yours the project would have totally been hosed... sometimes no one saves those bad decisions in time.  Right around the holidays during major management rollover announcements are likely times...

- In respect to gross vs. profit, the reason I turned the attention to profit was because you were insinuating MS$ can afford to just make payouts every time there is an interruption of service because they "make" $500 million a year off it, when this is FALSE. If they did this then the division would not be profitable. Does anyone here want Live to not be profitable? I sure don't. I'd like for the service to stick ]around...

Where did I say that failing should be a profitable option?  Maybe MS can't afford it... maybe failing should be an unaffordable route... because if it is then maybe companies will try to avoid it more adamently.

Would you rather use the terms "take in" and "pay out for failure"?  Does that make it sound better to you?  Symantecs aside, 10 million users at $50 a year (that's not factoring in monthly users who pay a higher rate) is $50 milllion a year that people pay, and those who are arguing the most we should ask for is our money back don't seem to realize that $5 million is not getting our money back (I am not factoring in taxes and lawyers fees etc, just the basic theory of it).

And I say it again, taking back only the profit is not really and kind of punishment... it's the equivalent of taking back the stolen goods from a robber, but then doing nothing else to make his actions unappealing to repeat in the future.

- As to the frivolous lawsuit topic: Lawsuits are not the only way to voice concern to a company you feel is not meeting expectations for a service you subscribe to. How about sending a letter in to management? How about organizing a coalition of customers to file a complaint? How about starting a website where other customers can organize and get attention this way? Filing a lawsuit is not the only way to get visibility! What is the real goal here? To coerce MS$ to improve Xbox Live's service offering, or to get paid? Or better yet, if you don't feel you are getting your $'s worth from the service, CANCEL IT.

This reminds me so much of being in elimentary school and having the principal tell me "If there is a fight, both people get in trouble, it doesn't matter who started it.  If someone picks on you or hits you, you should just walk away and tell a teacher".

Did anyone else hear that in school?  Did anyone else think "That is the stupidest, works on paper, no friggin way in real life thing ever"?

Yes, you can write letters to managers, you can file complaints and you can set up web pages.  And you know what?  I have brought all those up before and why they don't work, there are two simple reasons:

1: They require a action and sometimes loss on the consumers part to send an easily ignored or insignficant message.

2: They require volume to be effective.

The flaw being that I think you would agree stealing $1 from every person on the streeth, thus becomming a multi billionair would hardly be acceptable and should be punished... but who would really take the time from their day to file a police report over $1?

The problem is that big companies interact with us on scales so large that they can effective damage us so minutely it's not worth our individual time to follow due process.  However what they have done is still wrong and needs to be addressed.

If one person steals $1 from each person, it would be annoying, but if he sets a precident and people get used to having $1 stolen, what happens when everyone you konw and do business with starts stealing $1 from you every day?

The slope gets slippery in so many directions and so fast....

That is why class actions exist.  It's so one or few can represent many making the investment to result ratio for people acceptable.

I have personally written  letters to management over issues before only to be given canned responses and completely blown off, you know why?  I am insignificant to their large business.  Sure people say the custommer is always right and they are the companies biggest asset... you know what though?   It's cost effective to ignore the outliers and concentrate on the mass... the often lazy, abuse accepting masses...

Have you ever been to  They hosted THOUSDANS of stories of customers being blatently ripped off by Best Buy... not just poorly treated, often straight lied to and ripped off in ways that I wouldn't have believed had I not worked there myself for some time and seen plenty of these stories unfold with my own eyes... you know what happened to that site?  It's now a big add site for Best Buy... I don't know exactly what happened but I know Best Buy never let the pressure up on the site owner and after years of hosting very detailed and numerous complaints, the end result was... Best Buy still wins.

Sure I can cancel my service... and that is the least likely to happen because again, MS has damaged me little enough that it's not worth troubling myself by cutting my live off completely to retaliate.  They need to be sent a message but not at my cost...  

I keep seeing flawed arguments as to how bad this could be, at least live works most of the time, it could have been months or years without service or some such... People seem to think if it's not he most catastrophic or at least very heinous act, that it somehow doesn't desserve attention... I don't know when that became the accepted though path, but it's pretty sad.

If sending the message means I have to damage myself more than I will damage them it doesn't make sense to partake in it.

All these and more are the very reasons class actions exist and why they do serve a valuable purpose.  

I said it before, they can and will continue to be tools that are abused, but it's not as simple as saying that they are bad and only hurt us.  It seems that people are so eager to sound like they know something insider or something philysophical they look at an issue one step further than the surface and proclaim some great discovery without looking any deeper.

Yes on the surface class actions look like they should help us (little guy stands up to the big guy)

Yes one step deeper they are often abused tools that stuff the pockets of lawyers.

But if you look yet another step further, analyze what the alternatives are and realize that nothing is a black and white good solution, you realize that quite often they are the lesser of the evils available.

But many people stop at the first revalation and like to walk alway.

- Speaking on the "high horse" comment, that was directed at a lot of the people posting, not just you. The point is that it is easy to sit back on an internet forum and call people "childish" and "uneducated" every time they do not agree with you or the "points" you are trying to make. I choose not to do that, because I have NO IDEA how intelligent any of these people are on this board. You certainly can't divine that just from forum posts either, as so many people would like to think you can. I'll rest easy tonight, and so will my "image" lol...

Well in a post where you quote me, address 4/5ths of your post directly to me then finish up with

Another thing, it's real easy to sit on a high horse and dismiss everyone elses views and call them "uneducated" and "childish" because they don't have the same viewpoint. In my experience, the person who claims this educated highground is alwasy the biggest uneducated fool of them all.

I don't see a lot of room for ambiguity as to where it's pointed.  But I will give the benefit of the doubt that somehow you didn't really say what you meant or vice versa...

But to be clear, I know I come across as sitting on a high horse a lot... and there is no way to say this without souding conceded so I will just say it and anyone can think what they like...

In a world where many do wrongly sit on a high horse proclaiming there own righteousness while chastising others baselessly, there are some who do legitimately sit high on their horses and are actually right.

In order to try not to be the former, I strive to be the latter when I express and opionion.  

I back up my statements as best I can and research what I say.  In the same way those who make fools of themselves are annoying, it's annoying to be grouped in with them by the lynch mob who is more interested crucifying someone than beinng educated.

This post has been edited by Devedander: Jan 22 2008, 09:30 AM
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