
Author Topic: Posting Rules & Guidlines (Please Read)  (Read 55 times)


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Posting Rules & Guidlines (Please Read)
« on: December 23, 2006, 12:59:00 PM »

Please Post In The Correct Section

If you make a topic here that belongs in a different forum, and it gets moved and merged, finding it will be your own responsibility.  So please remember to post in the proper dedicated forum. An excellent example is asking if a certain TV is good for 360 gaming here, which belongs in Audio/Video Technical, such as is discussed in this example topic.


All Standard Xbox-Scene Rules are Enforced:

Like every other forum on X-S this is a moderated forum as we are all subject to the Rules and Acceptable Posting Policy. Enjoy yourselves, but please keep topics in the relevant dedicated forums as much as you possibly can.

Before Posting " Is This Update Going To Ban Me

If anything important in the issue of bannings comes up, expect to see it on the front page of No matter how many times you or someone asks, you cannot stop the inevitable. If it happens it happens, if it don't it don't. Asking questions won't help you.

Please keep the the speculation and questions to this thread below:

Any new threads started about this issue will be closed. Repeat offenders expect to be punished accordingly.


These are the Xbox-Scene forums and the rules haven't changed.

Fake Boot Discs & NFO Links

It would seem all day I have been closing posts on this.
The supposed BOOT DISC floating about is FAKE.
Some Members here seem to have lost all type of reason and are re-posting the same stuff about it over and over and worse still posting links to it and other sites full of Warez etc.
ANY MEMBER posting direct links or offering this FAKE can expect posting restrictions at minimum.
Direct from the Rules now
N-Force or other similar NFO File listing servies and sites – If you post this crap on XS forums, you’ll earn an account ban. The XS News Page, and XS forums run with 2 different rule sets for a reason. People on the forums have taken the privilege of posting the NFO and turning it upside down into an entire PIRACY post of “where can I get it”, and “how do I use it..”. Guess what, NOT ALLOWED. Everyone posting links in the forums to THOSE types of NFO listing sites will have their accounts closed. Those who aid those looking for those types of files, or the ISO files discussed, will also find their accounts close. Not negotiable. Head Mod staff will suspend your accounts with no discussion, no warning. They will also close the discussions at their discretion. Anyone looking for that info can easily find it on the net without discussing it on XS. Anyone who makes a new post or thread wishing to discuss the legalities of their favourite NFO site can simply go to hell. This is our site, our rules. Don’t like it, leave it. Staff will also be closing those types of threads.

Rules About Petitions

No hosted petitions.. unless.. the poster has permission from the Admin staff. Linking to outside hosted petitions will be allowed, as long as they conform to other XS rules.
No threads inviting members to put their case against other sites/companies/etc. If you feel strongly enough to start a petition of some sort then 1 post only with a single link.
The petition must be off site

Posts About Backups. SS Files. NO PIRACY

Discussion on making A Legal Backup of a game you own (Laws in some countires vary)
Methods and Equipment used in the creation of the BackUp, including software used.
Media discussion including method and hardware used in the ripping or burning process.
All talk must be relevant to making your own backup of your own original game.

Any talk of making multiple backups from other backups (no cute excuses like , its for the neighbour/friend who legally owns the copy). If your backup is damaged re-rip the original having disposed of the damaged one. You are legally (in most places not all) allowed one back up of a game you legally own. The staff here are only too well aware of why people want to make multiple backups and its not for legal reasons so it stays away from the posts in here.
Any Talk of downloading games from the internet, newsgroups or any other illegal source. Any talk of downloading SS (copyright ) from the same. Don't spout the old crap I own the game so I can legally download. NO You can not and more to the point don't discuss downloads here, if you wish to keep your account
Files requests of any type. (Legal software can be easily found using google or other internet search engines)
Posting or requesting SS files including supplying links to sites with SS files. Security sectors are part of copyright code so don't plan on using the forums as a distribution centre for them. If you got them from the net or wherever we don't want to know on here.
Any links to lists of Warez including NFO sites.
 Promoting or Endorsing Piracy


Posts Advocating Fraud

Do not make any posts advising/ advocating Fraud. Do not post advising or asking how to return goods and dishonestly attempt to obtain a warranty repair or replacement if you have voided the warranty by tampering with or opening the casing on a console. Posters asking how to get round the issue of voiding the warranty and posters offering advice on the same will lose their accounts here. If you break the seal you void the warranty.

No Halo 2 Hacking/ Modding Talk

...Not that you guys would ever post such topics here anyways, but should it happen they will be closed and removed. Bans are also a potential for those who break the new rules (read them here if you haven't yet)... And unlike Bungie's "banhammer," xbox-scene's banhammer is ruthless and WILL get you if you break the rules
