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Author Topic: Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live  (Read 548 times)


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2007, 02:06:00 PM »

they do live is supposed to be 18+ you cant even make a account without a valid cc debit or otherwise. live provides no such info to there users like names numbers and so on. so blaming m$ isnt gonna work there system has such protection. im not condoning the pervs actions 1 bit but he got the info because it was made public info on myspace. this is a classic case of not putting your info on the net to be found.

theres other ways of getting info even if its not posted if he grabbed the ip address but in this case it was not what happond.


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2007, 02:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(the_nerdy @ Dec 31 2007, 06:29 AM) View Post

Hate to say it, but this is why Ratings for games and movies and etc or important.

1) Xbox Live should be setup to know what ages everyone is playing with.

2) Parents should be able to setup Live to only play games with certain ages of people.

3) There is no proof that the guy was sending the messages, he will probably end up walking.
(Since reasonable doubt exists extermly in the situation)

4) If Microsoft and other gaming industrys legalized this standard, it would not take place most likely in the first place.

You must either be an "Analysis" or an "Expert"...because you made a bunch of broad statements without providing anything usefull to back them up.
1)  How in the world would it be possible to absolutely verify the age of someone over the internet?  Anyone can lie.
2)  Easy enough, but what stops an adult from pretending to be a young kid and playing those games?
3)  Despite the headline, several text messages were sent over a phone, not XBOX live.  (Remember he was driving) A text message sent via phone always has a record.  The fact that he was actually driving by when he sent a text message is alot more then a simple coincidence and is more then reasonable doubt.
4)  It's illegal to kill, steal, etc. but that doesn't stop the people who choose to do those things.  So explain to us, how is some legalized standard going to stop it from happening again?

88 Ecko Unltd 88

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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2007, 02:58:00 PM »

he deserves whatever the court system gives him, hope fully add some charges and put him on like a sex offender list as well happy.gif


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2007, 05:35:00 PM »

god damn loser... people like this don't deserve the internet or any communication system... they should be put in a cold place to dig their own graves

hope he will go to prison and learn what it feels like to be on the wrong side of rape... maybe that way he will learn just what kind of asshole he is

on my list there is nothing worse than perdophiles and rapists... if he is screwed up enough to stalk, he will eventually make the leap and assault


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2007, 05:54:00 PM »

not that raping anybody is cool, but honestly if your gonna rape someone who calls them too say "Hey I'm going to rape you call the police" ffs this just shows the intelligence the guy has.


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2007, 07:53:00 PM »

try and stop me attitude at age 20 is sad.  But kids who grow up not receiving attention/love from their mother end up like this guy. It's part of evolution those who don't bond close relationship with a mother figure growing up, end up full of rage and they act out shit like this it's sad cause they can't trust anyone.  Sorry going off topic but the parents of the girl really gotta step in that's what the xbox parental control is for!!


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2007, 08:20:00 PM »

QUOTE(JohnnyVegas @ Jan 1 2008, 12:41 AM) View Post

Some seem to forget one thing... Kids are complete morons. I was a total idiot even though I got great grades and all that. Kids are just idiots and will find a way to get into trouble. They will allways make bad decions. It's a job of a parent to teach them but tools to help us avoid those that can lead to stuff like this is essentional.

 No, kids are smart. If you have kids, watch 'em. See how quickly they absorb something and apply it. Witness a 3 year old quickly out-wit your cookie hiding strategies, and build a way to climb up the fridge.

 Kids also will not always make bad decisions. Of course, in one's lifetime, there will be mistakes and bad decisions. Fortunately, paying too much money for car insurance doesn't have to be one of them.


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2007, 09:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(Chancer @ Dec 31 2007, 07:29 AM) View Post

You either don't have children or you are very naive. the nature of kids is that you can lead them along a path all you like. You can warn them of all the dangers in the world and keep an eye on them but when you are not present you are not in control. To blame parents of the girl for this is totally out of order.
If you want a practical example.
 My 11 year old girl went missing in the summer. She was allowed to the end of the street and no further (we live 2 doors in), she has been brought up to respect people. She has had numerous instructions on the dangers in life, strangers and such and I would have said no way she would go off. Turns out the person who took her was an old drunken woman. The woman locked her in her house and it was 6 hours before she got away.
The police support officer asked why she had gone with the woman. It turned out she was scared the woman would hurt her if she didn't.
Trust me my kids are on a very tight leash and always have been, but once they are not in your sight for a few minutes, you no longer have any control over them.
 So don't start moralising about the parents. This girl may have been lectured and supervised, but once alone still thought she knew better.
Parents need any help that is available to ensure that extra piece of safety for their kids, including parental controls.
What a ridiculous comment.. Nobody deserves that no matter what.
You will be telling us next "girls who wear short skirts, are asking to be raped"
You should be ashamed of comments like that.

Very sorry to hear about the kid,   I would be freaked if happened to me.

