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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #60 on: February 03, 2020, 02:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(warbeast @ Jan 17 2008, 08:48 PM) *

bottom line is if a car hits the cable box in my street and cuts off my tv aslong as i wasnt the twat driving i want a refund it may not be the cable companys fault but they put the box there and should of thought about it
by all means they can contact me and say that it will be fixed soon so i may stay with the company after the down time for having a fast service. but after all that is said and done i still want my refund a company with a good service is somthing that should keep you with a company NOT somthing u pay for

same thing goes with microsoft they can come on line and say bill gates himself is in the basement sorting out the servers and have him call me after to say how sorry he is on behalf of micosoft but ill still want my refund
This could be the most uneducated post I have seen for a long time.


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #61 on: January 17, 2008, 02:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(lecsiy @ Jan 17 2008, 09:46 PM) View Post

Erghh ok if its a class action that is being taken on behalf of everyone. For example like the the bungie HD scam where can you join? Do you think there just gonna put 5$ in an envelope and ship it off to everybody.

If he doesnt mind the only person whoose got it right is Tony42077

Well, before you spout off on the wonders of a class action lawsuit, you should read it yourself. Just because they are sueing on behalf of all Live users, doesn't mean that they have to let everyone in. It's a class action suit because it involves more than one party ( in this case 3). Why don't you call up that Texas lawyer and ask him to include you in the suit?

In my opinion:

MS is a victim of some greedy texan douchebags
We dont have dedicated servers you got that one
You cannot make calls on new years (Ive had problems on theese days) Just because you dont doesnt mean i dont.
$5 million will be split between 4 people. 3 Texas douchebags and a lawyer.

 Over 50 people besides the original 3 have already joined the CAS. If you had read the original article*, however, you'd know that.

* article contained more info than the original x-s news post (like always). In case you don't know, x-s news is always snipped versions of the story, which is why they always provide links to the original news story.

 I'm done replying in this thread. I just hope this suit brings a much needed change in service to XBL. You pharacies shouting everything possible against the original 3 who inspired the suit should....wait, you aren't reading, are you?


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2020, 03:52:00 PM »

Ok, so ive read the extended version which im honest enough to say no hadn't read previously. But a few things dont add up. Mainly why $5 million?

But the Texas gamers' plans for a lawsuit were already underway, and they called in Gibson to help them sue for a reimbursement of part of their $50 annual Live subscription.

Ok, fair enough.

Problem is 10,000,000 people subscribed to live. Times 50 by the 10,000,000 there apparently fighting for. And you get 50 mil, not what they're fighting for.

So you might say they want a partial refund for the days offline. Fair enough but if its $50 for 12 months. And lets say AT MOST the live issues have gone on for a month. I mean in reality they went on for a week but call it a month. That means they have to sue for $4.1 dollars per person.

$4.1 x 10 mil = 41 Mil.

So what are they donna do with $5 million?

Give half a dollar to everyone?

In reality there gonna spread it with their 50 strong halo 3 clan.. but wait your not reading any more are you?

This post has been edited by lecsiy: Yesterday, 11:53 PM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2020, 04:36:00 PM »

what really gets me goin is the fact that every time their lame service is down, your 360 is super slow even if your just trying to change menus or plug in a mp3 player to listen to music the whole console is just sluggish. The fact that they make it phone home constantly and then the server goes down just totally wrecks havoc on the console. I hope they address that in this thing they got goin with the lawyer.  If they want to make it phone home then fine but they need to make it stop phoning home if the service is down  and not keep trying or whatever happens and make the console run all slow.
Sure I could unplug the network cable but im not going to unplug and plug it back in every time i turn off/on the console because they cant tell us how long its going to be down for. I had problems getting on for a few weeks.

This post has been edited by mercury187: Today, 12:38 AM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2008, 06:21:00 PM »

Stupid fucking Americans.  All you have to hear about is three jack-asses like this and it makes you wonder if their whole country is fucked.  Do you sue the power company when your lights go out?  Get a life.  I'm glad their are enough people with brains here so I know I'm not the one whose gone mad.........

