
Author Topic: Arcade Games Online Only...  (Read 98 times)


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Arcade Games Online Only...
« on: April 05, 2007, 03:19:00 AM »

Hey, I sent my console in a while ago and got a refurbished one back. Now I see on the front page that they are trying to send all original consoles back to their owners...which would have solved my problem. I can only play my xbox live arcade games when my 360 is online, because the licenses are on the console that I sent in, although the files themselves are on the harddrive that I kept when I sent in my 360.

I called yesterday and was on the phone for a whole with three different people jumping through hoops explaining my problem. All for the end result of of me waiting for them to call me back in 20 to 25 days with a solution to my problem. I was so tired of being on the phone that I agreed and gave up. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I'm really thinking about calling them back tomorrow and asking to talk to a supervisor right away in an attempt to expedite the solution to my problem.

On a side note, the console that I got back is even louder than the one that I had before...grrr. I'm just really frustrated right now. Any tips?


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Arcade Games Online Only...
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2007, 08:34:00 AM »

This is a common problem and it's really "defective by design".

When you buy an XBLA game (or any XBL content for that matter) it attaches itself to your profile on MS's XBL servers and it attaches itself to the motherboard in your console; presumably the content itself gets infused with something that identifies which console it belongs to (some kind of serial number I assume).

That means that the only way for the console to validate that the content you've purchased actually belongs to you it must either
A. connect to the Xbox Live servers and see that the gamertag is on the list of approved owners for the content
B. check the console code embeded in the content and see if it matches the console it's being played on.

MS sent you a different console (or at least a different mobo) so option A is the only way it can validate.

As of right now the ONLY solution is the following
1. Create a new XBL Silver account on your console
2. Call MS and convince them to credit that account the amount of MS points needed to re-purchase all of your content.
3. Delete all of the content from your hard drive
4. Use that new Silver account to repurchase/redownload all of your content.

This will associate all the redownloaded content with your new console. Since your current GT has already purchased all the content it's still associated with that. Alternatively you can cut MS out of the loop and simply buy all of your content again.

If you bought a new console and had this problem MS can claim no responsibility. However since MS "repaired" your console and broke your content in the process they should be held responsible for it, I know they've helped others in this situation with the above procedure.

These are some scenarios I know others have been faced with that MS was sympathetic to:
-You don't have the console in a location where you can connect to the internet and you bring it to a friends house for updates and downloads. Now you can't use the stuff you purchased.
-You have children and there are certain XBLA games you allow them to play but you don't want them logging in your account as that would allow them access to M rated games as well as free reign of your credit card to make unauthorized XBLA purchases.

-If they give you crap tell them if you're not satisfied by the end of the conversation you're considering calling the Better Business Bureau.
-If they do still give you crap after that... you SHOULD seriously consider contacting the BBB.

GOOD LUCK (IMG:style_emoticons/default/beerchug.gif)

This post has been edited by twistedsymphony: Apr 5 2007, 03:36 PM


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« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 05:45:00 PM »

Thanks a lot. I'm going to be calling them back today and asking to talk to a supervisor right away. Since they messed up, I shouldn't have to wait so long for them to fix it.


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Arcade Games Online Only...
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 01:04:00 PM »

i had this problem and just got it fixed; i did the above - called microsoft's xbox hotline (1-800-4MY-XBOX)... took about a month+ to solve...

i must have spent hours on the phone with them, re-explaining my issue regardless of the notes they had on it.  they first told me it would take 3 business days... 1 month later and i was credit 11,200 MS Pts.

They even tried to cheat me; said i only purchased 3 xbla games and a couple oblivion packs... they wanted to credit me 2600 pts... i complained and told the "manager" that i wanted to speak to his boss.  he said he was as high as i could go... so i asked "so you are the boss of xbox-live?" ...he said "yes"... i told him he was full of shit and i wanted the correct amount refunded.  after more wasted time he finally gave in and wrote down all the games i had a problem with.  none of which were even listed in my account (supposedly)...99% of the times i've called they can never find my info or gamertag.

anyways, it's finally done and i'm happy but it was a pain to do and wouldn't consider doing again no matter what happens to my system.

btw don't believe when they'll say "someone will call you in a few days"... never did i receive a call.

hopefully you have an easier time.  just wanted to share my story in case you experience the same.  just be persistent and you'll get your credits.