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Author Topic: Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*  (Read 1732 times)


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2007, 05:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(G0t M4xx 21 @ Dec 30 2007, 04:49 PM) View Post

yeah no go here, it tries to sign in, says something like "2 friends online" then gets stuck on the swirly thing (everyone else is calling it that), disconnects, then goes back to "connect to xbox live"

I get the same thing. I thought it was because of the router at the house I'm at currently (I don't have access to the web interface-- yet it worked at 2am the past 3 nights.. Pacific time).

Now I'm failing at the IP address part of the network test:

W: 0000 - 000B
X: 4000 - 1001
Y: 0000 - 0000
Z: 0000 - 0000

From what I hear, W is the user side connection type (currently wired ntsc console w/ "moderate" NAT) and X is the server side.. So easily blamed on Xbox Live.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #91 on: December 30, 2007, 05:44:00 PM »

I know some you are saying this is there first real problem but the truth is LIVE has not been the same since sept 25th when halo 3 came out.  It has been down several times since then and even when they give they OK and say everything is working again it just doesn't feel as fast or smooth as it once did.  At least in my opinion.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #92 on: December 30, 2007, 05:59:00 PM »

QUOTE(DarkRanger @ Dec 30 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

Yes it's the fault of the US people.
Think a bit logical will ya,
US bigger then Europe,
therefor they have more people,
less people in EU play Xbox Live, when it's day here everyone sleeps in the US,
therefor less people on Xbox Live,
eventually when the people in the US wake up there's an overlapping part where both people in the EU and US are using Xbox Live,
dun dun duuuun,

oh and fyi, it's nothing personal against the US, but the most people in EU & US use xbox live

 laugh.gif .. Everything is always the US's fault, Lets blame the US.. The US Giveth and Taketh away..  laugh.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #93 on: December 30, 2007, 06:29:00 PM »

well not been able to get on for days.  Now just manage to get on do an update to pg3 and it says I'm banned from Live!

My console has never been opened so WTF am I banned!

Rebooted console and now can't get on live at all.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #94 on: December 30, 2007, 06:40:00 PM »

I'd be suprised this is a capacity issue.  M$ have too much experience in this area after so many years, not to mention they themselves are vendors of server technologies and monitoring tools.

I say Xbox LIVE has been HACKED and is under some kind of attack, although M$ will never admit to the fact.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #95 on: December 30, 2007, 06:44:00 PM »

well not been able to get on for days. Now just manage to get on do an update to pg3 and it says I'm banned from Live!

My console has never been opened so WTF am I banned!

Rebooted console and now can't get on live at all.

Another wrongful banning... M$ really f-ed up this time and they will never admit it... this is so F-ING RIDICULOUS!


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #96 on: December 30, 2007, 07:19:00 PM »

The reason why we pay for our online multiplayer is to have a flawless service like LIVE, for the preventable issues i am suffering, i demand a free month be added to my account. Winter break is my main window for halo  3 time, i dont want that time wasted


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #97 on: December 30, 2007, 07:37:00 PM »

Lets see how much their phones can handle.  How about everyone call support on the half hour. laugh.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #98 on: December 30, 2007, 08:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(Jerk29 @ Dec 30 2007, 10:49 PM) View Post

Somehow, I have a hard time believing that a janitor would have access to the "inside of the glass," and be responsible for actually cleaning the server rack tiers.

Jerk was just jivin with


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #99 on: December 30, 2007, 09:24:00 PM »

QUOTE(the_nerdy @ Dec 31 2007, 12:40 AM) View Post

It is Microsoft,  People seriously didn't see this happening?

Sony offers stability.  THey have trouble at first, but once kinks are worked out,  It is great.
My friends have both consoles and never heard of any down time really with the PS3 troubles on the network.

I heard it is slow downloading, but the game play speed is just fine.

Uhm.. last i checked, Sony has sold just about half as many PS3's as 360's.. and they really don't even have a "online" foundation besides the PS Store. There is no way you can even begin to compare the playstation network to the xbox live network.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #100 on: December 30, 2007, 10:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(JCDenton@AS @ Dec 29 2007, 10:21 AM) View Post

If you cant even use the service you cant comment. If your stupid enough to get banned and stupid enough to buy a ps3 we dont even want you to comment.

The ps3 service is awful. I cant even see any diffrence on xbl playing halo 3 and pgr4 anyways.

Let me clarify..  I own more than 1 Xbox 360 so yes I can still get on if I wanted too.  But since I've been enjoying the PS3 a lot more lately I have no want/need to connect to Live so these problems don't effect me.  Stupid enough to get banned?   You don't know my situation and as many people have been banned for doing nothing but playing their system as it was designed to do.    Maybe you missed the many threads on the Xbox forums about consoles being banned for no good reason?