By the way, I don't hate Americans, but I don't know many and I sure as hell hope these guys aren't representative of the country's attitude towards business.  Running a business is difficult, and I imagine one the size of XBL even more's not about 'if' mistakes are going to happen, you just do your best to handle them when they do.  There is no guarantee of service in any business, and to think there should be shows great ignorance.  In a capital economy they already pay in the form of lost customers, old and new.  As a customer you have the choice to cancel your subscription or to remain with the service.  To expect any other compensation is unjust.


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« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2008, 06:35:00 PM »

3 words for these guys: get a life !

It's quite obvious that they want to exploit Microsoft, they just give that argument as an excuse. It's not like Xbox Live is an ER or something.


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2008, 07:06:00 PM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 17 2008, 08:28 PM) View Post

OK short of actually calling the lawyer involved, I cannot find anything that says this is a closed class... it makes no sense that it would be and the fact that they say they are suing on behalf of all users to me says that the class is all users and the 3 of them are representing all of us...

If you have some info that I dont or you actually did call the lawyer and confirm, please provide that info... otherwise I cannot find anything to backup your claim.

I e-mailed and called them yesterday with no response whatsoever. After about 20 calls that I made today I was finally able to speak to a secretary for The Gibson Law Firm. She said that it was an ongoing case that was filed on behalf of all Xbox Live users. When I told her that I was an Xbox Live user during that time frame and that I would like to join, she said that they would stay in touch. I offered her all of my info for Xbox Live and my address and phone number. The only thing that she actually took was my name and number with her telling me that they would 'let me know the status of the case'.

I'm probably not the only person that has contacted them regarding this case, so I can understand that there would be a backlog of people to contact. At no time was I ever asked to send proof of my Live membership or that I was who I said I was. I highly doubt that she even took my name and number as it sounded like she had been dealing with this for some time. I don't ever expect to hear back from the law firm.

Just because we have a right to something doesn't mean that they are obliged to follow up with every complaintant. 50 disgruntled users sounds a lot better than 3 to a judge, jury, or arbitrator. It falls along the lines of error by omission. Think about it, what gain does this lawyer have to give any more people compensation in this case? None. They will get the 80% due to them if they win regardless of how the remaining 20% is divided. The more people that join the case, the more time the clerks have to spend taking everyone's info to contact and pay them if they win. If you read the actual complaint, you would see under article 6 they get around having to include everyone by "One or more of the class members may sue as a representative party on behalf of the class, if the following requirements are met: The class is so large that joinder of all members is impracticable". So basically they can't include all 10 million, so they can let in the people they want. The less complaintants, the less work for them.

Don't believe me? Try for yourself.... and don't hold your breath
Jason A. Gibson, PC Attorney at Law
[email protected]



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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #67 on: February 03, 2020, 07:59:00 PM »

First of Tony, I would think you would show a little more humility after attacking me for not researching the information, then saying this:


when the original MTV story clearly states 50 people already joined the class.

OK... so your evidence that the suit is closed is that you were unable to join the class by calling the number?

Did they tell you you can't join because it's closed?  

No, in fact they said they would stay in touch.  

Does that give me a warm fuzzy feeling?  No.

But it absolutely does not say the suit is closed... in fact it's quite the opposite, if it was closed don't you think she would save herself all the trouble and say "Sorry, suits closed, go away"?

As for your inerperetation of article 6, you are again jumping to conclusions and assumptions, what article 6 refers to is the very basis of a class actino suit.... it means that one person can sue on behalf of many if it's difficult to have everyone actually participate.  Can you imagine flying 10 million people to the court room and packing them all in?  That is what class actions do, they allow one person to represnt many.

The only thing you are right on is that indeed the lawyers win, that is no doubt.