But, girls wearing short mini skirts are asking to be raped.   If they aren't into sex, why would they need to show off body parts then?   You show off what you want others to see.   I know, if I was into the whole rape thing, I'd take someone with less clothes then fully clothed.  And that has been proven in polls what most people look for.  Not all, most.

QUOTE(g8crapachino @ Dec 31 2007, 04:04 PM) View Post

You must either be an "Analysis" or an "Expert"...because you made a bunch of broad statements without providing anything usefull to back them up.
1)  How in the world would it be possible to absolutely verify the age of someone over the internet?  Anyone can lie.
2)  Easy enough, but what stops an adult from pretending to be a young kid and playing those games?
3)  Despite the headline, several text messages were sent over a phone, not XBOX live.  (Remember he was driving) A text message sent via phone always has a record.  The fact that he was actually driving by when he sent a text message is alot more then a simple coincidence and is more then reasonable doubt.
4)  It's illegal to kill, steal, etc. but that doesn't stop the people who choose to do those things.  So explain to us, how is some legalized standard going to stop it from happening again?

Remember, she put her info up, he called, the mother changed the number, and she put her new info/number up on the web.  (Shows right there the parents never taught her to not put up personal info, and the parents never bothered to look at her myspace page.

You can train the worlds best person to not rob a bank, and they might still do it.

Also, you are correct, I do not blame microsoft at all, not their fault in any way.  However, the options they got allrady, can't talk to anyone not on your list.   That would be great. What am I saying, that is great.  BUt if we could make gameplay that way now, that would even be better.

I know i'm not goign to take the time to watch my childs video games every second of the day.  And I'm a great parent.   Remember, wehn you sign up to live, you can't change your age or anything again.  So your stuck with what you setup, so that could work. But it would make it harderif someone signs up looking for 15 year olds to find your 7 year old at least.

This rebutal between us could go on forever,  but the more control you got, the better off you are right?

So by having more options, this gives you more control over your child.


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2008, 06:02:00 AM »

But, girls wearing short mini skirts are asking to be raped. If they aren't into sex, why would they need to show off body parts then? You show off what you want others to see. I know, if I was into the whole rape thing, I'd take someone with less clothes then fully clothed. And that has been proven in polls what most people look for. Not all, most.

 Now you really are worrying me. You need professional help. never have I seen such comments. You read polls on girls being raped? You think anyone deserves that?
You have never heard of fashion?
 See a psychiatrist as soon as you can. You are a ticking bomb.

xlx Methos xlx

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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2008, 05:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(Chancer @ Jan 1 2008, 02:38 PM) View Post

Now you really are worrying me. You need professional help. never have I seen such comments. You read polls on girls being raped? You think anyone deserves that?
You have never heard of fashion?
 See a psychiatrist as soon as you can. You are a ticking bomb.

It is probably a proven fact that girls that wear really skimpy clothes are more likely to get attacked than a girl that wears really baggy sweats, is not really the point.  The point is that NO ONE deserves the mental torment that is associated to being raped.  A very high percentage of girls that are raped are subject to drug, alchol, and suicide more than other young girls that haven't been raped.  

This still goes back to say that NO ONE deserves this kind of torture, because that is exactly what it is, is torture to the girl to live with it.


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Man arrested for stalking girls via Xbox Live
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2008, 07:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(xlx Methos xlx @ Jan 1 2008, 07:34 PM) View Post

It is probably a proven fact that girls that wear really skimpy clothes are more likely to get attacked than a girl that wears really baggy sweats, is not really the point.  The point is that NO ONE deserves the mental torment that is associated to being raped.  A very high percentage of girls that are raped are subject to drug, alchol, and suicide more than other young girls that haven't been raped.  

This still goes back to say that NO ONE deserves this kind of torture, because that is exactly what it is, is torture to the girl to live with it.

Well put, that is exactly how I feel about it as well.   The only thing is,  a person should ask themself what could I have done to prevent it rather then why me.

Example,  Did I really need to wear almost nothing?  No, you still could of worn descent clothes and looked hot and not have had it happen.

The girl could of learned that hey, he knows my myspace page,  so why should I put up my new number since he is calling the cell?  And what is a 15 year old doing with her own cell phone?   That is nuts.   I think there is more to the story that she at first wanted him to come there.  I just can't see some guy driving 40 hours straight.   Of course, a sicko would do that so I guess  I can.

But, maybe she told him to come, then the number got changed on myspace and she no longer wanted to meet him since her parents found out?  And then he called the cell phone again after he looked up the new number and told her and her sister that he was going to rape them.  She might of even lied about her age, and if that happened to me, I'd be pretty pissed.  

BUt still, that has gone too far.

And if she did play him and etc, I have to say the girl should be doing jail time.  Him a little, but the girl a lot. People need to learn this kind of stuff and isn't fair to just play someone.

Does anyone know this guys name, because I'm curious about his backround check.
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