Stupid enough to buy a PS3?   The PS3 has a lot to offer and exlcusives that the 360 will never see(and vice versa) and here you are saying the PS3 service is awful when it is actually working while the brilliant XBL is having a ton of issues..  Yes XBL has a lot of features that PSN doesn't, but it's getting there and given the same time frame XBL has had to establish itself(5 years) the PSN will eventually match it.

Just because I don't share your same viewpoints doesn't make my comments any less post worthy..



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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #101 on: December 30, 2007, 11:03:00 PM »

QUOTE(PerfectGun @ Dec 31 2007, 02:12 AM) View Post

Let me clarify..  I own more than 1 Xbox 360 so yes I can still get on if I wanted too.  But since I've been enjoying the PS3 a lot more lately I have no want/need to connect to Live so these problems don't effect me.  Stupid enough to get banned?   You don't know my situation and as many people have been banned for doing nothing but playing their system as it was designed to do.    Maybe you missed the many threads on the Xbox forums about consoles being banned for no good reason?

Stupid enough to buy a PS3?   The PS3 has a lot to offer and exlcusives that the 360 will never see(and vice versa) and here you are saying the PS3 service is awful when it is actually working while the brilliant XBL is having a ton of issues..  Yes XBL has a lot of features that PSN doesn't, but it's getting there and given the same time frame XBL has had to establish itself(5 years) the PSN will eventually match it.

Just because I don't share your same viewpoints doesn't make my comments any less post worthy..

Here is a great comment from someone from Engadget..

"Here's a hint why sony's online thing isn't down; no one's using it."

I own both the 360 and the PS3, and there is no contest when it comes to the online content. The 360 wins by a longshot.. so please dont even try to make a case that the PS network is even close to better. When they get a surge of 3 million new members in a short period of time like this holiday season.. we'll see if their network holds up. No one is immune to this kind of problem.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #102 on: December 31, 2007, 03:10:00 AM »

I've had xbox live for almost two years now and this is the first time I have had any problems with it at all. Although I think it's bad PR for MS of having theese problems I do also understand that things like this could happen now and then, stop biching on MS as I'm sure they are doing all they can to remedy the situation.

I just have to play more SP and less MP for a few days, not such a big deal. Many people in this thread should need to calm down and perhaps leave their console for a few days and so some IRL stuff instead.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #103 on: December 31, 2007, 07:13:00 AM »

QUOTE(stevey5036 @ Dec 31 2007, 06:39 AM) View Post

Here is a great comment from someone from Engadget..

"Here's a hint why sony's online thing isn't down; no one's using it."

Strange I don't seem to have any problem finding opponents within  a couple of seconds.

the_nerdy, you don't have either a 360 or a PS3. How can anyone take your comments seriously if you don't use either service?


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #104 on: December 31, 2007, 07:56:00 AM »

Not sure why so many people are trashing the PSN.  It may not be at the capacity of XBL but consider the fact that XBL has been around since 2002.  The PSN as it's known now (before Home - Spring '08) has only been around since 2006.  Four years of being a paid service vs 1&1/2 of free service...C'mon... Of course the infrastructure will be better and more robust.  

I personally have 2 360 Premiums and 1 PS3 80GB.  

I have had the PS3 since Nov 06 and did not like the issues regarding multiplayer via Wifi being sluggish and laggy at first, but over the year things have improved and I have not paid a single dollar for it. The 360s I've had for 3 months now and honestly I like XBL for Halo 3, TDU, Ace Combat 6, COD 4 and Madden 08.  I've found for the fact that I'm paying 30$ for 13 months...not a bad cost to play but this past month has been flaky and the fact that each profile needs a live account to play online are my only gripes.

So for those that trash PSN, there's no need.  It's a free's not going to be as good as a paid service due to money being generated to sustain it.  But I think M$ should realize that since they are charging a regular 60$ for 12 months...that more people will complain and issues may occur as a result of poor XBL delays and problems.


  • Excellent Matchmaking
  • Quick speed when working
  • More robust feel and interaction

  • Price (Not Free although not too expensive)
  • Each profile on teh 360 requires and online Live account to play together vs others on MP
  • Problems regarding Lag, account sign in, marketplace DLs (Dec '07)
  • M$ points - money making scheme


  • Free
  • Easy matchmaking
  • Plenty of good downloads for demos and addons
  • Can connect to PSP games and MP thru them.
  • Friends can be ported to PSP

  • Laggy at times in certain games
  • A little lack lustre in the full content and movie downloads.
  • No interaction with a messenger interface
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