The point is still not us getting our money, and it's annoying that the lawyers get rich off this, but the point really is that MS does not profit off their own failure.  

Seriously Tony it's people like you making things up, jumping to concolusions and spreading FUD that are more likely damaging this country than the lawsuit happy few.

On a seperate note, after reading many of these comments I have to wonder just how so many of us have been somehow brainwashed into accepting, and apparently supporting failures and poor support that not only do we have numerous people rationlizing it, we actually have people attacking their fellow forum members in support of the failuers.

Do any of you posting "Everything fails, you're stupid for caring about Live failing" not realize what you are really saying?  You are saying not only is poor quality acceptable, we should accept and support it.  WTF?  What has happened that people no longer stand up for what they desserve and what's right but rather defend the very people who do them harm?

You do realize that complacency and support of this type of behavior is why it's so common place and wide spread right?

This post has been edited by Devedander: Today, 04:12 AM


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2020, 08:27:00 PM »

BTW For everyone who has never been part of a class action, I can say that the ones I have been part of invovled someone cominng up with what requirements you must meet to join the class, sending or somehow providing access to this information and applications and then waiting a set period of time for applications to come in.

In some cases they must veify your eligeability, in some cases they don't really bother.

At some point the judgement is made and the judgement is split up appropriately and checks mailed out.

They accept applicants to the class during certain times only, just because you can't apply now does not mean the class is closed and if you miss the window to apply it does not mean the class WAS closed... it just means you missed whatever window was available.  It's entirely possible they are not accepting applicants to the class because they are still refining the requirements to join the class.  After 50 people just getting their name on a list, the office may have decided they need to put a hold on applicants until they have a good process ready to handle the influx of requests.

Who knows, but whatever the case this obviously wasn't limited to the original 3 only...

This post has been edited by Devedander: Today, 04:32 AM


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« Reply #69 on: January 17, 2008, 08:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 18 2008, 03:59 AM) View Post

First of Tony, I would think you would show a little more humility after attacking me for not researching the information, then saying this:
when the original MTV story clearly states 50 people already joined the class.

OK... so your evidence that the suit is closed is that you were unable to join the class by calling the number?

Did they tell you you can't join because it's closed?  

No, in fact they said they would stay in touch.  

Does that give me a warm fuzzy feeling?  No.

But it absolutely does not say the suit is closed... in fact it's quite the opposite, if it was closed don't you think she would save herself all the trouble and say "Sorry, suits closed, go away"?

As for your inerperetation of article 6, you are again jumping to conclusions and assumptions, what article 6 refers to is the very basis of a class actino suit.... it means that one person can sue on behalf of many if it's difficult to have everyone actually participate.  Can you imagine flying 10 million people to the court room and packing them all in?  That is what class actions do, they allow one person to represnt many.

The only thing you are right on is that indeed the lawyers win, that is no doubt.

The point is still not us getting our money, and it's annoying that the lawyers get rich off this, but the point really is that MS does not profit off their own failure.  

Seriously Tony it's people like you making things up, jumping to concolusions and spreading FUD that are more likely damaging this country than the lawsuit happy few.

On a seperate note, after reading many of these comments I have to wonder just how so many of us have been somehow brainwashed into accepting, and apparently supporting failures and poor support that not only do we have numerous people rationlizing it, we actually have people attacking their fellow forum members in support of the failuers.

Do any of you posting "Everything fails, you're stupid for caring about Live failing" not realize what you are really saying?  You are saying not only is poor quality acceptable, we should accept and support it.  WTF?  What has happened that people no longer stand up for what they desserve and what's right but rather defend the very people who do them harm?

You do realize that complacency and support of this type of behavior is why it's so common place and wide spread right?

I stand behind all of the 'FUD' that I wrote. I guess the difference between me and you is that I live on earth and you live in some magical place where everyone gets what they deserve and everything is fair. What part of 'error by omission didn't you get'? Obviously the basis of a class action lawsuit is to represent the 'class' of people affected by the basis of the suit. Nowhere in the complaint, website, or any of the articles does it offer any way for inclussion into this case.

