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Author Topic: Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage  (Read 630 times)


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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #45 on: January 07, 2008, 12:31:00 AM »

Ok im all for sueing microsoft or for that fact any company , that does not supply the service that thay take money from you to supply...
yup common sence does not always come into play when some people sue.. But in this case i feel M$ has known that there xbox live service has been near max from halo3 release that got them peaktime lags in a big way..
And COD4 had problems from the release date and when Christmas came , xbox live just gave up in the evenings and still does..
So M$ didnt just get caught cold by all the sign ups over christmass thay new this was going to happen, and thats why the wall of silence from them..I mean , who would not with 2 huge A+++ release and the Christmas sales..
Anything thay say or admit could and would be used against them in court and there is no quick fix for this xbox live problem.  server and bandwidth take time to bring online..
So again i have spent meny evenings over Christmas not playing on xbox live when i would of liked to be playing, and feel M$ have taken money and not suppled the goods in a working way that im happy to pay for..
it sayz gameplay may be affected by your online experience sort of imply you can get online to have a game experience, which  you can if you keep trying to be fair.
But how much trying and how intermittent has a service got to be before its not working...
yup you dont know, niether do i !
So how do we decide whats fair and whats not, whats working and when is it not working..
Yup you go to court and let the court decide, you dont let M$ decide, and you dont let let them hide behind there Term of use, as no court will let them hide behind unfair terms of use..
We need to take M$ to court and give them a puplic spanking, we need to stand up and say we are  not happy with this service. We need to make sure m$ does its job properly and is left in no dout that its not exceptable to have a live service that does not work for meny of its users.
When thay want to use it..
And lets be in no dout about this, the reason there is a xbox under my telly and not a PS3 is xbox live, and when xbox live dont work im not a happy bunny..
And getting onto two weeks and not working properly and still counting , and every evening.
 sayz this and like posts will grow and grow, as more live users hopefully voice there views...



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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #46 on: January 07, 2008, 12:40:00 PM »

QUOTE(feflicker @ Jan 4 2008, 10:27 PM) View Post


Note to all non-US people reading this: We are not all this stupid in America. Some of us are actually decent people with common sense.

Being a Canadian I feel for you....must be an embarassing day for the US population with brains... blink.gif


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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2008, 01:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(looneeii @ Jan 7 2008, 09:16 PM) View Post

Being a Canadian I feel for you....must be an embarassing day for the US population with brains... blink.gif

 Not that embarrassing, considering the ToS is something that's electronically agreed to (most people don't read it, and there's no system in place to even attempt to make sure you read it first). A competant 5 or 6 year old  can easily establish an account; anyone US citizen under the age of 18 is not allowed to enter a binding legal contract without written consent stating a parent/guardian approves the contract as well.

 What this means is that all the US LIVE users who are minors, are totally exempt from ToS conditions, unless a parent/guardian signed as well.

 Throughout this thread, I've noticed many users seem to feel that this downtime should only be looked at as a <$4 loss. Ever heard the phrase "time is money"? Well, if I've "set aside" time, whether I choose to play videogames with it, or whatever, it's the same as me forgoing money. I could have used my time for something more productive, or at least more satisfying. If I just bought a game, and everybody I know is buying it around the same time, and I schedule time for a big LIVE COD4 match or whatever, but I can't connect to any of my buddies, it's more than an annoyance. What if I wanted to use vacation time to play these games with friends that are no where near me? Now my plans to play with my friends are ruined, yet the people responsible for this occurance don't even have to fake an apology to me?

Most of us don't subscribe by the month, either, so it's impossible to threaten MS that we'll discontinue our subscription (like you can do with your phone/cable or satellite/ISP etc. company), when we've still got 8 months (or whatever) still tied to our account, because it was all paid for in advance.

 Long story short, here's the main points:

* If you pay for a subscription service, the company offering the service is expected to keep it working.
* ANYbody of ANY age can agree to the ToS, whether they can be legally bound to it or not
* Most people probably don't read the ToS (no attempt to encourage users to read)
* The ToS for a videogame console are MUCH longer and strict than that of any other subscription service...ever
* Acess to Live doesn't come with dedicated servers; for using our own bandwidth why shouldn't it work?



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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #48 on: January 08, 2008, 04:48:00 PM »

I've just skimmed through a few of these posts, and for all those who think this is a good thing - you are an embarrassment to the human race  grr.gif

If I go out for a $60 meal, and it's as crappy as a $20 meal, should I sue the restaurant for $5million?!?

I don't think so.



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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #49 on: January 08, 2008, 05:05:00 PM »

QUOTE(ChadH @ Jan 9 2008, 01:48 AM) View Post

I've just skimmed through a few of these posts, and for all those who think this is a good thing - you are an embarrassment to the human race  grr.gif

If I go out for a $60 meal, and it's as crappy as a $20 meal, should I sue the restaurant for $5million?!?

I don't think so.


I realy do not see how you can compair you going out for a meal and meny millions of live users not being able to use there xbox live accounts, works..


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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2008, 09:58:00 PM »

This is why our country needs a change.  Vote these libs out.


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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #51 on: January 09, 2008, 10:14:00 PM »

QUOTE(DJdad @ Jan 10 2008, 06:34 AM) View Post

This is why our country needs a change.  Vote these libs out.

Remember this, both sides screw us about the same.


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Microsoft Sued over Xbox LIVE Outage
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2008, 03:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(BionicBert @ Jan 9 2008, 01:41 AM) View Post

I realy do not see how you can compair you going out for a meal and meny millions of live users not being able to use there xbox live accounts, works..

It's all about the value of money.
These people lost 2 - 3 % (tops) of the value of their service - so as compensation, they should look to get compensation of about 12c. Microsoft are giving away a free XBox LA game well in excess of that cost.

If my meal was crap, I would expect to pay less, or get it for free.

$5m - that is just complete bollocks.

How many services do you subscribe to that have 100% up time? My mobile phone does not work 100% of the time, my home phones were cut off for two weeks through no fault of my own, my electricity/gas suppliers don't know their arses from their elbows - should I sue all three of them.

What you have to remember is that if they win, that money has to come from somewhere, and it'll be us that foots the bill. A couple of dollars on top of the current live fee is no big deal for most people, but you just think about those texans sitting on their new yacht's when that price rise comes.
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