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Author Topic: Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*  (Read 1725 times)


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2007, 01:56:00 AM »

QUOTE(mduga @ Dec 29 2007, 01:43 AM) View Post

I think its finally time to call in and bitch and get a free month for this.



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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2007, 05:49:00 AM »

I just got a 360 for xmas. It is an impressive machine, but I gotta say... I do IT/tech stuff for a living, and the problems I had getting signed up for live nearly had me returning the damn thing. First, it reported FAILURE on the MTU part of the network tests. Clicking on "Show details" brought up a fookin completely blank screen. Leafing through all of the stuff that came with it didn't mention a single thing about MTU.

OK, so Googling revealed that I needed the NIC on the PC to be set to a minimum of 1364, and it was at 1300 (2 nics, ICS, no router). Diagnosed and fixed that no problem. No thanks to, or the 360 itself. Next, it got all the way down to the "Xbox Live" test, and guess what - FAILURE. Again, no reason given. I just ran the test again, and it passed.

Next came the process of actually signing up during this madness - retry after retry when seeing the "could not connect to the Xbox Live service". I'm telling you, if I weren't used to dealing with tech problems, I'd have smashed the thing against the wall. I'm still seeing the spinny progress indicator for several minutes at a time on most screens - happens every hour or so. This is DEFINITELY not a good time for XBL problems, when so many people are just firing up their xmas 360 for the first time - especially when the machine itself already has a bad reputation from so many problems in the past. 9x out of 10, people (especially n00bs) will interpret the Xbox Live problems as just "My Xbox doesn't work" - especially when the unit's error report is vague or missing completely.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2007, 06:08:00 AM »

QUOTE(turner3d @ Dec 29 2007, 07:25 AM) View Post

I just got a 360 for xmas. It is an impressive machine, but I gotta say... I do IT/tech stuff for a living, and the problems I had getting signed up for live nearly had me returning the damn thing. First, it reported FAILURE on the MTU part of the network tests. Clicking on "Show details" brought up a fookin completely blank screen. Leafing through all of the stuff that came with it didn't mention a single thing about MTU.

OK, so Googling revealed that I needed the NIC on the PC to be set to a minimum of 1364, and it was at 1300 (2 nics, ICS, no router). Diagnosed and fixed that no problem. No thanks to, or the 360 itself. Next, it got all the way down to the "Xbox Live" test, and guess what - FAILURE. Again, no reason given. I just ran the test again, and it passed.

Next came the process of actually signing up during this madness - retry after retry when seeing the "could not connect to the Xbox Live service". I'm telling you, if I weren't used to dealing with tech problems, I'd have smashed the thing against the wall. I'm still seeing the spinny progress indicator for several minutes at a time on most screens - happens every hour or so. This is DEFINITELY not a good time for XBL problems, when so many people are just firing up their xmas 360 for the first time - especially when the machine itself already has a bad reputation from so many problems in the past. 9x out of 10, people (especially n00bs) will interpret the Xbox Live problems as just "My Xbox doesn't work" - especially when the unit's error report is vague or missing completely.

Why did you set your MTU to 1300 in the first place? The default value for an Ethernet connection is 1500....


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2007, 06:20:00 AM »

 I could understand if it were a free service, like on PS3, but it's not.

 That implies that the PSN is rubbish. People would be quite surprised. A lot of comments are based on the old PS2 offering but this time round the service is good. No issues over Xmas for me at all. In fact if XBL is down I simply hit Fifa 08 online on the PS3
 It may be touted as crap but it is the free service that is currently working well.
Come on MS get your act together. I have just signed back up for live and so far have got no playing hours from it due to issues at your end. new 360 owners will be distinctly unimpressed


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2007, 08:26:00 AM »

QUOTE(ric27 @ Dec 29 2007, 03:03 PM) View Post

I signed on for a full year and if this shit continues I will cancel my so called 'gold' membership...

I tried to download the GoW hidden front map and got the dreaded bs This item is not available from your current location plus I'm also getting it with the NEW Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom Demo...

WTF??? Whats the point of buying a game if you cannot download additional content because MS sayz..."This item is not available from your current location. Microsoft keeps dropping the ball on this issue

Complete bs, I tells ya....PSN, here I come

Oh come on, I know its a pain but theres no need to go on like a 3 year old about it, in 5 years xbl has been down a handfull of occasions. PSN is no where near as refined as xbl. Stop crying about it. It wont be long before its back up.

nuke field ET

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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2007, 09:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(tezza192 @ Dec 29 2007, 11:02 AM) View Post

Oh come on, I know its a pain but theres no need to go on like a 3 year old about it, in 5 years xbl has been down a handfull of occasions. PSN is no where near as refined as xbl. Stop crying about it. It wont be long before its back up.

The point is, you're paying $50 a year (or 3 months equivalent) for a "premium" service.  I wouldn't call a premium service "premium" if every other time I tried to log on, it shits itself and doesn't let me log on.  
Also, yes, there hasn't been many problems in the past, but it seems as if the more accounts that are made from new users, the more frequent these problems are occurring.  Microsoft should have planned well in advance for the holiday period, where a much larger influx of accounts are attempting to sign on, especially since most of everyone's off for the holidays.