Do you think that it would be good PR for his firm to say " this case is closed we have enough people to make a statement, we're not actually worried about the class, but our own bottom line and stature"? Although you don't get the warm fuzzies that you need for an argument to be deemed sound, doesn't mean that the attorneys actually give a shit about the people involved in the class.

I have been involved with many a class-action lawsuit throughout my life, and every single time, I was contacted by the firm filing the suit on behalf of the original complaintants. We had been lucky enough to win each time with my grand total of winnings to be about $20. The more people involved in the case, the more teeth that it has when it goes to trial. This case is not worried about the teeth behind it because of its high profile stature. This case is about making Jason A. Gibson into a household name on line with Rusty Hardin, Gloria Allred, Johnny Cochrane and other high profile attorneys.

This case was filed almost 2 weeks ago with only 50 compalintants coming forward? I'll be conservative and guesstimate that roughly 5% of Xbox Live users have heard of this case. Of that number I'll say that 60% of them live in the U.S.. Of that number, I'll say that 5% have attempted to a part of the suit. So of 50,000 people that may have tried to contact them only .001% have actually been included? I know that it's a guess, but wouldn't you think that more than 50 people would have been included already for such a high-profile class-action case?

I'm sure that you and many others were also affected by the Xbox Live outage, and I challenge anyone to prove that they have been included in the case.... here on planet earth.


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Lawyer Speaks Out on Xbox LIVE Lawsuit
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2008, 08:45:00 PM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 18 2008, 04:27 AM) View Post

BTW For everyone who has never been part of a class action, I can say that the ones I have been part of invovled someone cominng up with what requirements you must meet to join the class, sending or somehow providing access to this information and applications and then waiting a set period of time for applications to come in.

In some cases they must veify your eligeability, in some cases they don't really bother.

At some point the judgement is made and the judgement is split up appropriately and checks mailed out.

They accept applicants to the class during certain times only, just because you can't apply now does not mean the class is closed and if you miss the window to apply it does not mean the class WAS closed... it just means you missed whatever window was available.  It's entirely possible they are not accepting applicants to the class because they are still refining the requirements to join the class.  After 50 people just getting their name on a list, the office may have decided they need to put a hold on applicants until they have a good process ready to handle the influx of requests.

Who knows, but whatever the case this obviously wasn't limited to the original 3 only...

A little bit of backtracking to cover your ass, thats always a good idea. I'll be waiting by the phone for the next 20 years for the law firm to get back to me. Hopefully the window didn't shut 2 days after the case was filed. So if I missed my window, wouldn't this case essentially be 'closed' to any future complaintants? Maybe I was wrong when I said that the case was closed to only the original 3 filers (not much difference between 3 and 53 of 10 million), but when a case is this big and does not offer any way of joining the class, you know its not about the merits behind the case, but the free PR for the firm involved.

My challenge still stands.


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« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2008, 09:45:00 AM »

Well I called them back for a follow up to my previous talk with a secretary. She said that there had been an influx of calls regarding the case. This lady sounded a little more in touch w/ the overall scope of the case. She said that she would e-mail me some info regarding the case. She also said that it could take up to 6 months to get back to me. Once I actually receive any info from them, I'll post it here.


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« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2008, 10:33:00 AM »

Tony, Tony, Tony... you should go into politics... you are great and changing the subject and your statements to be the least wrong.

You came right in and in an accusatory manner challenged my stances on the subject at hand and indirectly insulted me (it turns out baselessly).  You presented in support of your accusation a statement as fact.  

This statement turned out not only to be not true, but directly dis proven in the actual story this post is about.

That's all there is to it.  

It's black and white.  You jumped to a flawed conclusion due to your feelings and failed to verify the facts before stating them to be true.

You did EXACTLY what I was talking about!  Do you not see the irony there?

Whether 50 is a significant part of 10 million people or not, it doesn't matter... you said the case was closed, it was limited to the 3 people listed and no one could get in.

Not only did you say so with nothing more than guesses made via a VERY un-informational run in with a secretary, you actually used your flawed assumption to attack someone else's stance.

Now you are trying to hide behind "It's a closed class until I get access to it" when indeed at best it's unknown the status of the class and most likely it's open and there is just a gestation period.

I don't know what real world you live in, but in the warm fuzzy one I live in, bureaucracy (and in law there is no shortage of that) means the wheels turn slowly and there is not always an easy and quick solution to everything.  And just because someone didn't say "oh yes let me get right on that for you" does NOT mean they really said "No, that can't happen".

Come on Tony... I was ready to fess up if I was wrong and had somehow mis interpreted the situation, you are only making yourself look small and petty by continuing to try and twist your statements and the situation.

Man up (or Woman up if that is the case) and just admit you jumped into your wide open mouth with both feet instead of this childish game of trying to allay acceptance of the fact... it's pretty obvious at this point you are wrong but you want to hold out on admitting it until so far in the future no one here will care to find out or not.

If that's really how you want to live your life, if you think that is some how a win... congratulations...

Chancer, can I borrow your sig?  tongue.gif


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« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2008, 10:43:00 AM »

QUOTE(Devedander @ Jan 16 2008, 10:33 PM) View Post

OK did no one read the posts last time this was news?  Are there really that many who are so eager to voice an opinion they don't bother to look at the details before saying something unfounded?  

Look in the last news post about this, I posted there too but to make it short:

1 ITS CLASS ACTION FOLKS!! These guys are not making $300k each... they are suing on behalf of thousands and maybe millions who suffered during the outtages.

2 No, no one can garauntee 100% service coverage, and in case unexpected issues come up, no it would not be right to sue.  But nothing unexpected happened, MS sold a LOT of consoles (which they knew they would) they got a lot of Live signups (which they knew they would) they didn't increase server ability for the influx of new customers (which they knew was coming).   This is not a case of an accidental outtage, it's a case of negligence on their part.  

I said it in the last post, a doctor wouldn't be liable for a scar that came from burning off a wart.  He would be negligeable if he poured nitrogen on your whole arm and scared you badly.  

3 Yes we each only lost a few dollars over this... MS made how many much money for the weeks (actually live is STILL giving a lot of people problems) during those weeks?  Why should they get the profit for time the service failed due to THEIR negligence?

4 Giving away a game could be looked at as making us as consumers whole but it does little to nothing in terms of encouraging MS to avoid this sort of behavior in the future.  

Again, if you are 30 minutes late getting home for curfew, it would be silly to ground you for 30 minutes... you would get grounded for days/weeks right?

5 To those who say we should ONLY get refunds for our 2 weeks have you done the math?  10 million users at $50 a year is $500 million dollars... thats almost $10 million a week...

In 2 weeks MS makes $20 million in Live subscriptions...

$5 million doesn't even cover refunds for 2 weeks!!! If you argue we deserve refunds, well you are then arguing that MS should pay MORE than $5 million!!!  Now there's irony for you.

People voice opinions in the last news thread on this issue that Americans are stupid sue happy morons... that's uncalled for an uneducated, but it sure doesn't help anything when people jump into criticize a situation they haven't even bothered to try to understand thoroughly...

Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt...

I think it's Chancer who's sig says think before you post... it's pretty obvious a lot of people didn't.

Oh and as for MS being limited in how they can tell us how they are fixing live and how close we are... doesn't that mean live is STILL not fixed?  So much for 2 weeks... and I don't need someone to tell me that they are still working on Live... how about this, how about they way they tell us Live works is... WE CAN LOG ON AND USE LIVE RELIABLY?  That's all they have to say!