So far, their record has been terrible... First, widespread hardware issues... Then issues with the halo 3 legendary edition set, with the games being scratched... now, issues with their Live service.  They keep digging themselves a deeper hole.. sleep.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2007, 09:24:00 AM »

They may be digging a whole more and more, but people keep on supporting/buying the products, so if you really want to do something about this, go sonys way, the more that go that way, the more widespread it will turn out to be in the future.

But, everyone will keep supporting  a company that just $&48  on you.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2007, 09:33:00 AM »

QUOTE(tezza192 @ Dec 29 2007, 04:02 PM) View Post

Oh come on, I know its a pain but theres no need to go on like a 3 year old about it, in 5 years xbl has been down a handfull of occasions. PSN is no where near as refined as xbl. Stop crying about it. It wont be long before its back up.

PSN has one big advantage right now and over the Xmas period. It's working.
 The odd outage is acceptable. this has gone on with live issues for over a week now.
 Doesn't matter to me I have both consoles but some of these guys will have got live for Xmas or whatever and are unable to use it.

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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2007, 09:37:00 AM »

for its cost,over a 1 year period... for most ppl xboxlive is peanuts!!!! and well worth the cost..

i have owned all 3 of the top consoles,and the only one i never sold on ebay was my Elite...

live problems are few and far between-ok,over xmas its been unacceptable and very frustrating..and luckily doesnt happen very often. when its up and running,it has the best online service for any console in the past and now and for the future.. FACT!!  MS will get their act together and fix these problems ,and us gamers will forget it ever happended,coz we will have our heads burried in cod4  biggrin.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2007, 09:45:00 AM »

Doesn't effect or matter to me because I'm banned and am enjoying my PS3 now.

If you cant even use the service you cant comment. If your stupid enough to get banned and stupid enough to buy a ps3 we dont even want you to comment.

The ps3 service is awful. I cant even see any diffrence on xbl playing halo 3 and pgr4 anyways.


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2007, 10:17:00 AM »

QUOTE(JCDenton@AS @ Dec 29 2007, 05:21 PM) View Post

If you cant even use the service you cant comment. If your stupid enough to get banned and stupid enough to buy a ps3 we dont even want you to comment.

The ps3 service is awful. I cant even see any diffrence on xbl playing halo 3 and pgr4 anyways.

He has as much right to comment as you have. So quit pretending you decide what people post.
 Perhaps you ought to keep quiet about the PS3 service unless you have some experienced constructive criticism based on experience.

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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2007, 10:42:00 AM »

QUOTE(Chancer @ Dec 29 2007, 05:53 PM) View Post

He has as much right to comment as you have. So quit pretending you decide what people post.
 Perhaps you ought to keep quiet about the PS3 service unless you have some experienced constructive criticism based on experience.

i have experienced the ps3,wii and of course the 360.... IMO...

xbox360 is way,way,way out in front,by a long mile!!!!!

ps3 online service is only JUST better than the ps2 is/was!

and the wii is a good effort,for Nintendo's first online console..

this all contributed in me selling the ps3/wii.... out of all my family and friends,only 1 of my family members is a Sony fanboy,the resy are 360.... but there's a long way to go yet,but im happy with my choice-very  smile.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2007, 10:57:00 AM »

QUOTE(tezza192 @ Dec 29 2007, 11:02 AM) View Post

Oh come on, I know its a pain but theres no need to go on like a 3 year old about it, in 5 years xbl has been down a handfull of occasions. PSN is no where near as refined as xbl. Stop crying about it. It wont be long before its back up.

Technical issues happen even to the most adept student of any market....I can live with that

The problem, I have is why something that is now FREE (Hidden front maps or the Circle of Doom demo) is restricted?

I'm paying for this service and I have every right to bitch about it  grr.gif



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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2007, 10:58:00 AM »

Hello Fellow Gamers.  Nobody's perfect. Meaning that the Xblive isn't perfect. It's the BEST online console service, but it's not perfect. As soon as they have a little problem, you all b1tch @ moan like little children   mad.gif  (hhhmmm... you might be little children)  blink.gif . So give them a little slack people.

We have a service that has; online movies, Tv shows, carttoons/anime, multiplayer gaming, voice/video/text (messaging & chat) etc.. The other companies wish they had the features & service that Xblive & M$ have brought to the gaming industry. I for one am very glad they did. for 5 years the Xblive service has grown & will continue to evolve to be even better. SONY & Nintendo are trying to play catchup with 5 years of online gaming that M$ has established. That's not going to be easy.

They (Sony, Nintendo) need to have their structure similar to Xblive. Like; unified logon for every user, ability to chat (via voice/video/text) in any game @ any time to anyone online. etc.. I'm not going to list every feature, but you get the picture (understand).

As of right now 12:28 EST 12/29/2007 The Xblive service is doing great. So enjoy it.  cool.gif


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Xbox LIVE Still Experiencing Issues *Update4: Broken again*
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2007, 11:26:00 AM »

He has as much right to comment as you have. So quit pretending you decide what people post.
Perhaps you ought to keep quiet about the PS3 service unless you have some experienced constructive criticism based on experience.

Your right no one has right to decide what people post (looks at a mile long list of people banned for posting there opinion on this forum). As for constructive criticism i think they should grow some balls and charge people for the service and get some income behind it and make a real online service and not  a small half arsed one.
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