On #2, where is the proof that MS$ did not plan for the influx of new subscribers? I GUARANTEE in a courtroom MS$ IT staff will show that they did due diligence in server configurations, networking, etc. to handle the new customers. I am sure they will demonstrate that they acted reasonably and prudently in preparing for new customers. Then they will show the information they had from their simulations, etc. They will prove in 5 minutes that the problem was not due to "negligence" as you claim, but due to circumstances that could not have been predicted. I'd bet everything I own on that.

As to #4, how are you defining "makes"? Obviously there is CONSIDERABLE overhead involved in Xbox Live. Internet connections, support staff, developers, hardware, etc. Out of that $500 million I bet MS$ only "makes" $50-100 million, which they probably re-invest into development.

Frivolous lawsuits do not help consumers. They hurt them. MS$ has to subsidize the cost of their services with $ to cover legal expenses because of douchebags like these guys.

Filing a class-action suit, and getting 50 people to join it does not bring validity to the suit. It just shows that there are 49 other people who also want to get paid. Hell, if I thought this case had a chance in hell at winning I'd throw my name on there so I get a check too (if I were a complete douche)... How many people do you think are going to try and get their name on it, JUST INCASE there is a payout?

Another thing, it's real easy to sit on a high horse and dismiss everyone elses views and call them "uneducated" and "childish" because they don't have the same viewpoint. In my experience, the person who claims this educated highground is alwasy the biggest uneducated fool of them all.


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« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2008, 11:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(feflicker @ Jan 18 2008, 10:19 AM) View Post

On #2, where is the proof that MS$ did not plan for the influx of new subscribers? I GUARANTEE in a courtroom MS$ IT staff will show that they did due diligence in server configurations, networking, etc. to handle the new customers. I am sure they will demonstrate that they acted reasonably and prudently in preparing for new customers. Then they will show the information they had from their simulations, etc. They will prove in 5 minutes that the problem was not due to "negligence" as you claim, but due to circumstances that could not have been predicted. I'd bet everything I own on that.

Just like I can't know that MS didn't do enough to prepare for the finlux of users, you can't know or guarantee anything the other way... you may be right, I may be stepping outside my bounds with my statement, but it certainly is odd that in the same breath you accuse someone of it you do it also.

Do you work for MS?  Did you see their strategy?  Do you know something we all don't know?  Please share!

As to #4, how are you defining "makes"? Obviously there is CONSIDERABLE overhead involved in Xbox Live. Internet connections, support staff, developers, hardware, etc. Out of that $500 million I bet MS$ only "makes" $50-100 million, which they probably re-invest into development.

I think you mean #5 but I define makes as "gross revenue acquired".

Live is an entity, the whole dept that is responsible for live is one body.  I do not discern which employees and which rolls my dollars go to, they go to MS Live dept.

Further I don't see the point of your statement... yes their profit is not the same as their gross intake, but that has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

When you take in revenue for a service, then don't provide it, it's not unreasonable to expect you do not keep what you took in for it.  You don't factor out their expenses...

If I pay Best Buy $100 to come out and install my TV, they don't come and I want a refund, I am sure as heck not going to be ok with "$100 - $10 that we spent on advetising,-$5 we spent on certifying our employees -$8 that we pay our bookeepers to process or your order and cancellation etc etc etc grand total $54 refund".  

How much you take in is the least you should be accountable for if you fail.  The point of punitive action is to create an undesirable situation for the company.  If all you took away was profits, then the message it would send is "consistently provide poor quality and no service, then if you are caught, you don't loose anything but if you are not caught you profit like crazy!".

Think about it, when you catch a robber, you don't just take back the stuff he stole and call it even, you also punish him for it.  The point is not to encourage bad behavior.   If you just told a robber "when we catch you we will take back what you stole minus whatever it cost you for gas to get to the persons house and the tools you used to break an entering" who wouldn't be a robber?  At best you come way up and at worst you break even... punitive measures are meant to counter to coming up part, and you don't counter coming up with breaking even.

So there you have it, what I define as "makes" and why operating expenses have nothing to do with what I the point I was making.  

*And I am happy to say it's been quite a while between people making silly comments about my analogies like "you are comparing a robber to a company that had a failure in service" I just want to put a preemptive statement up, if you were going to say that, please don't.  You probably just don't understand how analogys work.

Frivolous lawsuits do not help consumers. They hurt them. MS$ has to subsidize the cost of their services with $ to cover legal expenses because of douchebags like these guys.

No they don't, yes MS will have to subsidize costs, it is in eventuality a closed system.  But that again is flawed logic if you think it means there is no reason to provide punitive measures.

It's a lesser of two evils scenarios... if every business would always act ethically and responsibly, then I think we would all be very happy.

But the fact is they don't, and when they don't there really should be some action taken to reprimand them.  Sure they will hike prices to make up for in the end but that is part of the reprimand, if prices are higher for that business, their sales may suffer from it, it's also a closed system.

While it's easy to say lawsuits don't help consumers, please analyze what complacency does for the consumer... in fact you don't even have to research it much... the results of a society ready to accept poor treatment and shoddy workmanship surround you already.

I agree lawsuits and class action lawsuits are a pretty poor tool overall to deal with the issue, they have some flaws in functionality, are definitely abused at times and are pretty broad hitting with their results, but unfortunately, it is one of the few effective tools  consumers have dealing with big companies.

Filing a class-action suit, and getting 50 people to join it does not bring validity to the suit. It just shows that there are 49 other people who also want to get paid. Hell, if I thought this case had a chance in hell at winning I'd throw my name on there so I get a check too (if I were a complete douche)... How many people do you think are going to try and get their name on it, JUST INCASE there is a payout?

Sure, people may abuse this tool.  And I agree this is hardly a perfect tool for the situation... I wish there were better ways to get businesses attention and make them understand that treating there customers poorly is not acceptable.  But sadly money is a very strong language, and one that businesses understand.

Lawsuits are not a simple black and white solution where there is one cause or one effect, it's all balled up into a big action.  

So yes, some people will wrongly try to get in on the suit, some people may not have actually suffered damages, some people may be hoping for huge wins or support the suit for other than moral reasons.  That is all true.

It doesn't change that lawsuits are the tool that our current system has set in place to appeal a decision to a higher power when you feel you have been wronged.

They are often annoying and have many negative sides, I wish we didn't have to lawsuits all over either... but then I wish my tax dollars weren't going to paying for jails and inmates housing and health care, I wish we didn't have to spend so much money on cops and law enforcement... but as imperfect as those solutions are, they are what we have and what the system is set up to handle.  

If you can find a better solution, please do!  But until then it might be best to consider the whole value of a situation, not just one negative side of it.

Arguing that class actions suites as a whole or any one in particular is good or bad is like arguing that a 360 is better than a PS3 or vice versa.  There is no such delineation... it's a complex mix of pros and cons... the best you can do is when making statements of opinion in regard to either subject, try to be sure of your facts and reasons and apply logical statements, not emotional attacks.

Another thing, it's real easy to sit on a high horse and dismiss everyone elses views and call them "uneducated" and "childish" because they don't have the same viewpoint. In my experience, the person who claims this educated highground is alwasy the biggest uneducated fool of them all.

Sure it is, and often they are... the only bigger fool than one who wrongfully claims to be righteous and high, is one who makes claims about that person... also without base...

If you would like to read my post and fairly consider the points I made, I think you will see that first off, I don't claim to be on a high horse at all... I just voice my opinions which I back up with reasons and facts.  Sure they are still opinions, but that's all any of us has, is opinions.  The difference is I try to make sure mine are based of valid reasons and solid foundations.

If you have actually bothered to read what I wrong and think it through, please feel free to question what I say in a logical and creative manner, I take no offense to creative criticism.

If you want to resort to ad hominem attacks without base or backing, well I can't really stop you, but you only damage your own image in the process.
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